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Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
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interface kysely.ReturningInterface
import { type kysely } from "";
const { ReturningInterface } = kysely;

Type Parameters

TB extends keyof DB


returning<SE extends SelectExpression<DB, TB>>(selections: ReadonlyArray<SE>): ReturningInterface<DB, TB, ReturningRow<DB, TB, O, SE>>

Allows you to return data from modified rows.

On supported databases like PostgreSQL, this method can be chained to insert, update and delete queries to return data.

Note that on SQLite you need to give aliases for the expressions to avoid this bug in SQLite. For example .returning('id as id').

Also see the returningAll method.


Return one column:

const { id } = await db
    first_name: 'Jennifer',
    last_name: 'Aniston'

Return multiple columns:

const { id, first_name } = await db
    first_name: 'Jennifer',
    last_name: 'Aniston'
  .returning(['id', 'last_name'])

Return arbitrary expressions:

import { sql } from 'kysely'

const { id, full_name, first_pet_id } = await db
    first_name: 'Jennifer',
    last_name: 'Aniston'
  .returning((eb) => [
    'id as id',
    sql<string>`concat(first_name, ' ', last_name)`.as('full_name'),
returning<CB extends SelectCallback<DB, TB>>(callback: CB): ReturningInterface<DB, TB, ReturningCallbackRow<DB, TB, O, CB>>
returning<SE extends SelectExpression<DB, TB>>(selection: SE): ReturningInterface<DB, TB, ReturningRow<DB, TB, O, SE>>
returningAll(): ReturningInterface<DB, TB, Selectable<DB[TB]>>

Adds a returning * to an insert/update/delete query on databases that support returning such as PostgreSQL.