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An ultra-lightweight, zero-dependency JavaScript library for Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, and Bitauth applications.
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enum OpcodeDescriptionsBTC
import { OpcodeDescriptionsBTC } from "";


OP_0 = "Push the VM Number 0 onto the stack."
OP_0NOTEQUAL = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number. If its value is not 0, push a 1 (VM Number), otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_1 = "Push a 1 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_10 = "Push a 10 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_11 = "Push a 11 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_12 = "Push a 12 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_13 = "Push a 13 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_14 = "Push a 14 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_15 = "Push a 15 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_16 = "Push a 16 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_1ADD = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number, add 1, then push the result."
OP_1NEGATE = "Push the VM Number -1 onto the stack."
OP_1SUB = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number, subtract 1, then push the result."
OP_2 = "Push a 2 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_2DIV = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this divided a VM Number by 2.)"
OP_2DROP = "Pop the top 2 items from the stack and discard them."
OP_2DUP = "Duplicate the top 2 items on the stack. (E.g. [a, b] -> [a, b, a, b])"
OP_2MUL = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this multiplied a VM Number by 2.)"
OP_2OVER = "Duplicate the 2 items beginning at a depth of 2 on the stack. (E.g. [a, b, c, d] -> [a, b, c, d, a, b])"
OP_2ROT = "Rotate the top 6 items on the stack, bringing the fifth and sixth items to the top. (E.g. [a, b, c, d, e, f] -> [c, d, e, f, a, b])"
OP_2SWAP = "Swap the positions of the top two pairs of items on the stack. (E.g. [a, b, c, d] -> [c, d, a, b])"
OP_3 = "Push a 3 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_3DUP = "Duplicate the top 3 items on the stack. (E.g. [a, b, c] -> [a, b, c, a, b, c])"
OP_4 = "Push a 4 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_5 = "Push a 5 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_6 = "Push a 6 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_7 = "Push a 7 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_8 = "Push a 8 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_9 = "Push a 9 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_ABS = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number, take its absolute value, then push the result."
OP_ADD = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. Add them, then push the result."
OP_AND = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this performed a boolean AND on each bit in two stack items.)"
OP_BOOLAND = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. If neither value is a 0 (VM Number), push a 1 (VM Number). Otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_BOOLOR = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. If either value is a 1 (VM Number), push a 1 (VM Number). Otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_CAT = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this concatenated two stack items.)"
OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY = "Verify the transaction occurs after an absolute block time or height: read the top item on the stack as a VM Number (without removing it), and compare it to the transaction's locktime. If the required locktime has not passed, or if locktime has been disabled for this input by a maximized sequence number, error."
OP_CHECKMULTISIG = "Pop items from the stack: first pop the VM Number of public keys, then pop each of those public keys. Next, pop the VM Number of required signatures, then pop each of those signatures. Finally, pop a final VM Number that must be 0 due to a protocol bug. Checking each signature against each public key in order, if all signatures are valid – and the required number of signatures have been provided – push a 1 (VM Number), otherwise push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY = "Pop items from the stack: first pop the VM Number of public keys, then pop each of those public keys. Next, pop the VM Number of required signatures, then pop each of those signatures. Finally, (due to a protocol bug) pop an unused final VM Number that must be 0. Checking each signature against each public key in order, if any signatures are invalid – or the required number of signatures have not been provided – error. (This operation is a combination of OP_CHECKMULTISIG followed by OP_VERIFY.)"
OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY = "Verify the transaction occurs after the output being spent has \"aged\" by a relative block time or block height since it was created: read the top item on the stack as a VM Number (without removing it), and compare it to the age encoded in the input's sequence number. If the required relative locktime has not passed, or if relative locktime has been disabled by the sequence number or the transaction version, error."
OP_CHECKSIG = "Pop the top two items from the stack. Treat the top as a signature and the second as a public key. If the signature is valid, push a 1 (VM Number), otherwise push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY = "Pop the top two items from the stack. Treat the top as a signature and the second as a public key. If the signature is not valid, error. (This operation is a combination of OP_CHECKSIG followed by OP_VERIFY.)"
OP_CODESEPARATOR = "Update the value of lastCodeSeparator to the instruction pointer's current value. (This reduces the coverage of signing serializations used in signature verification operations.)"
OP_DEPTH = "Push the current number of stack items as a VM Number."
