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A high-level abstraction layer for Deno KV with zero third-party dependencies by default 🦕🗝️
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import * as kvdex from "";


Builder object for creating and executing atomic operations in the KV store.

Represents a collection of documents and provides methods for handling them, alongside queues.

Represents a database entry with id, versionstamp and value.

Error representing the use, selection or creation of an invalid collection in a given context.

Represents a database instance and contains methods for working on all documents and top-level queues.


Create a new collection within a database context.

Deserialize a value that was serialized using jsonSerialize().

Parse a value that was stringified using jsonStringify()

Serialize a JSON-like value to a Uint8Array.

Stringify a JSON-like value.

Create a new database instance.

Create a standard model without data validation.

Type Aliases

Kvdex atomic check

Atomic mutation object

Options for atomic set operation

Collection builder function

Any collection builder function

Utility type for checking if K is a valid key of T

Record of all collection keys

Options for creating a new collection

Collection selector function for an atomic builder

Successful commit result object

Options for counting all documents

Historic delete entry

Deno AtomicCheck substitute type

Deno AtomicOperation substitute type

Deno KV substitute type

Deno KvCommitError substitute type

Deno KvCommitResult substitute type

Deno KvConsistencyLevel substitute type

Deno KvEnqueueOptions substitute type

Deno KvEntry substitute type

Deno KvEntryMaybe substitute type

Deno KvEntryNull substitute type

Deno KvGetOptions substitute type

Deno KvKey (relaxed) substitute type

Deno KvKeyPart (relaxed) substitute type

Deno KVListIterator substitute type

Deno KvListOptions substitute type

Deno KvListSelector substitute type

Deno KvSetOptions substitute type

Deno KvKey (strict) substitute type

Deno KvKeyPart (strict) substitute type

Deno KvU64 substitute type

Deno KvWatchOptions substitute type

Document data

Options for enqueing messages

Options for finding many documents

Options for finding a single document

Flattened document data

Options for handling one listed document

Historic document entry

An idempotent listener invoker

Id generator function

Upsert by id

Indexed value entry

Record of indices

Type of index. "primary" is unique, while "secondary" is non-unique.

Contents of interval megssage

Either static or dynamic interval value

Utility type for selecting keys of object T1 that do not extend T2

Utility type for selecting keys of object T1 that extend T2

An array containing only KV values, and is itself a KV value.

Kv enqueue options

An entry ID

An entry or collection key

An object containing only KV values, and is itself a KV value.

Defines all valid KV value types

Options for listing documents

Contents of loop message

Options for creating a new loop

Many commit result object

Model describing the input and output type of data. Contains a parse function, and optionally a __validate() function used instead of parse upon reading data.

Atomic builder operations

Pagination object containing last cursor

Pagination result object containing last cursor and result array

Parsed queue message

Parses the input type of a model

Utility type for accessing all possible collection options

Prepared value delete function

Prepared enqueue

Prepared index delete function

Keys of primary indices

Upsert by primary index

Collection of queue handler functions

Options for listening to queue messages

Queue message contents

Queue message handler function

Built schema from schema definition

Schema definition, containing builder functions and nested schema definitions.

Keys of secondary indices

Serialized value entry

Serialize options.

Record of serializer functions

Options for creating a new interval

Options for setting new document entry

Type of update data based on output type and update strategy

Options for updating many documents

Options for updating one listed document

Options for updating a single document

Update strategy.

Options for watching for live data updates

Historic write entry