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Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
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interface kysely.ExpressionBuilder
import { type kysely } from "";
const { ExpressionBuilder } = kysely;

Type Parameters

TB extends keyof DB

Call Signatures

<RE extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, OP extends BinaryOperatorExpression, VE extends OperandValueExpressionOrList<DB, TB, RE>>(
lhs: RE,
op: OP,
rhs: VE,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, OP extends ComparisonOperator ? SqlBool : ExtractTypeFromReferenceExpression<DB, TB, RE>>

Creates a binary expression.

This function returns an Expression and can be used pretty much anywhere. See the examples for a couple of possible use cases.


A simple comparison:

  .where((eb) => eb('first_name', '=', 'Jennifer'))

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select *
from "person"
where "first_name" = $1

By default the third argument is interpreted as a value. To pass in a column reference, you can use ref:

  .where((eb) => eb('first_name', '=', eb.ref('last_name')))

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select *
from "person"
where "first_name" = "last_name"

In the following example eb is used to increment an integer column:

  .set((eb) => ({
    age: eb('age', '+', 1)
  .where('id', '=', id)

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

update "person"
set "age" = "age" + $1
where "id" = $2

As always, expressions can be nested. Both the first and the third argument can be any expression:

  .where((eb) => eb(
    eb.fn('lower', ['first_name']),
      .where('pet.species', '=', 'cat')


eb(): ExpressionBuilder<DB, TB>

Returns a copy of this expression builder, for destructuring purposes.


  .where(({ eb, exists, selectFrom }) =>
    eb('first_name', '=', 'Jennifer').and(
      exists(selectFrom('pet').whereRef('owner_id', '=', '').select(''))

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select * from "person" where "first_name" = $1 and exists (
  select "" from "pet" where "owner_id" = ""
fn(): FunctionModule<DB, TB>

Returns a FunctionModule that can be used to write type safe function calls.

The difference between this and Kysely.fn is that this one is more type safe. You can only refer to columns visible to the part of the query you are building. Kysely.fn allows you to refer to columns in any table of the database even if it doesn't produce valid SQL.

await db.selectFrom('person')
  .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
  .select((eb) => [
  .having((eb) => eb.fn.count(''), '>', 10)

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select "person"."id", count("pet"."id") as "pet_count"
from "person"
inner join "pet" on "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"
group by "person"."id"
having count("pet"."id") > $1
selectFrom<TE extends keyof DB & string>(from: TE[]): SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB | ExtractTableAlias<DB, TE>, { }>

Creates a subquery.

The query builder returned by this method is typed in a way that you can refer to all tables of the parent query in addition to the subquery's tables.

This method accepts all the same inputs as QueryCreator.selectFrom.


This example shows that you can refer to both pet.owner_id and columns from the subquery. This is needed to be able to create correlated subqueries:

const result = await db.selectFrom('pet')
  .select((eb) => [
      .whereRef('', '=', 'pet.owner_id')


The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

  ( select "person"."first_name"
    from "person"
    where "person"."id" = "pet"."owner_id"
  ) as "owner_name"
from "pet"

You can use a normal query in place of (qb) => qb.selectFrom(...) but in that case Kysely typings wouldn't allow you to reference pet.owner_id because pet is not joined to that query.

selectFrom<TE extends TableExpression<DB, TB>>(from: TE[]): SelectQueryBuilder<From<DB, TE>, FromTables<DB, TB, TE>, { }>
selectFrom<TE extends keyof DB & string>(from: TE): SelectQueryBuilder<DB, TB | ExtractTableAlias<DB, TE>, { }>
selectFrom<TE extends AnyAliasedTable<DB>>(from: TE): SelectQueryBuilder<DB & PickTableWithAlias<DB, TE>, TB | ExtractTableAlias<DB & PickTableWithAlias<DB, TE>, TE>, { }>
selectFrom<TE extends TableExpression<DB, TB>>(from: TE): SelectQueryBuilder<From<DB, TE>, FromTables<DB, TB, TE>, { }>
case(): CaseBuilder<DB, TB>

Creates a case statement/operator.


Kitchen sink example with 2 flavors of case operator:

import { sql } from 'kysely'

const { title, name } = await db
  .where('id', '=', '123')
  .select((eb) => [
    eb.fn.coalesce('last_name', 'first_name').as('name'),
      .when('gender', '=', 'male')
      .when('gender', '=', 'female')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

  coalesce("last_name", "first_name") as "name",
    when "gender" = $1 then $2
    when "gender" = $3 then
      case "maritalStatus"
        when $4 then $5
        else $6
  end as "title"
from "person"
where "id" = $7
case<E extends Expression<any>>(expression: E): CaseBuilder<DB, TB, ExtractTypeFromValueExpression<E>>

This method can be used to reference columns within the query's context. For a non-type-safe version of this method see sql's version.

Additionally, this method can be used to reference nested JSON properties or array elements. See JSONPathBuilder for more information. For regular JSON path expressions you can use jsonPath.


