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Utilities for working with Deno KV πŸ¦•πŸ—οΈ
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/** * Utilities for handling [NDJSON]( which * is a method for encoding JSON in a way that supports streaming, where each * JSON entity is separated with a newline. * * ## Exporting Deno KV entries * * {@linkcode exportEntries} works like {@linkcode Deno.Kv} `.list()` but the * response is a stream of records encoded as NDJSON. By default it provides * the response as a byte stream. Using the `text` option will cause the stream * to emit individual records. * * {@linkcode exportToResponse} also works like {@linkcode Deno.Kv} `.list()` * but returns a {@linkcode Response} which can be sent to a client where the * body of the response are the entries encoded as NDJSON records. Using the * `filename` options will also set the `"Content-Disposition"` header in the * response which will indicate to a client to treat the file as a download. * * ## Decoding NDJSON * * The {@linkcode LinesTransformStream} takes a byte stream and outputs * individual lines which can be used to attempt to parse them as JSON strings. * * ## Importing Deno KV entries * * The {@linkcode importEntries} function can be used to import data encoded as * NDJSON into a {@linkcode Deno.Kv} store. The data can be in provided in * several forms, including byte {@linkcode ReadableStream}, {@linkcode Blob}, * {@linkcode File}, {@linkcode ArrayBuffer}, typed array or string. * * @module */
import { concat } from "jsr:@std/bytes@0.220/concat";
import { entryToJSON, type KvEntryJSON, toKey, toValue } from "./json.ts";
interface ExportEntriesOptionsJSON extends Deno.KvListOptions { /** * Determines if the function should close the provided KV store once all the * entities are exported. By default, the store won't be closed. */ close?: boolean; /** * Determines if the chunks of the readable stream will be "raw" JSON entries * or already encoded as a byte stream of NDJSON. If `true` they will be * individual JSON entries, otherwise a byte stream. */ text: true;}
interface ExportEntriesOptionsBytes extends Deno.KvListOptions { /** * Determines if the function should close the provided KV store once all the * entities are exported. By default, the store won't be closed. */ close?: boolean; /** * Determines if the chunks of the readable stream will be "raw" JSON entries * or already encoded as a byte stream of NDJSON. If `true` they will be * individual JSON entries, otherwise a byte stream. */ text?: boolean;}
/** * Extends {@linkcode Deno.KvListOptions} with the `json` option. */export type ExportEntriesOptions = | ExportEntriesOptionsJSON | ExportEntriesOptionsBytes;
/** * Options which can be set on {@linkcode exportToResponse}. */export interface ExportToResponseOptions extends Deno.KvListOptions { /** * Determines if the function should close the provided KV store once all the * entities are exported. By default, the store won't be closed. */ close?: boolean; /** * If provided, the response will include a header that indicates the file is * meant to be downloaded (`Content-Disposition`). The extension `.ndjson` * will be appended to the filename. */ filename?: string;}
/** * Options which can be set when calling {@linkcode importEntries}. */export interface ImportEntriesOptions { /** * Determines what happens when a key already exists in the target store for * an entry being being import. By default the entry will be skipped. Setting * the `overwrite` option to `true` will cause any existing value to be * overwritten with the imported value. */ overwrite?: boolean; /** * An optional callback which occurs when an error is encountered when * importing entries. The supplied error will provide details about what was * occurring. * * See {@linkcode ImportError} for more details. */ onError?: (error: ImportError) => void; /** * An optional callback which occurs every time an entry has been successfully * processed, providing an update of the number of entries processed, the * number of those that were skipped and the number of those that errored. */ onProgress?: (count: number, skipped: number, errors: number) => void; /** * The prefix which should be prepended to the front of each entry key when * importing. This makes it useful to "namespace" imported data. For example * if you were bring in a data set of people, you