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Database wrapper for Deno KV
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class Collection
import { Collection } from "";

Represents a collection of documents stored in the KV store.

Contains methods for working on documents in the collection.


Collection(kv: Deno.Kv, collectionKey: KvKey)

Create a new collection for handling documents in the KV store.


kv: Deno.Kv
keys: CollectionKeys


add(data: T)

Adds a new document to the KV store with a randomely generated id.


const result = await db.users.add({
  username: "oli",
  age: 24
addMany(...entries: T[])

Adds multiple documents to the KV store.


// Adds 5 new document entries to the KV store.
await result = await db.numbers.add(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

// Will fail, as "username" is defined as a primary index and cannot have duplicates
await result = await db.users.add(
    username: "oli",
    age: 24
    username: "oli",
    age: 56

Deletes a document with the given id from the KV store.


await db.users.delete("oliver")

Deletes multiple documents from the KV store according to the given options.

If no options are given, all documents are deleted.


// Delete all
await db.users.deleteMany()

// Delete only users with username = "oli"
await db.users.deleteMany({
  filter: doc => doc.value.username === "oli"
find(id: KvId, options?: FindOptions)

Finds a document with the given id in the KV store.


const userDoc1 = await db.users.find("user1")

const userDoc2 = await db.users.find("user2", {
  consistency: "eventual" // "strong" by default
findMany(ids: KvId[], options?: FindManyOptions)

Finds multiple documents with the given array of ids in the KV store.


const userDocs1 = await db.users.findMany(["user1", "user2", "user3"])

const userDocs2 = await db.users.findMany(["user1", "user2", "user3"], {
  consistency: "eventual" // "strong" by default
forEach(fn: (doc: Document<T>) => void, options?: ListOptions<T>)

Executes a callback function for every document according to the given options.

If no options are given, the callback function is executed for all documents in the collection.


// Print all usernames
await db.users.forEach(doc => console.log(doc.value.username))

// Print all usernames of users with age < 18
await db.users.forEach(doc => console.log(doc.value.username), {
  filter: doc => doc.value.age < 18
getMany(options?: ListOptions<T>)

Retrieves multiple documents from the KV store according to the given options.

If no options are given, all documents are retrieved.


// Get all users
const userDocs1 = await db.users.getMany()

// Only get users with username that starts with "a"
const userDocs2 = await db.users.getMany({
  filter: doc => doc.value.username.startsWith("a")
set(id: KvId, data: T)

Adds a new document with the given id to the KV store.


const result = await db.users.add("oliver", {
  username: "oli",
  age: 24
update<TId extends KvId>(id: TId, data: UpdateData<T>): Promise<CommitResult<T, TId>>

Updates a document with the given id in the KV store.

For primitive values, arrays and built-in objects, this method overrides the old value with the new one.

For custom object types, this method merges the new data with the exisiting data.


const result1 = await db.numbers.update("num1", 10)

const result2 = await db.users.update("oliver", {
  age: 30 // Partial update, only updates the age field