import { OpcodeDescriptionsBCH2022 } from "";
OP_ACTIVEBYTECODE = "Push the bytecode currently being evaluated, beginning after the last executed OP_CODESEPARATOR, to the stack. For Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH) evaluations, this is the redeem bytecode of the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) being spent; for all other evaluations, this is the locking bytecode of the UTXO being spent."
OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY = "Verify the transaction occurs after an absolute block time or height: read the top item on the stack as a VM Number (without removing it), and compare it to the transaction's locktime. If the required locktime has not passed, or if locktime has been disabled for this input by a maximized sequence number, error."
OP_CHECKMULTISIG = "Pop items from the stack: first pop the VM Number of public keys, then pop each of those public keys. Next, pop the VM Number of required signatures, then pop each of those signatures. Finally, pop a final VM Number that must be 0 due to a protocol bug. Checking each signature against each public key in order, if all signatures are valid – and the required number of signatures have been provided – push a 1 (VM Number), otherwise push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY = "Pop items from the stack: first pop the VM Number of public keys, then pop each of those public keys. Next, pop the VM Number of required signatures, then pop each of those signatures. Finally, (due to a protocol bug) pop an unused final VM Number that must be 0. Checking each signature against each public key in order, if any signatures are invalid – or the required number of signatures have not been provided – error. (This operation is a combination of OP_CHECKMULTISIG followed by OP_VERIFY.)"
OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY = "Verify the transaction occurs after the output being spent has \"aged\" by a relative block time or block height since it was created: read the top item on the stack as a VM Number (without removing it), and compare it to the age encoded in the input's sequence number. If the required relative locktime has not passed, or if relative locktime has been disabled by the sequence number or the transaction version, error."
OP_NUM2BIN = "Pop the top item from the stack as an item length (VM Number) and the next item as a VM Number (without encoding restrictions). Re-encode the number using a byte array of the provided length, filling any unused bytes with zeros, then push the result. (If the requested length is too short to encode the number, error.)"