import { StorageArea, AllowedKey, Key } from '^0.2.0/index.d.ts';import { encodeKey, decodeKey, throwForDisallowedKey } from '^0.2.0?dts';import Typeson from '^5.18.2';import structuredCloningThrowing from '';
import { Adapter, adapters, DBProtocol, DB_URL } from './adapters/mod.ts';
const TSON = (new Typeson() as any).register(structuredCloningThrowing);const encodeValue = (d: any) => JSON.stringify(TSON.encapsulate(d));const decodeValue = (s?: string) => s && TSON.revive(JSON.parse(s));
export interface DenoStorageAreaOptions { url?: DB_URL, [k: string]: any,}
export class DenoStorageArea implements StorageArea { #store: Adapter;
static defaultURL?: DB_URL;
constructor(name: string = DEFAULT_STORAGE_AREA_NAME, options: DenoStorageAreaOptions = {}) { const dbURL = options.url || DenoStorageArea.defaultURL || Reflect.get(self, DEFAULT_URL_KEY) || Deno.env.get(DEFAULT_URL_KEY) || 'sqlite://';
const { protocol } = new URL(dbURL); const AdapterCtor = adapters.get(protocol as DBProtocol);
if (!AdapterCtor) { throw Error(`Adapter for database protocol '${protocol}' not registered. Try importing 'adapters/${protocol.replace(':', '')}.ts'`); }
this.#store = new AdapterCtor({ area: name, url: dbURL }); }
async get<T>(key: AllowedKey): Promise<T | undefined> { throwForDisallowedKey(key); return decodeValue(await this.#store.get(encodeKey(key))); }
async set<T>(key: AllowedKey, value: T | undefined): Promise<void> { throwForDisallowedKey(key); if (value === undefined) { await this.#store.delete(encodeKey(key)); } else { await this.#store.set(encodeKey(key), encodeValue(value)); } }
async delete(key: AllowedKey) { throwForDisallowedKey(key); await this.#store.delete(encodeKey(key)); }
async clear() { await this.#store.clear(); }
async *keys(): AsyncGenerator<Key> { for await (const key of this.#store.keys()) { yield decodeKey(key); } }
async *values<T>(): AsyncGenerator<T> { for await (const value of this.#store.values()) { yield decodeValue(value); } }
async *entries<T>(): AsyncGenerator<[Key, T]> { for await (const [key, value] of this.#store.entries()) { yield [decodeKey(key), decodeValue(value)]; } }
backingStore() { return this.#store.backingStore(); }}
export type { AllowedKey, Key, DBProtocol, DB_URL };export { DenoStorageArea as StorageArea };