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Run Deno X module without installation.
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import { parse } from ''import { dim, bold } from ''import { VERSION } from './version.ts'
const denoPermissionFlags = [ '-A', '--allow-all', '--allow-env', '--allow-hrtime', '--allow-net', '--allow-plugin', '--allow-read', '--allow-run', '--allow-write',]
async function main() { const { _: args, ...options } = parse(Deno.args.filter(a => !denoPermissionFlags.includes(a))) if (args.length == 0) { console.log(bold('LAND'), VERSION) console.log(dim(`Homepage: `), ``) console.log(dim(`Repo: `), ``) return }
let [moduleName, version] = args.shift()!.toString().split('@') const versionMetaUrl = `${moduleName}/meta/versions.json` const resp1 = await fetch(versionMetaUrl) if (resp1.status === 404 || resp1.status === 403) { console.error(`Module '${moduleName}' not found`) Deno.exit(1) } if (resp1.status !== 200) { console.error(resp1.statusText + ':', versionMetaUrl) Deno.exit(1) } const { latest, versions } = await resp1.json() if (!version) { version = latest } else if (!versions.includes(version)) { const v = version if (v.startsWith('v')) { version = v.slice(1) } else { version = 'v' + v } if (!versions.includes(version)) { for (const ver of versions) { if (ver.startsWith(v)) { version = ver break } else if (v.startsWith('v') && ver.startsWith(v.slice(1))) { version = ver break } else if (!v.startsWith('v') && ver.startsWith('v' + v)) { version = ver break } } } if (!versions.includes(version)) { console.error(`Version '${v}' not found`) Deno.exit(1) } if (version != v) { console.log(dim(`Using version: ${version}`)) } }
const metaUrl = `${moduleName}/versions/${version}/meta/meta.json` const resp2 = await fetch(metaUrl) if (resp2.status !== 200) { console.error(resp2.statusText) Deno.exit(1) } const { directory_listing } = await resp2.json()
let command: string | null = null let importMap: string | null = null for (const name of ['cli.ts', 'cli.js', 'mod.ts', 'mod.js']) { if (directory_listing.some((entry: any) => entry.type === 'file' && entry.path === `/${name}`)) { command = name break } } for (const filename of Array.from(['import_map', 'import-map', 'importMap', 'importmap']).map(name => `${name}.json`)) { if (directory_listing.some((entry: any) => entry.type === 'file' && entry.path === `/${filename}`)) { importMap = filename break } }
if (command === null) { console.error(`command not found`) Deno.exit(1) }
const permissionFlags: string[] = [] const denoFlags: string[] = [] const appFlags: string[] = [] for (const f of Deno.args) { if (denoPermissionFlags.includes(f)) { permissionFlags.push(f) } } for (const key of Object.keys(options)) { const value = options[key] const flagKey = (key.length === 1 ? '-' : '--') + key if (flagKey === '--location' && typeof value === 'string') { try { const url = new URL(value) denoFlags.push(`--location=${url.toString()}`) } catch (error) { } } if (value && value !== true) { appFlags.push(`${flagKey}=${value}`) } else { appFlags.push(flagKey) } } if (permissionFlags.length === 0) { const permissionsFile = directory_listing.find((entry: any) => entry.type === 'file' && (entry.path === `/PERMISSIONS` || entry.path === `/PERMISSIONS.txt`)) if (permissionsFile) { const url = `${moduleName}/versions/${version}/raw${permissionsFile.path}` const resp3 = await fetch(url) if (resp3.status === 200) { const list = (await resp3.text()).split('\n').map(l => l.trim()).filter(Boolean).filter(l => !l.startsWith('#')) permissionFlags.push(...list) console.log(dim(`Load ${permissionsFile.path.slice(1)}: ${list.join(' ')}`)) } } if (permissionFlags.length > 0 && !permissionFlags.includes('--prompt')) { permissionFlags.push('--prompt') } } if (permissionFlags.length === 0) { permissionFlags.push('--prompt') } if (!denoFlags.some(f => f.startsWith('--location='))) { denoFlags.push(`--location=`) } if (importMap !== null) { denoFlags.push(`--import-map=${moduleName}@${version}/${importMap}`) }
const cmd ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), 'run', '--unstable', ...denoFlags, ...permissionFlags, `${moduleName}@${version}/${command}`, => a.toString()), ...appFlags ], stdin: 'inherit', stdout: 'inherit', }) await cmd.status() cmd.close()}
if (import.meta.main) { main()}