import { createContextAndNamedHook } from "";
A convenience wrapper around React.createContext
creates a context and hook for the child components within a Provider's context.
Creating a named context Provider with a computed value.
const [WidgetsContext, useWidgetsContext] = createNamedContextHook<WidgetsProvider>()
// Note that the `WidgetsContext` is not exported if the provider needs additional logic.
export { useWidgetsContext }
// Instead, a component is declared to pass down a computed value.
export const WidgetProvider: React.FC<WidgetProviderProps> = ({children}) => {
// Always use a memoized value to prevent rerenders.
// Some combination of props go here...
const value = useMemo<WidgetsProvider>(() => ({}), [dep1, dep2, depN])
return <WidgetsContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</WidgetsContext.Provider>
defaultValue: T | undefined = [UNSUPPORTED]