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export function Header() { return ( <div class="sticky top-0 bg-white bg-opacity-90 border-b-1 border-dark-50 border-opacity-90"> <header class="container mx-auto px-4 flex flex-row items-center justify-between"> <Logo /> <Menu /> </header> </div> );}
function Logo() { return ( <h1 class="text-2xl font-black"> <a href="/" class="inline-block"> <img src="/logo.svg" class="inline-block mb-1 mr-1" /> <span class="inline-block pb-1">LDkit</span> </a> </h1> );}
const menuItems: MenuItemProps[] = [ { title: "Home", url: "/", }, { title: "Documentation", url: "/docs", }, { title: "Showcase", url: "/showcase", }, { title: "Research", url: "/research", }, { title: "GitHub", url: "", },];
function Menu() { return ( <nav> <ul> {} </ul> </nav> );}
type MenuItemProps = { title: string; url: string;};
function MenuItem({ title, url }: MenuItemProps) { return ( <li class="inline-block"> <a href={url} class="block p-4 border-b-2 border-transparent hover:border-black" > {title} </a> </li> );}