OP_DIV = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this divided a VM Number by another.)"
OP_DROP = "Pop the top item from the stack and discard it. (E.g. [a] -> [])"
OP_DUP = "Duplicate the top item on the stack. (E.g. [a] -> [a, a])"
OP_ELSE = "Invert conditional evaluation within the current OP_IF ... OP_ENDIF block. (If evaluation is enabled, disable it, if it is disabled, enable it.)"
OP_ENDIF = "End the current OP_IF/OP_NOTIF ... OP_ENDIF block."
OP_EQUAL = "Pop the top two items from the stack and compare them byte-by-byte. If they are the same, push a 1 (VM Number), otherwise push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_EQUALVERIFY = "Pop the top two items from the stack and compare them byte-by-byte. If the values are different, error. (This operation is a combination of OP_EQUAL followed by OP_VERIFY.)"
OP_FROMALTSTACK = "Pop the top item from the alternate stack and push it onto the stack."
OP_GREATERTHAN = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. If the second item is greater than top item, push a 1 (VM Number). Otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. If the second item is greater than or equal to the top item, push a 1 (VM Number). Otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_HASH160 = "Pop the top item from the stack and pass it through sha256, then ripemd160, pushing the result onto the stack."
OP_HASH256 = "Pop the top item from the stack and pass it through sha256 twice, pushing the result onto the stack."
OP_IF = "Pop the top item from the stack. If it is not \"truthy\", skip evaluation until a matching OP_ELSE or OP_ENDIF."
OP_IFDUP = "If the top item on the stack is \"truthy\", duplicate it."
OP_INVERT = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this flipped all the bits in a stack item.)"
OP_LEFT = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this returned a section to the left of a point in a stack item.)"
OP_LESSTHAN = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. If the second item is less than top item, push a 1 (VM Number). Otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. If the second item is less than or equal to the top item, push a 1 (VM Number). Otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_LSHIFT = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this performed a sign-preserving, left bit shift.)"
OP_MAX = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. Push the larger of the two numbers."
OP_MIN = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. Push the smaller of the two numbers."
OP_MOD = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this returned the remainder after dividing one VM Number by another.)"
OP_MUL = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this multiplied two VM Numbers.)"
OP_NEGATE = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number, negate it, then push the result."
OP_NIP = "Remove the second-to-top item from the stack. (E.g. [a, b] -> [b])"
OP_NOP = "No operation. Note: OP_NOP counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP1 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP1 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP10 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP10 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP4 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP4 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP5 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP5 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP6 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP6 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP7 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP7 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP8 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP8 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP9 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP9 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOT = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number. If its value is 0, push a 1 (VM Number), otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_NOTIF = "Pop the top item from the stack. If it is \"truthy\", skip evaluation until a matching OP_ELSE or OP_ENDIF."
OP_NUMEQUAL = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. If the values are equal, push a 1 (VM Number). Otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. If the values are different, error. (This operation is a combination of OP_NUMEQUAL followed by OP_VERIFY.)"
OP_NUMNOTEQUAL = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. If the values are not equal, push a 1 (VM Number). Otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number)."
OP_OR = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this performed a boolean OR on each bit in two stack items.)"
