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REST focused Typescript classes for Kubernetes APIs, and tools for generating API interfaces
interface ApplicationSet
import { type ApplicationSet } from "";


apiVersion: ""
kind: "ApplicationSet"
metadata: MetaV1.ObjectMeta
spec: { applyNestedSelectors?: boolean | null; generators: Array<ApplicationSetGenerator>; goTemplate?: boolean | null; goTemplateOptions?: Array<string> | null; ignoreApplicationDifferences?: Array<{ jqPathExpressions?: Array<string> | null; jsonPointers?: Array<string> | null; name?: string | null; }> | null; preservedFields?: { annotations?: Array<string> | null; labels?: Array<string> | null; } | null; strategy?: { rollingSync?: { steps?: Array<{ matchExpressions?: Array<{ key?: string | null; operator?: string | null; values?: Array<string> | null; }> | null; maxUpdate?: c.IntOrString | null; }> | null; } | null; type?: string | null; } | null; syncPolicy?: { applicationsSync?:
| "create-only"
| "create-update"
| "create-delete"
| "sync"
| c.UnexpectedEnumValue
| null
; preserveResourcesOnDeletion?: boolean | null; } | null
; template: ApplicationTemplate; templatePatch?: string | null; }
status: { applicationStatus?: Array<{ application: string; lastTransitionTime?: c.Time | null; message: string; status: string; step: string; targetRevisions: Array<string>; }> | null; conditions?: Array<{ lastTransitionTime?: c.Time | null; message: string; reason: string; status: string; type: string; }> | null; resources?: Array<{ group?: string | null; health?: { message?: string | null; status?: string | null; } | null; hook?: boolean | null; kind?: string | null; name?: string | null; namespace?: string | null; requiresPruning?: boolean | null; status?: string | null; syncWave?: number | null; version?: string | null; }> | null; } | null