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Library inspired by BullMQ for Deno
interface JobEntry
implements Job<State>
import { type JobEntry } from "";

Data and metadata about a job, with additional computed properties.

Used as a result of listing jobs in a queue.

Type Parameters


Type of custom state data that is passed to the worker when processing this job.


place: number

Position of this job in the queue.

0 means that the job is currently being processed by a worker. Numbers 1 and above mean that the job is waiting to be processed.

status: "waiting" | "processing" | "delayed"

Current state of this job.

Computed based on JobData.lockUntil and JobData.delayUntil.

  • waiting - the job is waiting to be processed
  • processing - the job is locked, which means it's being processed by a worker.
  • delayed - the job is waiting for it's JobData.delayUntil to expire.