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Deno FFI bindings for libclang
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import * as libclang from "";


Contains the results of code-completion.

A parsed comment.

A compilation database holds all information used to compile files in a project. For each file in the database, it can be queried for the working directory or the command line used for the compiler invocation.

A semantic string that describes a code-completion result.

A cursor representing some element in the abstract syntax tree for a translation unit.

A single diagnostic, containing the diagnostic's severity, location, text, source ranges, and fix-it hints.

A group of CXDiagnostics.

Evaluation result of a cursor

A particular source file that is part of a translation unit.

An "index" that consists of a set of translation units that would typically be linked together into an executable or library.

An indexing action/session, to be applied to one or multiple translation units.

Class encapsulating information about a file.

Opaque pointer representing a policy that controls pretty printing for CXCursor.getPrettyPrinted.

A remapping of original source files and their translated files.

Identifies a specific source location within a translation unit.

Identifies a half-open character range in the source code.

Identifies an array of ranges.

Describes a single preprocessing token.

A single translation unit, which resides in a CXIndex.

The memory usage of a CXTranslationUnit, broken into categories.

The type of an element in the abstract syntax tree.

Class encapsulating information about overlaying virtual file/directories over the real file system.


Represents the C++ access control level to a base class for a cursor with kind CX_CXXBaseSpecifier.

Represents the storage classes as declared in the source. CX_SC_Invalid was added for the case that the passed cursor in not a declaration.

Describes the availability of a particular entity, which indicates whether the use of this entity will result in a warning or error due to it being deprecated or unavailable.

Describes the calling convention of a function type

Describes how the traversal of the children of a particular cursor should proceed after visiting a particular child cursor.

Flags that can be passed to clang_codeCompleteAt() to modify its behavior.

The most appropriate rendering mode for an inline command, chosen on command semantics in Doxygen.

Describes the type of the comment AST node (CXComment). A comment node can be considered block content (e. g., paragraph), inline content (plain text) or neither (the root AST node).

Describes parameter passing direction for \param or \arg command.

Describes a single piece of text within a code-completion string.

Bits that represent the context under which completion is occurring.

Describes the exception specification of a cursor.

Describes the kind of entity that a cursor refers to.

Options to control the display of diagnostics.

Describes the severity of a particular diagnostic.

Error codes returned by libclang routines.

Describe the "language" of the entity referred to by a cursor.

Describe the linkage of the entity referred to by a cursor.

Describes the kind of error that occurred (if any) in a call to clang_loadDiagnostics.

'Qualifiers' written next to the return and parameter types in Objective-C method declarations.

Property attributes for a CXCursorKind.CXCursor_ObjCPropertyDecl.

Properties for the printing policy.

Flags that control the reparsing of translation units.

Describes the kind of error that occurred (if any) in a call to clang_saveTranslationUnit().

Describes the kind of a template argument.

Describe the "thread-local storage (TLS) kind" of the declaration referred to by a cursor.

Describes a kind of token.

Flags that control the creation of translation units.

Describes the kind of type

List the possible error codes for clang_Type_getSizeOf, clang_Type_getAlignOf, clang_Type_getOffsetOf and clang_Cursor_getOffsetOf.



for debug/testing

Return the timestamp for use with Clang's -fbuild-session-timestamp= option.

Return a version string, suitable for showing to a user, but not intended to be parsed (the format is not guaranteed to be stable).

When called with true, installs error handler that prints error message to stderr and calls abort(). This replaces the currently installed error handler (if any).

Enable/disable crash recovery.


Describes the availability of a given entity on a particular platform, e.g., a particular class might only be available on Mac OS 10.7 or newer.

Represents the command line invocation to compile a specific file.

Mapping from source path to source content for a compiler invocation.

Target information for a given translation unit.

Provides the contents of a file that has not yet been saved to disk.