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// Importsimport { License } from "./license.ts";import { PermissionTag, ConditionTag, LimitiationTag} from "./tags/tags.ts";
export const generate = async <L extends License<string, string, string, string, string[], PermissionTag<string, string>[], ConditionTag<string, string>[], LimitiationTag<string, string>[], string>> ( license: L, args: { [key: string]: string }) => { const a: any = {}; let text = license.content; for (let arg of license.args) { if (!args[arg]) { const d = license.defaults[arg]; if (!d) throw new Error(`Missing argument '${arg}'!`); const v = await d(); if (!v) throw new Error(`Missing argument '${arg}'!`); a[arg] = v; } else { a[arg] = args[arg]; } } for (let key in a) { const value = a[key]; text = text.replaceAll(`<${key}>`, value); } return text;};