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An ultra-lightweight, zero-dependency JavaScript library for Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, and Bitauth applications.
enum OpcodeDescriptionsBTC
import { OpcodeDescriptionsBTC } from "";


OP_0 = "Push the VM Number 0 onto the stack."
OP_0NOTEQUAL = string
OP_1 = "Push a 1 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_10 = "Push a 10 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_11 = "Push a 11 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_12 = "Push a 12 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_13 = "Push a 13 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_14 = "Push a 14 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_15 = "Push a 15 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_16 = "Push a 16 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_1ADD = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number, add 1, then push the result."
OP_1NEGATE = "Push the VM Number -1 onto the stack."
OP_1SUB = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number, subtract 1, then push the result."
OP_2 = "Push a 2 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_2DIV = string
OP_2DROP = "Pop the top 2 items from the stack and discard them."
OP_2DUP = "Duplicate the top 2 items on the stack. (E.g. [a, b] -> [a, b, a, b])"
OP_2MUL = string
OP_2OVER = string
OP_2ROT = string
OP_2SWAP = "Swap the positions of the top two pairs of items on the stack. (E.g. [a, b, c, d] -> [c, d, a, b])"
OP_3 = "Push a 3 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_3DUP = "Duplicate the top 3 items on the stack. (E.g. [a, b, c] -> [a, b, c, a, b, c])"
OP_4 = "Push a 4 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_5 = "Push a 5 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_6 = "Push a 6 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_7 = "Push a 7 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_8 = "Push a 8 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_9 = "Push a 9 (VM Number) onto the stack."
OP_ABS = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number, take its absolute value, then push the result."
OP_ADD = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. Add them, then push the result."
OP_AND = string
OP_BOOLAND = string
OP_BOOLOR = string
OP_CAT = string
OP_CHECKSIG = string
OP_DEPTH = "Push the current number of stack items as a VM Number."
OP_DIV = string
OP_DROP = "Pop the top item from the stack and discard it. (E.g. [a] -> [])"
OP_DUP = "Duplicate the top item on the stack. (E.g. [a] -> [a, a])"
OP_ELSE = string
OP_ENDIF = "End the current OP_IF/OP_NOTIF ... OP_ENDIF block."
OP_EQUAL = string
OP_FROMALTSTACK = "Pop the top item from the alternate stack and push it onto the stack."
OP_HASH160 = string
OP_HASH256 = string
OP_IF = string
OP_IFDUP = "If the top item on the stack is \"truthy\", duplicate it."
OP_INVERT = string
OP_LEFT = string
OP_LESSTHAN = string
OP_LSHIFT = string
OP_MAX = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. Push the larger of the two numbers."
OP_MIN = "Pop the top two items from the stack as VM Numbers. Push the smaller of the two numbers."
OP_MOD = string
OP_MUL = string
OP_NEGATE = "Pop the top item from the stack as a VM Number, negate it, then push the result."
OP_NIP = "Remove the second-to-top item from the stack. (E.g. [a, b] -> [b])"
OP_NOP = "No operation. Note: OP_NOP counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP1 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP1 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP10 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP10 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP4 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP4 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP5 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP5 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP6 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP6 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP7 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP7 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP8 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP8 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOP9 = "No operation (reserved for future expansion). Note: OP_NOP9 counts toward the opcode limit."
OP_NOT = string
OP_NOTIF = string
OP_NUMEQUAL = string
OP_OR = string
OP_OVER = "Duplicate the second-to-top item on the stack. (E.g. [a, b] -> [a, b, a])"
OP_PICK = string
OP_PUSHBYTES_1 = "Push the next byte onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_10 = "Push the next 10 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_11 = "Push the next 11 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_12 = "Push the next 12 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_13 = "Push the next 13 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_14 = "Push the next 14 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_15 = "Push the next 15 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_16 = "Push the next 16 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_17 = "Push the next 17 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_18 = "Push the next 18 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_19 = "Push the next 19 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_2 = "Push the next 2 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_20 = "Push the next 20 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_21 = "Push the next 21 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_22 = "Push the next 22 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_23 = "Push the next 23 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_24 = "Push the next 24 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_25 = "Push the next 25 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_26 = "Push the next 26 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_27 = "Push the next 27 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_28 = "Push the next 28 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_29 = "Push the next 29 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_3 = "Push the next 3 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_30 = "Push the next 30 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_31 = "Push the next 31 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_32 = "Push the next 32 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_33 = "Push the next 33 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_34 = "Push the next 34 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_35 = "Push the next 35 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_36 = "Push the next 36 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_37 = "Push the next 37 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_38 = "Push the next 38 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_39 = "Push the next 39 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_4 = "Push the next 4 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_40 = "Push the next 40 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_41 = "Push the next 41 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_42 = "Push the next 42 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_43 = "Push the next 43 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_44 = "Push the next 44 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_45 = "Push the next 45 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_46 = "Push the next 46 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_47 = "Push the next 47 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_48 = "Push the next 48 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_49 = "Push the next 49 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_5 = "Push the next 5 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_50 = "Push the next 50 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_51 = "Push the next 51 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_52 = "Push the next 52 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_53 = "Push the next 53 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_54 = "Push the next 54 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_55 = "Push the next 55 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_56 = "Push the next 56 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_57 = "Push the next 57 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_58 = "Push the next 58 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_59 = "Push the next 59 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_6 = "Push the next 6 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_60 = "Push the next 60 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_61 = "Push the next 61 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_62 = "Push the next 62 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_63 = "Push the next 63 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_64 = "Push the next 64 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_65 = "Push the next 65 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_66 = "Push the next 66 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_67 = "Push the next 67 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_68 = "Push the next 68 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_69 = "Push the next 69 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_7 = "Push the next 7 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_70 = "Push the next 70 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_71 = "Push the next 71 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_72 = "Push the next 72 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_73 = "Push the next 73 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_74 = "Push the next 74 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_75 = "Push the next 75 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_8 = "Push the next 8 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHBYTES_9 = "Push the next 9 bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHDATA_1 = "Read the next Uint8 and push that number of bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHDATA_2 = "Read the next little-endian Uint16 and push that number of bytes onto the stack."
OP_PUSHDATA_4 = "Read the next little-endian Uint32 and push that number of bytes onto the stack."
OP_RESERVED = string
OP_RESERVED1 = string
OP_RESERVED2 = string
OP_RETURN = "Error when executed."
OP_RIGHT = string
OP_RIPEMD160 = "Pop the top item from the stack and pass it through ripemd160, pushing the result onto the stack."
OP_ROLL = string
OP_ROT = string
OP_RSHIFT = string
OP_SHA1 = "Pop the top item from the stack and pass it through sha1, pushing the result onto the stack."
OP_SHA256 = "Pop the top item from the stack and pass it through sha256, pushing the result onto the stack."
OP_SIZE = "Push the byte-length of the top stack item as a VM Number."
OP_SUB = string
OP_SUBSTR = string
OP_SWAP = "Swap the top two items on the stack. (E.g. [a, b] -> [b, a])"
OP_TOALTSTACK = "Pop the top item from the stack and push it onto the alternate stack."
OP_TUCK = string
OP_VER = string
OP_VERIF = string
OP_VERIFY = "Pop the top item from the stack and error if it isn't \"truthy\"."
OP_VERNOTIF = string
OP_WITHIN = string
OP_XOR = string