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A messy modular collection of personal utility functions that I use all the time.
Written in Typescript with TypeDoc documents generator, highly minifiable when bundled, and has no external dependencies.

A wise billionaire once said: whenever you encounter a (...func) => {tion} that’s called more than twice, you should “let that sink in” - Musk le Elon abu Twitter et al…

To get started for node/npm shadow repo clone jutsu the npm branch in your existing project directory:

pnpm add -D github:omar-azmi/kitchensink_ts#npm

And now, import whatever the heck you like:

// import { antigravity } from "python@3.12"
import { setDotPath } from "kitchensink_ts/dotkeypath"
import { pack } from "kitchensink_ts/eightpack"
import { downloadBuffer } from "kitchensink_ts/browser"
// or why not use a single import?
// import { setDotPath, pack, downloadBuffer } from "kitchensink_ts"

const statement = { I: { am: { very: { stupidly: undefined } } } }
let bin_str = ""
setDotPath(statement, "", "defined")
if ( === "defined") bin_str += "kermit da leap of faith no jutsu"
downloadBuffer(pack("str", bin_str), "i am very smart.txt", "text/plain")
alert("plz download the virus text file")

The module and submodule docs are available at github-pages
for you to figure out the REST api yuaSerufu.
once your tradesecret™ functions are registed, stage the action transformation sequence, duel in the ancient egyptian era of merge conflicts, and finally Kermit neck rope - said Dumbledwarf calmly, knowing very well that MangoSoft was scheming to Copilot his consciousness into the copypasta realm of shadow purple.

Obligatory emojis

Obligatory code of conduct

  • you must have a minimum conductivity of $55 {\Omega}^{-1}$ to contribute
  • for millennials and boomers with smol 32-bit brain capacity, your tolerance levels must greater than ${2}^{32}$
  • for gen-Zs and later 64-bit big brain models, your tolerance levels must greater than ${2}^{64}$
  • for gen-TikTok with 128-bit ray-tracing enabled cuda cores, your tolerance levels must exceed IEEE-754 float 0b01111111100000000000000000000000 by 4 times
  • you shant tell anyone what to do

Obligatory diversity statement

  • every function statement should contain atleast one upper-case and one lower-case letter of the engurish alphabet

Obligatory license

  • use this however you want, wherever you want, whenever you want, after you pay the non-negotiable admin fee of 9000 BTC via

Obligatory green statement

  • we, the peasants, are responsible for voicing our thoughts against the facist bigoted discriminatory patriarchal painters, who dare to paint on what was once a tree, using the most abominable liquid known to mankind (aka oil). WE ARE AGAINST THE USE OF OIL! You must use canned soup for your next painting… else we will cancel you in your grave.
  • SOMEONE PLZ JUST STAHP OIL!!! in revolt, I will sit down here and wait courageously for someone just to stop it.
  • STAAAP REEE. I have been glued and I can’t get up. dareka taskete kuda-saai

Obligatory readme


Non-mandatory example

/** TODO */