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A collection of random useful (probably) javascript classes and functions.
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// deno-fmt-ignore-file// deno-lint-ignore-file// This code was bundled using `deno bundle` and it's not recommended to edit it manually
const __default = (arr)=>Array.isArray(arr) ? arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] : arr;const vowels = [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U"];const alphabet = [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ];const consonants = alphabet.filter((x)=>!vowels.includes(x));const thirdperson = [ "hero", "mage", "wizard", "sage", "monk", "NEET", "dragon", "hunter", "salesman", "salaryman", "digital artist", "weeb", "artist", "gacha gamer", "game developer", "Florida man", "pokemon master", "narcissist", "programmer", "web developer", "yankee", "yakuza", "ying-yang master", "taoist", "archangel", "baiter", "investigator", "king", "magician", "eggman", "lancer", "archer", "berserker", "rider", "athlete", "master", "martial artist", "demon", "god", "zombie", "skeleton", "vampire", "undead", "lich", "golem", "swordsman", "sword saint", "shielder", "spearmaster", "gunslinger", "cowboy", "karen", "tomboy", "femboy", "gal", "nerd", ];const adjectives = [ "Chinese", "Indian", "Japanese", "Russian", "German", "accurate", "adventurous", "aggressive", "agoraphobic", "alien", "alpha", "amazing", "ancient", "angelic", "average", "avian", "awesome", "bad", "beefy", "belligerent", "betrayed", "bipedal", "bitter", "black", "blind", "boisterous", "brilliant", "bronze", "canine", "certified", "charitable", "charming", "cheeky", "cheerful", "childish", "chivalrous", "clever", "clueless", "clumsy", "comical", "complex", "confident", "cool", "crybaby", "cuddly", "cunning", "curious", "cute", "dangerous", "dark", "decent", "delicious", "delusional", "dense", "desperate", "diabetic", "divine", "dominant", "dragon", "dramatic", "drunk", "dwarven", "eerie", "egghead", "electric", "elegant", "elemental", "elven", "enchanting", "faithful", "famous", "fantastic", "feline", "female", "feminine", "friendly", "funny", "gallant", "gay", "generous", "gentle", "geographic", "giant", "godlike", "gold", "good", "grand", "great", "gruesome", "gullible", "harsh", "high", "holy", "hostile", "humble", "hypersonic", "idiotic", "immortal", "inferior", "innocent", "invincible", "iron", "jazzy", "jinxed", "jittery", "kidney-shaped", "kindhearted", "lackadaisical", "lackluster", "large", "lawful", "legendary", "lemon-like", "listless", "lively", "lowly", "malnourished", "masculine", "massive", "matchless", "meek", "merciless", "mindless", "monstrous", "mythical", "naive", "naked", "nerdy", "noble", "nocturnal", "notorious", "novel", "obsessive", "omnipotent", "omniscient", "optimistic", "outstanding", "overpowered", "overweight", "peaceful", "pessimistic", "popular", "powerful", "powerless", "pretty", "proud", "pure", "rabid", "reincarnated", "repugnant", "repulsive", "rich", "rotten", "round", "rowdy", "royal", "rude", "rugged", "ruthless", "sacred", "sassy", "selfish", "selfless", "shiny", "short", "silver", "skinny", "spirit", "steel", "stereotypical", "strong", "successful", "summoned", "super", "sweet", "talkative", "tall", "timid", "tiny", "trashy", "tyrannical", "ultimate", "underweight", "unmatched", "upbeat", "valiant", "verbose", "villainous", "viscous", "voracious", "warlord", "weak", "weary", "wheezy", "whiny", "wholesome", "wicked", "wise", "witty", "world-class", "xenophobic", "young", "zazzy", "zen", ];const level = [ "level", "lv", "lvl", "tier", "stage", "rank", "class"];const levels = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 69, 70, 80, 90, 99, 100, 101, 200, 420, 500, 666, 999, 1000, 9999, 10000, 99999, 100000, 1000000];const after = [ { letter: "A", possible: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ] }, { letter: "B", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", "W", ] }, { letter: "C", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", "W", ] }, { letter: "D", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", "W", ] }, { letter: "E", possible: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ] }, { letter: "F", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", "W", ] }, { letter: "G", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", "W", ] }, { letter: "H", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y", "W", ] }, { letter: "I", possible: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ] }, { letter: "J", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", ] }, { letter: "K", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", "W", ] }, { letter: "L", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y" ] }, { letter: "M", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", ] }, { letter: "N", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "W", ] }, { letter: "O", possible: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ] }, { letter: "P", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", "S", "W", ] }, { letter: "Q", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U" ] }, { letter: "R", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "W", ] }, { letter: "S", possible: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ] }, { letter: "T", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", "S", "W", ] }, { letter: "U", possible: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ] }, { letter: "V", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", ] }, { letter: "W", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "Y", "R", ] }, { letter: "X", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H" ] }, { letter: "Y", possible: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Z", ] }, { letter: "Z", possible: [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H" ] }, ];const dontEnd = [ "W", "V"];const suffix = [ "er", "ug", "ugg", "or", "in", "ius", "ion", "xion", "ixie", "ora", "ra", ];const forward = [ "forward", "send", "show", "copy/paste"];const message = [ "message", "story", "text"];const taken = [ "kidnapped", "hacked", "stabbed", "pushed from a cliff", "mutilated", "eaten alive", "possessed by an evil spirit", "spirited away", "hit by a car", "hit by a truck", "hit by a train", "thrown away from a flying airplane", "abducted by aliens", "burned alive", "caught in an explosion", "mauled by a bear", "mugged", "bitten by a snake", "poisoned", "crushed by an elevator", "caught in a stampede", "starved to death", "hit by lightning", "stabbed by a killer", "eaten by a shark", "caught in a tsunami", "stuck in an elevator", "shot by a stray bullet", "buried alive", "caught off-guard by the sleep paralysis demon", "eaten by monsters", "tossed from a cliff", "tied up and tossed into the Atlantic ocean", "tied up and tossed into the Pacific ocean", "tied up and tossed into the Indian ocean", "taken to Brazil", "thrown into gulag", "bonked by cheems", "killed by the imposter", "impaled by an umbrella", "turned into fumo", "returned to monke", "killed by herobrine", "eaten by ants", "electrocuted by a pikachu", "forced to eat pizza with choco chips and wasabi sauce", "discovered by a discord mod", "turned into a discord mod", "eaten by a llama", "thrown into a snake pit", "decapitated by a piece of paper", "ejected into the space", "forced to watch Dragon Ball Evolution", "burned at the stakes", "discovered by a plague doctor", "down with a fatal disease after eating moldy bread", "down with pneumonia", "crushed by an elephant", "assaulted by a yandere", "assaulted by a stalker", "mutilated alive"];const intro = [ "I am", "My name is", "I'm", "I am called", "I was known as", "I used to be called", "I was once called", "When I was alive, they called me", "Once upon a time, I was called", "I think my name was", "I am not sure if my name was", ];const relation = [ "friends", "family", "best friend", "parents", "mother", "father", "grandparents", "classmates", "grandpa", "grandma", "lonely ass", "tamagotchi", "pokemon", "favorite streamer", "college professor", "imaginary friend", "air friend", "sleep paralysis demon", "in-game character", "most important person", "school principal", "teacher from kindergarten", "pet spider", "loved ones", "favorite character", "disgusting self", "senior", "junior", "great-grandchild", "great-grandchildren", "phone", "internet friends"];const death = [ "died", "got killed", "ended up dying", "passed away", "lost my life", ];const commonMails = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", ];const endsWith = [ "com", "net", "co", "to", "tk", "ml", "ga", "gg", "cc", "de", "in", "jp", "cr", "me", "life", "moe", "us", "uk", ];const secondLevel = [ "co", "org", "edu"];const joins = [ "band together", "join hands", "compete with each other", "form an alliance", "form a truce", "become allies", "forget their differences", ];const powers = [ "friendship", "training", "cheats", "darkness", "light", "flames", "wind", "laziness", "dancing", "math", "eighth grade syndrome", "edginess", "cringe", "technology", "science", "religion", "outsmarting", "workout", ];const fight = [ "fight", "challenge", "battle", "duel", "attack"];const actions = [ "defends against", "negotiates with", "holds out against", "runs from", "strives to survive", ];const action = [ "defend against", "negotiate with", "hold out against", "run from", "survive", ];const directions = [ "north", "east", "west", "south"];const __default1 = (lenn)=>{ if (!lenn) lenn = 4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5); let name = __default(alphabet); for(let mmm = 0; mmm < lenn - 1; ++mmm){ if (mmm === lenn - 2) { if (dontEnd.includes(name.charAt(name.length - 1)) && consonants.includes(name.charAt(name.length - 2))) { name = name.slice(0, name.length - 1) + __default(vowels); } name += __default(after.find((x)=>x.letter === name.charAt(name.length - 1).toUpperCase() )?.possible ?? vowels); } else { if (consonants.includes(name.charAt(name.length - 1)) && consonants.includes(name.charAt(name.length - 2))) { name += __default(vowels); } else if (vowels.includes(name.charAt(name.length - 1)) && vowels.includes(name.charAt(name.length - 2)) && vowels.includes(name.charAt(name.length - 3))) { name += __default(consonants); } else { name += __default(after.find((x)=>x.letter === name.charAt(name.length - 1).toUpperCase() )?.possible ?? vowels); } } } return name;};function generateEmail(common = false) { return `${__default1(3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)).toLowerCase()}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? "." : Math.random() < 0.5 ? "von" : ""}${__default1(3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)).toLowerCase()}@${common ? __default(commonMails) : `${__default1(4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)).toLowerCase()}.