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A tiny typed class-based REST client.


// deno
import { ... } from ""
// node/npm
// use this for react/vue/svelte/a bundler
import { ... } from "laze-rest"
// browser via skypack (get a pinned URL for production)
import { ... } from ""
// browser bundle containing all dependencies + laze (only ~9kb)
import { ... } from ""

// use your own api base path, typicode is the example
// NOTE: types are obviously for typescript only
// (why would you use this without typescript anyways?)
class TestClient {
  // laze automatically parses JSON for you into an object
  // (what api doesnt use json)
  getAllTodos(): Promise<Todo[]> {
    // the method gets replaced at runtime

  // use a query for ?query=whatever
  getTodosForUser(@Query("userId") userId: number): Promise<Todo[]> {}

  // bodies are automatically serialized using JSON
  // (what api doesnt use json)
  addTodo(@Body todo: Omit<Todo, "id">): Promise<Pick<Todo, "id">> {}

  // prefix a path variable with :
    // and use an argument to give it a value
    @Path("id") todoId: number,
    @Body newTodo: Todo,
  ): Promise<Todo> {}

  // Headers go before the method because of the way decorators work 
  @Header("Test", "Use wireshark or something to see it being sent")
    @Path("id") _todoId: number,
    @Body _newTodo: Partial<Todo>,
  ): Promise<Todo> {}

  deleteTodo(@Path("id") _todoId: number): Promise<void> {}

// create a client whenever you want to use it
const client = new TestClient();

// just use it like a method, supplying your arguments if needed