By default the third argument of binary expressions is a value. This function can be used to pass in a column reference instead:

  .where((eb) => eb.or([
    eb('first_name', '=', eb.ref('last_name')),
    eb('first_name', '=', eb.ref('middle_name'))

In the next example we use the ref method to reference columns of the virtual table excluded in a type-safe way to create an upsert operation:

  .onConflict((oc) => oc
    .doUpdateSet(({ ref }) => ({
      first_name: ref('excluded.first_name'),
      last_name: ref('excluded.last_name')

In the next example we use ref in a raw sql expression. Unless you want to be as type-safe as possible, this is probably overkill:

db.update('pet').set((eb) => ({
  name: sql`concat(${eb.ref('')}, ${suffix})`

In the next example we use ref to reference a nested JSON property:

  .where(({ eb, ref }) => eb(
    ref('address', '->').key('state').key('abbr'),

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select * from "person" where "address"->'state'->'abbr' = $1

You can also compile to a JSON path expression by using the ->$or ->>$ operator:

  .select(({ ref }) =>
    ref('experience', '->$')

The generated SQL (MySQL):

select `experience`->'$[last].title' as `current_job` from `person`
jsonPath<$ extends StringReference<DB, TB> = never>(): IsNever<$> extends true ? KyselyTypeError<"You must provide a column reference as this method's $ generic"> : JSONPathBuilder<ExtractTypeFromReferenceExpression<DB, TB, $>>

Creates a JSON path expression with provided column as root document (the $).

For a JSON reference expression, see ref.


  .set('experience', (eb) => eb.fn('json_set', [
  .where('id', '=', id)

The generated SQL (MySQL):

update `person`
set `experience` = json_set(`experience`, '$[last].title', ?)
where `id` = ?
table<T extends TB & string>(table: T): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, Selectable<DB[T]>>

Creates a table reference.

  .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
  .select(eb => [

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select "person"."id", jsonb_agg("pet") as "pets"
from "person"
inner join "pet" on "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"
group by "person"."id"
val<VE>(value: VE): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, ExtractTypeFromValueExpression<VE>>

Returns a value expression.

This can be used to pass in a value where a reference is taken by default.

This function returns an Expression and can be used pretty much anywhere.


Binary expressions take a reference by default as the first argument. val could be used to pass in a value instead:

eb(val(38), '=', ref('age'))

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

$1 = "age"
refTuple<R1 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R2 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>>(value1: R1, value2: R2): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, RefTuple2<DB, TB, R1, R2>>

Creates a tuple expression.

This creates a tuple using column references by default. See tuple if you need to create value tuples.


  .where(({ eb, refTuple, tuple }) => eb(
    refTuple('first_name', 'last_name'),
      tuple('Jennifer', 'Aniston'),
      tuple('Sylvester', 'Stallone')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

  ("first_name", "last_name")
    ($1, $2),
    ($3, $4)

In the next example a reference tuple is compared to a subquery. Note that in this case you need to use the @SelectQueryBuilder.$asTuple | $asTuple function:

  .where(({ eb, refTuple, selectFrom }) => eb(
    refTuple('first_name', 'last_name'),
      .select(['name', 'species'])
      .where('species', '!=', 'cat')
      .$asTuple('name', 'species')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

  ("first_name", "last_name")
    select "name", "species"
    from "pet"
    where "species" != $1
refTuple<R1 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R2 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R3 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>>(
value1: R1,
value2: R2,
value3: R3,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, RefTuple3<DB, TB, R1, R2, R3>>
refTuple<R1 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R2 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R3 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R4 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>>(
value1: R1,
value2: R2,
value3: R3,
value4: R4,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, RefTuple4<DB, TB, R1, R2, R3, R4>>
refTuple<R1 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R2 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R3 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R4 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, R5 extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>>(
value1: R1,
value2: R2,
value3: R3,
value4: R4,
value5: R5,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, RefTuple5<DB, TB, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>>
tuple<V1, V2>(value1: V1, value2: V2): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, ValTuple2<V1, V2>>

Creates a value tuple expression.

This creates a tuple using values by default. See refTuple if you need to create tuples using column references.


  .where(({ eb, refTuple, tuple }) => eb(
    refTuple('first_name', 'last_name'),
      tuple('Jennifer', 'Aniston'),
      tuple('Sylvester', 'Stallone')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

  ("first_name", "last_name")
    ($1, $2),
    ($3, $4)
tuple<V1, V2, V3>(
value1: V1,
value2: V2,
value3: V3,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, ValTuple3<V1, V2, V3>>
tuple<V1, V2, V3, V4>(
value1: V1,
value2: V2,
value3: V3,
value4: V4,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, ValTuple4<V1, V2, V3, V4>>
tuple<V1, V2, V3, V4, V5>(
value1: V1,
value2: V2,
value3: V3,
value4: V4,
value5: V5,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, ValTuple5<V1, V2, V3, V4, V5>>
lit<VE extends number | boolean | null>(literal: VE): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, VE>

Returns a literal value expression.