${Math.random() < 0.5 ? __default(secondLevel) : ""}${__default(endsWith)}`}`;}export { generateEmail as generateEmail };const __default2 = ()=>{ return `${Math.random() < 0.9 ? Math.random() > 0.3 ? `${__default(adjectives)} ` : `${__default(level)} ${__default(levels)} ` : ""}${__default(thirdperson)}`;};const __default3 = ()=>{ return `${__default1(3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)).toLowerCase()}${__default(suffix)}`;};const Creatures = [ { name: "imp", plural: "imps", level: 2, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 1 }, { name: "fairy", plural: "faries", level: 3, affiliation: 1, intelligence: 5, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 6 }, { name: "dragon", plural: "dragons", level: 7, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 7, size: 5, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: true, appearance: 5 }, { name: "elf", plural: "elves", level: 5, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 5, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: true, appearance: 6 }, { name: "angel", plural: "angels", level: 7, affiliation: 1, intelligence: 7, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 7 }, { name: "giant", plural: "giants", level: 5, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 3, size: 5, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 1 }, { name: "skeleton", plural: "skeletons", level: 1, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 0, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 0 }, { name: "undead", plural: "undead", level: 1, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 0, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 0 }, { name: "succubus", plural: "succubi", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 5, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 6 }, { name: "incubus", plural: "incubi", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 5, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 6 }, { name: "demon", plural: "demons", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: true, appearance: 3 }, { name: "slime", plural: "slimes", level: 1, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: true, appearance: 0 }, { name: "wisp", plural: "wisps", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 0, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 0 }, { name: "harpy", plural: "harpies", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 3, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: false, legs: true, fingers: false, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "bat", plural: "bats", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: false, legs: true, fingers: false, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "orc", plural: "orcs", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 4, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "goblin", plural: "goblins", level: 1, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "kobold", plural: "kobolds", level: 5, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 3, size: 4, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "dark elf", plural: "dark elves", level: 5, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 5, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 6 }, { name: "golem", plural: "golems", level: 5, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 0, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 0 }, { name: "dragonewt", plural: "dragonewts", level: 5, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 5, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 5 }, { name: "sandworm", plural: "sandworms", level: 6, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 0, size: 5, body_parts: { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "werewolf", plural: "werewolves", level: 3, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 3, size: 4, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "vampire", plural: "vampires", level: 5, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 5, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 5 }, { name: "lamia", plural: "lamia", level: 1, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: false, fingers: true, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 5 }, { name: "ogre", plural: "ogres", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 4, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "oni", plural: "oni", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 4, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "siren", plural: "sirens", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: false, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 5 }, { name: "griffon", plural: "griffons", level: 5, affiliation: 1, intelligence: 5, size: 4, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 5 }, { name: "manticore", plural: "manticores", level: 5, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 4, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "hippogriff", plural: "hippogriff", level: 5, affiliation: 1, intelligence: 5, size: 4, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "drake", plural: "drakes", level: 5, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 5, size: 5, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: true, appearance: 5 }, { name: "wyvern", plural: "wyverns", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 1, size: 4, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: true, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "wraith", plural: "wraiths", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 1, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 1 }, { name: "gashadokuro", plural: "gashadokuro", level: 5, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 1, size: 5, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 1 }, { name: "lich", plural: "lich", level: 5, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 5, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: true, appearance: 1 }, { name: "monstrous mushroom", plural: "monstrous mushrooms", level: 3, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 5, size: 3, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, { name: "mycelium", plural: "mycelium", level: 1, affiliation: -1, intelligence: 3, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 1 }, ];const __default4 = (s = "s", titlecase = false)=>s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + `${titlecase ? s.slice(1).toLowerCase() : s.slice(1)}`;class Race { name; body; affiliation; intelligence; size; magical; appearance; constructor(){ const { body , similarities } = run(); = __default4(__default3()); this.body = { tail: {}, head: {}, wings: {}, hands: {}, legs: {}, fingers: {}, toes: {}, horns: {}, animal_ears: {} }; Object.keys(this.body).forEach((x)=>{ this.body[x] = { exists: body[x], similarities: similarities[x] }; }); this.affiliation = __default(Creatures).affiliation; this.intelligence = __default(Creatures).intelligence; this.size = __default(Creatures).size; this.magical = __default(Creatures).magical; this.appearance = __default(Creatures).size; } get human() { if (this.body.head?.exists && this.body.hands?.exists && this.body.legs?.exists && this.body.fingers?.exists && this.body.toes?.exists) { return true; } return false; } get description() { return `${}${this.affiliation === 0 ? ` ${__default([ "is a neutral this", "do not take sides" ])}` : this.affiliation === 1 ? ` ${__default([ "is a race that walks the righteous path", "are self-proclaimed messengers of justice", "is a race that proclaims to work towards the absolute good", ])}` : ` ${__default([ "is a chaotic race", "live in the darkness", "serve the demons", ])}`}. ${this.body.head.exists ? `${__default([ `Their head looks similar to that of a ${this.body.head.similarities}`, `They possess facial features that remind one of a ${this.body.head.similarities}`, `Their head is akin to that of a ${this.body.head.similarities}`, ])}${this.body.animal_ears.exists ? this.body.animal_ears.similarities === this.body.head.similarities ? "" : ` but with ears that look like a ${this.body.animal_ears.similarities}` : ""}` : `${__default([ "They possess no head", "They lack a head", "They are headless", ])}`} and ${this.magical ? "possess a spiritual body" : `${__default([ "possess a material body", "have a living, organic body", "have a normal body", ])}`}. ${this.body.wings.exists ? `They possess wings that look like that of a ${this.body.wings.similarities}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? " but are actually flightless" : ""}. ` : ""}They are ${rate.size[this.size]} in size and ${rate.intelligence[this.intelligence]}. ${this.body.legs.exists ? `${__default([ `Their legs look like a ${this.body.legs.similarities}'s legs`, `Their legs are similar to a ${this.body.legs.similarities} with small differences`, ])}${!this.body.toes.exists ? " and a notable absence of toes" : ""}` : __default([ "They possess no feet", "They lack legs" ])}. ${this.body.hands.exists ? this.body.legs.exists && this.body.hands.similarities === this.body.legs.similarities ? "The same could be said for their hands" : `However, they possess hands like that of a ${this.body.hands.similarities}${!this.body.fingers.exists ? "with no fingers" : ""}.` : `They possess no ${!this.body.legs.exists ? "hands either" : "modified forearms"}.`} ${this.body.horns.exists ? `They sport ${Math.random() < 0.5 ? "a wonderful horn" : `${1 + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3)} horns`} which distantly resemble that of a ${this.body.horns.similarities}. ` : ""}On the whole, they are said to be ${rate.appearance[this.appearance]} in appearance.`; }}const rate = { size: [ "very small", "small", "medium-sized", "somewhat large", "large", "giant", ], strength: [ "very weak", "weak", "strong", "somewhat strong", "formidable", "extremely powerful", "invincible", "godly", ], intelligence: [ "brainless", "unintelligent", "somewhat intelligent", "intelligent", "highly intelligent", "most intelligent", ], appearance: [ "disgusting", "unsettling", "average", "beautiful", "splendid", "indescribable", "unimaginable", ]};function run() { const body = { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }; Object.keys(body).forEach((x)=>{ Object.defineProperty(body, x, { value: __default(Creatures).body_parts[x] }); }); const similarities = { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }; Object.keys(similarities).forEach((x)=>{ similarities[x] = __default(Creatures.filter((y)=>y.body_parts[x] )).name; }); return { body, similarities };}function generateRace(name) { const race = new Race(); if (name) = name; return race;}export { __default2 as generateCharacter };export { __default1 as generateName };export { __default3 as generateFantasyName };export { generateRace as generateRace };const Creatures1 = [ { name: "cat", plural: "cats", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "kitten", plural: "kittens", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "watermelon", plural: "watermelons", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "project manager", plural: "project managers", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: true, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "nokia", plural: "nokia", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "cock", plural: "cocks", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: false, legs: true, fingers: false, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "chicken", plural: "chickens", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: true, hands: false, legs: true, fingers: false, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "sheep", plural: "sheeps", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "mule", plural: "mules", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "horse", plural: "horses", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "grizzly", plural: "grizzlies", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "leopard", plural: "leopards", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "spider", plural: "spiders", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: false, legs: true, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "fly", plural: "flies", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: true, hands: false, legs: true, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "crocodile", plural: "crocodiles", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "gorilla", plural: "gorillas", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "fox", plural: "foxes", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "puppy", plural: "puppies", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "dog", plural: "dogs", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "chimpanzee", plural: "chimpanzees", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 3, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "polar bear", plural: "polar bears", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "wolf", plural: "wolves", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "snake", plural: "snakes", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "ant", plural: "ants", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "serial killer", plural: "serial killers", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "catfood", plural: "catfood", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "pumpkin", plural: "pumpkins", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "spider", plural: "spiders", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: false, legs: true, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "centipede", plural: "centipedes", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: false, legs: true, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "clown", plural: "clowns", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "godzilla", plural: "godzillas", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "villager", plural: "villagers", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "yakuza", plural: "yakuza", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: false, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: false }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, { name: "lion", plural: "lions", level: 1, affiliation: 0, intelligence: 1, size: 1, body_parts: { tail: true, head: true, wings: false, hands: true, legs: true, fingers: true, toes: true, horns: false, animal_ears: true }, magical: false, appearance: 3 }, ];const creatures = Creatures.concat(Creatures1);function evil() { const evilstuff = [ "demonic", "vile", "evil", "merciless", "greedy", "ambitious", "giant", "mecha", "divine", "almighty", "godly", "corrupt", "angelic", ]; return __default(evilstuff);}const __default5 = (name)=>{ const ml = __default2(); const fl = __default2(); const goodcreature = __default(creatures.filter((x)=>x.affiliation === 1 || x.affiliation === 0 )); const evilcreature = __default(creatures.filter((x)=>x.affiliation === -1 || x.affiliation === 0 )); const evilcreature2 = __default(creatures.filter((x)=>(x.affiliation === -1 || x.affiliation === 0) && x !== evilcreature )); const rand = Math.random(); return `${name ? name : `The ${ml}`} ${rand > 0.5 ? `and the ${fl} ${__default(joins)} to ` : ``}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? rand > 0.5 ? __default(action) : __default(actions) : `${__default(fight)}${rand > 0.5 ? `` : `s`}`} the${Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` ${evil()}` : ``} ${Math.random() < 0.5 ? __default2() :}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? `, ${__default4(__default3())},` : ``}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` with the help of the ${goodcreature.plural}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` of ${Math.random() < 0.5 ? `the ${__default(directions)}` : __default4(__default1(4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)))}` : ``}` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` facing powerful enemies from the ${} clan` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` using the power of ${__default(powers)}` : ``}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? rand > 0.5 ? ` and save the world` : ` and saves the world` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` for the sake of their peaceful life` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to reach the final treasure` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to protect what is important to them` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to protect the smiles of innocent children` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to commit war crimes` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to avenge the ${__default2()}` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` for world peace` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` but end up forming a truce instead` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` but end up with a crushing defeat` : ` but tragically die`}.