might supply the * {@linkcode Deno.KvKey} of `["person"]`. The imported entry key of `[1]` * would then become `["person", 1]`. */ prefix?: Deno.KvKey; /** * Used to stop the import process. When the signal is aborted, the current * import entry will be completed and then the function will return. */ signal?: AbortSignal; /** * By default, {@linkcode importEntries} will not throw on errors that occur * while processing the import data, but just increment the `errors` value * and call the `onError()` callback if provided. * * By setting this to `true`, an {@linkcode ImportError} will be thrown when * an error is encountered and terminate the import process. */ throwOnError?: boolean;}
/** * The result returned from calling {@linkcode importEntries}. */interface ImportEntriesResult { /** If set, the import process was aborted prior to completing. */ aborted?: true; /** The number of entries read from the input data. */ count: number; /** The number of entries skipped from the input data. Entries are skipped * if a matching entry key is already present in the target, unless the * `overwrite` option is set to `true`. */ skipped: number; /** * The number of entries that errored while processing the data. */ errors: number;}
interface ImportErrorOptions extends ErrorOptions { count: number; errors: number; json?: string; kv: Deno.Kv; skipped: number;}
/** * The media type associated with NDJSON. */export const MEDIA_TYPE_NDJSON = "application/x-ndjson";/** * The media type for JSONL which is compatible with NDJSON. */export const MEDIA_TYPE_JSONL = "application/jsonl";/** * The media type for JSON Lines which is compatible with NDJSON. */export const MEDIA_TYPE_JSON_LINES = "application/json-lines";/** * The file extension to use with NDJSON files. */export const EXT_NDJSON = ".ndjson";
const LF = 0x0a;const CR = 0x0d;const encoder = new TextEncoder();const decoder = new TextDecoder();
function stripEol(u8: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const length = u8.byteLength; if (u8[length - 1] === LF) { let drop = 1; if (length > 1 && u8[length - 2] === CR) { drop = 2; } return u8.subarray(0, length - drop); } return u8;}
/** * Like {@linkcode Deno.Kv} `.list()` method, but returns a * {@linkcode ReadableStream} where entries are converted to a JSON structure. * * This is ideal for streaming ndjson as part of a response. */export function exportEntries( kv: Deno.Kv, selector: Deno.KvListSelector, options: ExportEntriesOptionsJSON,): ReadableStream<string>;/** * Like {@linkcode Deno.Kv} `.list()` method, but returns a * {@linkcode ReadableStream} where entries are already converted to their * raw byte representation after being encoded as JSON. * * This is ideal for streaming ndjson as part of a response. */export function exportEntries( kv: Deno.Kv, selector: Deno.KvListSelector, options?: ExportEntriesOptionsBytes,): ReadableStream<Uint8Array>;export function exportEntries( kv: Deno.Kv, selector: Deno.KvListSelector, options: ExportEntriesOptions = {},): ReadableStream<string | Uint8Array> { const text = options.text ?? false; let cancelled = false; return new ReadableStream<string | Uint8Array>({ async start(controller) { try { for await (const entry of kv.list(selector, options)) { const chunk = entryToJSON(entry); controller.enqueue( text ? `${JSON.stringify(chunk)}\n` : encoder.encode(`${JSON.stringify(chunk)}\n`), ); if (cancelled) { return; } } if (options.close) { kv.close(); } controller.close(); } catch (error) { controller.error(error); } }, cancel(_reason) { cancelled = true; }, });}
/** * Like {@linkcode Deno.Kv} `.list()` method, but returns a {@linkcode Response} * which will have a body that will be the exported entries that match the * selector. * * The response will contain the appropriate content type and the `filename` * option can be used to set the content disposition header so the client * understands a file is being downloaded. */export function exportToResponse( kv: Deno.Kv, selector: Deno.KvListSelector, options: ExportToResponseOptions = {},): Response { const body = exportEntries(kv, selector, options); const init = { headers: { "content-type": MEDIA_TYPE_NDJSON, } as Record<string, string>, } satisfies ResponseInit; if (options.filename) { init.headers["content-disposition"] = `attachment; filename="${options.filename}${EXT_NDJSON}"`; } return new Response(body, init);}