OP_OVER = "Duplicate the second-to-top item on the stack. (E.g. [a, b] -> [a, b, a])"
OP_PICK = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number. Duplicate the item at that depth (zero-indexed), placing it on top of the stack. (E.g. [a, b, c, 2] -> [a, b, c, a])"
OP_PUSHBYTES_1 = "Push the next byte onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_10 = "Push the next 10 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_11 = "Push the next 11 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_12 = "Push the next 12 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_13 = "Push the next 13 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_14 = "Push the next 14 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_15 = "Push the next 15 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_16 = "Push the next 16 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_17 = "Push the next 17 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_18 = "Push the next 18 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_19 = "Push the next 19 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_2 = "Push the next 2 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_20 = "Push the next 20 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_21 = "Push the next 21 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_22 = "Push the next 22 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_23 = "Push the next 23 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_24 = "Push the next 24 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_25 = "Push the next 25 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_26 = "Push the next 26 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_27 = "Push the next 27 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_28 = "Push the next 28 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_29 = "Push the next 29 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_3 = "Push the next 3 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_30 = "Push the next 30 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_31 = "Push the next 31 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_32 = "Push the next 32 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_33 = "Push the next 33 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_34 = "Push the next 34 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_35 = "Push the next 35 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_36 = "Push the next 36 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_37 = "Push the next 37 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_38 = "Push the next 38 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_39 = "Push the next 39 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_4 = "Push the next 4 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_40 = "Push the next 40 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_41 = "Push the next 41 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_42 = "Push the next 42 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_43 = "Push the next 43 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_44 = "Push the next 44 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_45 = "Push the next 45 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_46 = "Push the next 46 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_47 = "Push the next 47 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_48 = "Push the next 48 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_49 = "Push the next 49 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_5 = "Push the next 5 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_50 = "Push the next 50 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_51 = "Push the next 51 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_52 = "Push the next 52 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_53 = "Push the next 53 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_54 = "Push the next 54 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_55 = "Push the next 55 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_56 = "Push the next 56 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_57 = "Push the next 57 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_58 = "Push the next 58 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_59 = "Push the next 59 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_6 = "Push the next 6 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_60 = "Push the next 60 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_61 = "Push the next 61 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_62 = "Push the next 62 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_63 = "Push the next 63 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_64 = "Push the next 64 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_65 = "Push the next 65 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_66 = "Push the next 66 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_67 = "Push the next 67 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_68 = "Push the next 68 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_69 = "Push the next 69 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_7 = "Push the next 7 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_70 = "Push the next 70 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_71 = "Push the next 71 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_72 = "Push the next 72 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_73 = "Push the next 73 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_74 = "Push the next 74 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_75 = "Push the next 75 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_8 = "Push the next 8 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_9 = "Push the next 9 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHDATA_1 = "Read the next Uint8 and push that number of bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHDATA_2 = "Read the next little-endian Uint16 and push that number of bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHDATA_4 = "Read the next little-endian Uint32 and push that number of bytes onto the stack."
OP_RESERVED = "Error unless found in an unexecuted conditional branch. Note: OP_RESERVED does not count toward the opcode limit."
OP_RESERVED1 = "Error unless found in an unexecuted conditional branch. Note: OP_RESERVED1 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_RESERVED2 = "Error unless found in an unexecuted conditional branch. Note: OP_RESERVED2 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_RETURN = "Error when executed."
OP_RIGHT = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this returned a section to the right of a point in a stack item.)"
OP_RIPEMD160 = "Pop the top item from the stack and pass it through ripemd160, pushing the result onto the stack."
OP_ROLL = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number. Move the item at that depth (zero-indexed) to the top of the stack. (E.g. [a, b, c, 2] -> [b, c, a])"
OP_ROT = "Rotate the top 3 items on the stack, bringing the third item to the top. (E.g. [a, b, c] -> [b, c, a])"
OP_RSHIFT = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this performed a sign-preserving, right bit shift.)"
OP_SHA1 = "Pop the top item from the stack and pass it through sha1, pushing the result onto the stack."
OP_SHA256 = "Pop the top item from the stack and pass it through sha256, pushing the result onto the stack."
OP_SIZE = "Push the byte-length of the top stack item as a VM Number."
OP_SUB = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. Subtract the top item from the second item, then push the result."
OP_SUBSTR = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this returned a section of a stack item.)"
OP_SWAP = "Swap the top two items on the stack. (E.g. [a, b] -> [b, a])"
OP_TOALTSTACK = "Pop the top item from the stack and push it onto the alternate stack."
OP_TUCK = "Duplicate the item at the top of the stack, inserting it below the second-to-top item. (E.g. [a, b] -> [b, a, b])"
OP_VER = "Error unless found in an unexecuted conditional branch. Note: OP_VER counts toward the opcode limit. (Historically, this pushed a protocol version number to the stack.)"
OP_VERIF = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this was a combination of OP_VER and OP_IF.)"
OP_VERIFY = "Pop the top item from the stack and error if it isn't \"truthy\"."
OP_VERNOTIF = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this was a combination of OP_VER and OP_NOTIF.)"
OP_WITHIN = "Pop the top three items from the stack as VM Numbers. If the top number is within the range defined by the following two numbers (left-inclusive), push a 1 (VM Number). Otherwise, push a 0 (VM Number). (E.g. for [a, b, c]: if (b <= a), and (a < c), [1]. Else [0].)"
OP_XOR = "Error, even when found in an unexecuted conditional branch. (Historically, this performed a boolean XOR on each bit in two stack items.)"