Just like val but creates a literal value that gets merged in the SQL. To prevent SQL injections, only boolean, number and null values are accepted. If you need string or other literals, use sql.lit instead.


  .select((eb) => eb.lit(1).as('one'))

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select 1 as "one" from "person"

Creates an unary expression.

This function returns an Expression and can be used pretty much anywhere. See the examples for a couple of possible use cases.

Creates a not operation.

A shortcut for unary('not', expr).

exists<RE extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>>(expr: RE): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, SqlBool>

Creates an exists operation.

A shortcut for unary('exists', expr).

Creates a negation operation.

A shortcut for unary('-', expr).

between<RE extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, SE extends OperandValueExpression<DB, TB, RE>, EE extends OperandValueExpression<DB, TB, RE>>(
expr: RE,
start: SE,
end: EE,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, SqlBool>

Creates a between expression.


  .where((eb) => eb.between('age', 40, 60))

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select * from "person" where "age" between $1 and $2
betweenSymmetric<RE extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, SE extends OperandValueExpression<DB, TB, RE>, EE extends OperandValueExpression<DB, TB, RE>>(
expr: RE,
start: SE,
end: EE,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, SqlBool>

Creates a between symmetric expression.


  .where((eb) => eb.betweenSymmetric('age', 40, 60))

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select * from "person" where "age" between symmetric $1 and $2
and<E extends OperandExpression<SqlBool>>(exprs: ReadonlyArray<E>): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, SqlBool>

Combines two or more expressions using the logical and operator.

An empty array produces a true expression.

This function returns an Expression and can be used pretty much anywhere. See the examples for a couple of possible use cases.


In this example we use and to create a WHERE expr1 AND expr2 AND expr3 statement:

  .where((eb) => eb.and([
    eb('first_name', '=', 'Jennifer'),
    eb('fist_name', '=', 'Arnold'),
    eb('fist_name', '=', 'Sylvester')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select "person".*
from "person"
where (
  "first_name" = $1
  and "first_name" = $2
  and "first_name" = $3

Optionally you can use the simpler object notation if you only need equality comparisons:

  .where((eb) => eb.and({
    first_name: 'Jennifer',
    last_name: 'Aniston'

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select "person".*
from "person"
where (
  "first_name" = $1
  and "last_name" = $2
and<E extends Readonly<FilterObject<DB, TB>>>(exprs: E): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, SqlBool>
or<E extends OperandExpression<SqlBool>>(exprs: ReadonlyArray<E>): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, SqlBool>

Combines two or more expressions using the logical or operator.

An empty array produces a false expression.

This function returns an Expression and can be used pretty much anywhere. See the examples for a couple of possible use cases.


In this example we use or to create a WHERE expr1 OR expr2 OR expr3 statement:

  .where((eb) => eb.or([
    eb('first_name', '=', 'Jennifer'),
    eb('fist_name', '=', 'Arnold'),
    eb('fist_name', '=', 'Sylvester')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select "person".*
from "person"
where (
  "first_name" = $1
  or "first_name" = $2
  or "first_name" = $3

Optionally you can use the simpler object notation if you only need equality comparisons:

  .where((eb) => eb.or({
    first_name: 'Jennifer',
    last_name: 'Aniston'

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select "person".*
from "person"
where (
  "first_name" = $1
  or "last_name" = $2
or<E extends Readonly<FilterObject<DB, TB>>>(exprs: E): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, SqlBool>
parens<RE extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>, OP extends BinaryOperatorExpression, VE extends OperandValueExpressionOrList<DB, TB, RE>>(
lhs: RE,
op: OP,
rhs: VE,
): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, OP extends ComparisonOperator ? SqlBool : ExtractTypeFromReferenceExpression<DB, TB, RE>>

Wraps the expression in parentheses.


  .where((eb) => eb(eb.parens('age', '+', 1), '/', 100), '<', 0.1))

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select "person".*
from "person"
where ("age" + $1) / $2 < $3

You can also pass in any expression as the only argument:

  .where((eb) => eb.parens(
    eb('age', '=', 1).or('age', '=', 2))
    eb('first_name', '=', 'Jennifer').or('first_name', '=', 'Arnold')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select "person".*
from "person"
where ("age" = $1 or "age" = $2) and ("first_name" = $3 or "first_name" = $4)
parens<T>(expr: Expression<T>): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, T>
cast<T, RE extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB> = ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>>(expr: RE, dataType: DataTypeExpression): ExpressionWrapper<DB, TB, T>

Creates a cast(expr as dataType) expression.

Since Kysely can't know the mapping between javascript and database types, you need to provide both explicitly.


  .select((eb) => [
    eb.cast<number>('age', 'integer').as('age')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select cast("age" as integer) as "age"
from "person"
withSchema(schema: string): ExpressionBuilder<DB, TB>

See QueryCreator.withSchema