export class LinesTransformStream extends TransformStream<Uint8Array, string> { #buffer = new Uint8Array(0); #pos = 0;
constructor() { super({ transform: (chunk, controller) => { this.#transform(chunk, controller); }, flush: (controller) => { const slice = stripEol(this.#buffer.subarray(this.#pos)); if (slice.length) { try { controller.enqueue(decoder.decode(slice)); } catch (error) { controller.error(error); } } }, }); }
#readLineBytes(): Uint8Array | null { let slice: Uint8Array | null = null; const i = this.#buffer.subarray(this.#pos).indexOf(LF); if (i >= 0) { slice = this.#buffer.subarray(this.#pos, this.#pos + i + 1); this.#pos += i + 1; return stripEol(slice); } return null; }
*#lines(): IterableIterator<string | null> { while (true) { const bytes = this.#readLineBytes(); if (!bytes) { this.#truncate(); return null; } yield decoder.decode(bytes); } }
#transform( chunk: Uint8Array, controller: TransformStreamDefaultController<string>, ) { this.#buffer = concat([this.#buffer, chunk]); const iterator = this.#lines(); while (true) { try { const result =; if (result.value) { controller.enqueue(result.value); } if (result.done) { break; } } catch (error) { controller.error(error); } } }
#truncate() { this.#buffer = this.#buffer.slice(this.#pos); this.#pos = 0; }}
/** * An error that can occur when importing records into a {@linkcode Deno.Kv} * store. Information associated with the error is available with the `cause` * being set to the original error that was thrown. */export class ImportError extends Error { #count: number; #errors: number; #json?: string; #kv: Deno.Kv; #skipped: number;
/** * The number of entries that had been read from the stream when the * error occurred. */ get count(): number { return this.#count; } /** * The number of errors in aggregate that had occurred to this point. */ get errors(): number { return this.#errors; } /** * If available, the most recent JSON string what had been read from the data. */ get json(): string | undefined { return this.#json; } /** * Reference to the {@linkcode Deno.Kv} store that was the target for the * import. */ get kv(): Deno.Kv { return this.#kv; } /** * The aggregate number of records that had been skipped. */ get skipped(): number { return this.#skipped; }
constructor( message: string, { count, errors, json, kv, skipped, ...options }: ImportErrorOptions, ) { super(message, options); this.#count = count; this.#errors = errors; this.#json = json; this.#kv = kv; this.#skipped = skipped; }}
/** * Allows NDJSON to be imported in a target {@linkcode Deno.Kv}. * * The `data` can be in multiple forms, including {@linkcode ReadableStream}, * {@linkcode Blob}, {@linkcode File}, {@linkcode ArrayBuffer}, typed array, or * string. */export async function importEntries( kv: Deno.Kv, data: | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | Blob | ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer | string, options: ImportEntriesOptions = {},): Promise<ImportEntriesResult> { const { overwrite = false, prefix = [], onError, onProgress, signal, throwOnError, } = options; let stream: ReadableStream<string>; const transformer = new LinesTransformStream(); if (data instanceof ReadableStream) { stream = data.pipeThrough(transformer); } else if (data instanceof Blob) { stream =; } else { stream = new Blob([data]).stream().pipeThrough(transformer); } const reader = stream.getReader(); let count = 0; let errors = 0; let skipped = 0; while (true) { let result: ReadableStreamDefaultReadResult<string> | undefined = undefined; try { result = await; if (result.value) { count++; const entry: KvEntryJSON = JSON.parse(result.value); const { key, value } = entry; const entryKey = prefix.length ? [...prefix, ...toKey(key)] : toKey(key); if (!overwrite) { const { versionstamp } = await kv.get(entryKey); if (versionstamp) { skipped++; continue; } } await kv.set(entryKey, toValue(value)); onProgress?.(count, skipped, errors); } if (result.done) { break; } if (signal?.aborted) { reader.releaseLock(); return { aborted: true, count, skipped, errors }; } } catch (cause) { errors++; if (onError || throwOnError) { const error = new ImportError( cause instanceof Error ? cause.message : "An import error occurred.", { cause, json: result?.value, count, kv, skipped, errors }, ); onError?.(error); if (throwOnError) { reader.releaseLock(); throw error; } } } } reader.releaseLock(); return { count, skipped, errors };}