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A library for building V8 Isolate web apps on Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Node.JS
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import * as keywork from "";

Middleware are instances of the Keywork#Router.KeyworkRouter | KeyworkRouter, each with single responsibility e.g. (users, blog posts, payments, authentication, etc.)

import { UsersRouter } from '@local/worker/routers/UsersRouter'
import { BlogRouter } from '@local/worker/routers/BlogRouter'
import { AuthenticationRouter } from '@local/worker/routers/AuthenticationRouter'
import { CloudflarePagesAssetRouter } from 'keywork/assets'
import { KeyworkRouter } from 'keywork/router'

// Create a router to receive all incoming requests...
const app = new KeyworkRouter({
  // Here we combine our routers...
  // highlight-start
  middleware: [
    // And serve static assets...
    new CloudflarePagesAssetRouter(),
  // highlight-end

Middleware routers can perform any task that of single router such as...

  • Executing any code
  • Make changes to the request and the response of another router
  • Terminate a request
  • Intercept a request to check for authentication
  • Call the next route handler in the stack

Built-in Middleware

Keywork includes a number of built-in middleware for common use cases:

  • Keywork#Middleware.CompressionMiddleware | Automatic response compression
  • Keywork#Middleware.SessionMiddleware | Basic session management
  • Keywork#Middleware.CORSMiddleware | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
  • Cloudflare
    • Keywork#Middleware.CloudflarePagesAssetRouter | Serve static assets from Cloudflare Pages
    • Keywork#Middleware.WorkerSitesAssetRouter | Serve static assets from a Worker Site
    • Keywork#Middleware.ServiceBindingRouter | Proxy requests directly to another Cloudflare Worker


Handles incoming requests for static assets uploaded to Cloudflare Pages.

Middleware that given a Response with a body, compresses the contents according to a client's Accept-Encoding request header.

A router that proxies requests directly to a Cloudflare Worker environment binding, such as a service binding.

Middleware to manage and authenticate your users.

Handles incoming requests for static assets uploaded to Cloudflare KV.


An asset environment binding available within Cloudflare Pages.

An asset environment binding available within Cloudflare Pages.

The default cookie serialization options.

The default session cookie key.


Additional data associated with the IsomorphicFetchEvent.

A simple session manager to aid in authenticating users.

An environment binding available within Worker Sites. This is often used with the @cloudflare/kv-asset-handler package.

Type Aliases

The compression format used when encoding the response body.