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Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the deno-postgres client.
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type alias kysely.UpdateQueryBuilderWithFullJoin
import { type kysely } from "";
const { UpdateQueryBuilderWithFullJoin } = kysely;

Type Parameters

UT extends keyof DB
TB extends keyof DB
TE extends TableExpression<DB, TB>
definition: TE extends `${infer T} as ${infer A}` ? T extends keyof DB ? OuterJoinedBuilder<DB, UT, TB, O, A, DB[T]> : never : TE extends keyof DB ? OuterJoinedBuilder<DB, UT, TB, O, TE, DB[TE]> : TE extends AliasedExpression<infer QO, infer QA> ? OuterJoinedBuilder<DB, UT, TB, O, QA, QO> : TE extends (qb: any) => AliasedExpression<infer QO, infer QA> ? OuterJoinedBuilder<DB, UT, TB, O, QA, QO> : never