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A collection of random useful (probably) javascript classes and functions.
import fantasy from "../../../data/creatures/fantasy.ts";import { capitalize, getRandom } from "../../util/mod.ts";import { generateFantasyName } from "./monster.ts";
export interface BodyType { exists?: boolean; similarities?: string | boolean;}
/** * A race. * @property {string} name - Name of the race */export class Race { name: string; body: Record<string, BodyType>; affiliation: number; intelligence: number; size: number; magical: boolean; appearance: number; constructor() { const { body, similarities } = run(); = capitalize(generateFantasyName()); this.body = { tail: {}, head: {}, wings: {}, hands: {}, legs: {}, fingers: {}, toes: {}, horns: {}, animal_ears: {}, }; Object.keys(this.body).forEach((x) => { this.body[x] = { exists: body[x], similarities: similarities[x] }; }); this.affiliation = getRandom(fantasy).affiliation; this.intelligence = getRandom(fantasy).intelligence; this.size = getRandom(fantasy).size; this.magical = getRandom(fantasy).magical; this.appearance = getRandom(fantasy).size; } get human() { if ( this.body.head?.exists && this.body.hands?.exists && this.body.legs?.exists && this.body.fingers?.exists && this.body.toes?.exists ) { return true; } return false; } get description() { return `${}${ this.affiliation === 0 ? ` ${getRandom(["is a neutral race", "do not take sides"])}` : this.affiliation === 1 ? ` ${ getRandom([ "is a race that walks the righteous path", "are self-proclaimed messengers of justice", "is a race that proclaims to work towards the absolute good", ]) }` : ` ${ getRandom([ "is a chaotic race", "live in the darkness", "serve the demons", ]) }` }. ${ this.body.head.exists ? `${ getRandom([ `Their head looks similar to that of a ${this.body.head.similarities}`, `They possess facial features that remind one of a ${this.body.head.similarities}`, `Their head is akin to that of a ${this.body.head.similarities}`, ]) }${ this.body.animal_ears.exists ? this.body.animal_ears.similarities === this.body.head.similarities ? "" : ` but with ears that look like a ${this.body.animal_ears.similarities}` : "" }` : `${ getRandom([ "They possess no head", "They lack a head", "They are headless", ]) }` } and ${ this.magical ? "possess a spiritual body" : `${ getRandom([ "possess a material body", "have a living, organic body", "have a normal body", ]) }` }. ${ this.body.wings.exists ? `They possess wings that look like that of a ${this.body.wings.similarities}${ Math.random() < 0.5 ? " but are actually flightless" : "" }. ` : "" }They are ${rate.size[this.size]} in size and ${ rate.intelligence[this.intelligence] }. ${ this.body.legs.exists ? `${ getRandom([ `Their legs look like a ${this.body.legs.similarities}'s legs`, `Their legs are similar to a ${this.body.legs.similarities} with small differences`, ]) }${!this.body.toes.exists ? " and a notable absence of toes" : ""}` : getRandom(["They possess no feet", "They lack legs"]) }. ${ this.body.hands.exists ? this.body.legs.exists && this.body.hands.similarities === this.body.legs.similarities ? "The same could be said for their hands" : `However, they possess hands like that of a ${this.body.hands.similarities}${ !this.body.fingers.exists ? "with no fingers" : "" }.` : `They possess no ${ !this.body.legs.exists ? "hands either" : "modified forearms" }.` } ${ this.body.horns.exists ? `They sport ${ Math.random() < 0.5 ? "a wonderful horn" : `${1 + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3)} horns` } which distantly resemble that of a ${this.body.horns.similarities}. ` : "" }On the whole, they are said to be ${ rate.appearance[this.appearance] } in appearance.`; }}
const rate = { size: [ "very small", "small", "medium-sized", "somewhat large", "large", "giant", ], strength: [ "very weak", "weak", "strong", "somewhat strong", "formidable", "extremely powerful", "invincible", "godly", ], intelligence: [ "brainless", "unintelligent", "somewhat intelligent", "intelligent", "highly intelligent", "most intelligent", ], appearance: [ "disgusting", "unsettling", "average", "beautiful", "splendid", "indescribable", "unimaginable", ],};
function run() { const body: Record<string, boolean> = { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false, };
Object.keys(body).forEach((x) => { Object.defineProperty(body, x, { value: getRandom(fantasy).body_parts[x], }); }); const similarities: Record<string, string | boolean> = { tail: false, head: false, wings: false, hands: false, legs: false, fingers: false, toes: false, horns: false, animal_ears: false, }; Object.keys(similarities).forEach((x) => { similarities[x] = getRandom( fantasy.filter((y) => y.body_parts[x]), ).name; }); return { body, similarities };}/** * Create a random, weird, fantasy race. * @param {string} name - Name of the race. * @returns {Race} A race class. */export function generateRace(name?: string): Race { const race = new Race(); if (name) = name; return race;}
export default generateRace;