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Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
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class kysely.CaseWhenBuilder
implements Whenable<DB, TB, W, O>, Endable<DB, TB, O | null>
import { kysely } from "";
const { CaseWhenBuilder } = kysely;


CaseWhenBuilder(props: CaseBuilderProps)

Type Parameters

TB extends keyof DB


else<E extends Expression<unknown>>(expression: E): CaseEndBuilder<DB, TB, O | ExtractTypeFromValueExpression<E>>

Adds an else clause to the case statement.

An else call must be followed by an Endable.end or Endable.endCase call.

else<V>(value: V): CaseEndBuilder<DB, TB, O | V>
end(): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, O | null>

Adds an end keyword to the case operator.

case operators can only be used as part of a query. For a case statement used as part of a stored program, use endCase instead.

Adds end case keywords to the case statement.

case statements can only be used for flow control in stored programs. For a case operator used as part of a query, use end instead.

when<RE extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, VE extends OperandValueExpressionOrList<DB, TB, RE>>(
lhs: unknown extends W ? RE : KyselyTypeError<"when(lhs, op, rhs) is not supported when using case(value)">,
rhs: VE,
): CaseThenBuilder<DB, TB, W, O>

Adds a when clause to the case statement.

A when call must be followed by a CaseThenBuilder.then call.

when(expression: Expression<W>): CaseThenBuilder<DB, TB, W, O>
when(value: unknown extends W ? KyselyTypeError<"when(value) is only supported when using case(value)"> : W): CaseThenBuilder<DB, TB, W, O>