`;};const creatures1 = Creatures.concat(Creatures1);function evil1() { const evilstuff = [ "demonic", "vile", "evil", "merciless", "greedy", "ambitious", "giant", "mecha", "divine", "almighty", "godly", "corrupt", "angelic", ]; return __default(evilstuff);}const __default6 = (name)=>{ const ml = __default2(); const fl = __default2(); const goodcreature = __default(creatures1.filter((x)=>x.affiliation === 1 || x.affiliation === 0 )); const evilcreature = __default(creatures1.filter((x)=>x.affiliation === -1 || x.affiliation === 0 )); const evilcreature2 = __default(creatures1.filter((x)=>(x.affiliation === -1 || x.affiliation === 0) && x !== evilcreature )); const rand = Math.random(); return `${name ? name : `The ${ml}`} ${rand > 0.5 ? `and the ${fl} ${__default(joins)} to ` : ``}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? rand > 0.5 ? __default(action) : __default(actions) : `${__default(fight)}${rand > 0.5 ? `` : `s`}`} the${Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` ${evil1()}` : ``} ${Math.random() < 0.5 ? __default2() :}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? `, ${__default4(__default3())},` : ``}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` with the help of the ${goodcreature.plural}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` of ${Math.random() < 0.5 ? `the ${__default(directions)}` : __default4(__default1(4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)))}` : ``}` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` facing powerful enemies from the ${} clan` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` using the power of ${__default(powers)}` : ``}${Math.random() < 0.5 ? rand > 0.5 ? ` and save the world` : ` and saves the world` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` for the sake of their peaceful life` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to reach the final treasure` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to protect what is important to them` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to protect the smiles of innocent children` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to commit war crimes` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` to avenge the ${__default2()}` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` for world peace` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` but end up forming a truce instead` : Math.random() < 0.5 ? ` but end up with a crushing defeat` : ` but tragically die`}.`;};const __default7 = (name)=>{ return `${__default(intro)} ${name ? name : __default4(__default1(4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)))}. ${Math.random() > 0.5 ? `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 52)} years ago,` : `When I was ${5 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 12)}${Math.random() > 0.5 ? ` years old` : ""},`} I was ${__default(taken)} and ${__default(death)}. ${__default4(__default(forward))} this ${__default(message)} to ${5 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) * 10} people or ${Math.random() > 0.5 ? `you` : `your ${__default(relation)}`} will be ${__default(taken)}.`;};export { __default7 as generateChainMail };function generateStory(mc) { return Math.random() > 0.5 ? __default5(mc || "") : __default6(mc || "");}export { generateStory as generateStory };function generateString(lenn) { if (!lenn) lenn = 4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5); let phrase = Math.random() > 0.5 ? `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)}` : Math.random() > 0.5 ? __default(alphabet) : __default(alphabet).toLowerCase(); for(let mmm = 0; mmm < lenn - 1; ++mmm){ const chances = Math.random(); if (chances < 0.3) phrase += __default(alphabet); else if (chances > 0.3 && chances < 0.7) { phrase += __default(alphabet).toLowerCase(); } else phrase += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); } return phrase;}export { generateString as generateString };const __default8 = (str)=>str.split("").reverse().join();export { __default4 as capitalize };export { __default as getRandom };export { __default8 as reverse };const __default9 = (txt)=>{ if (!txt) return ""; return txt.replace(/(?:r|l)/g, "w").replace(/(?:R|L)/g, "W").replace(/n([aeou])/g, "ny$1").replace(/N([aeou])/g, "Ny$1").replace(/N([AEOU])/g, "Ny$1").replace(/nyny/g, "nny").replace(/NyNy/g, "NNy");};const __default10 = (txt)=>{ if (!txt) return ""; return txt.replace(/(?:l)/g, "r").replace(/(?:L)/g, "R").replace(/cute/ig, "kawaii").replace(/wife/ig, "waifu").replace(/husband/ig, "husbando");};export { __default9 as owoify };export { __default10 as weebify };const mod = { capitalize: __default4, getRandom: __default, reverse: __default8, owoify: __default9, weebify: __default10, generateEmail, generateChainMail: __default7, generateStory, generateCharacter: __default2, generateName: __default1, generateFantasyName: __default3, generateRace, generateString};export { mod as default };