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// #region tag definitons
export enum TagType { Permission, Condition, Limitation};
export interface Tag<Name extends string, Description extends String>{ name: Name; description: Description;}
export interface PermissionTag<Name extends string, Description extends String> extends Tag<Name, Description>{ type: typeof TagType.Permission;}
export interface ConditionTag<Name extends string, Description extends String> extends Tag<Name, Description>{ type: typeof TagType.Condition;}
export interface LimitiationTag<Name extends string, Description extends String> extends Tag<Name, Description>{ type: typeof TagType.Limitation;}
const perm = <Name extends string, Description extends string> (name: Name, description: Description): PermissionTag<Name, Description> => ({ type: TagType.Permission, name, description});
const cond = <Name extends string, Description extends string> (name: Name, description: Description): ConditionTag<Name, Description> => ({ type: TagType.Condition, name, description});
const limt = <Name extends string, Description extends string> (name: Name, description: Description): LimitiationTag<Name, Description> => ({ type: TagType.Limitation, name, description});
// #endregion
// #region Permissions
// max width: 14export const COMMERCIAL_USE = perm("commercial-use", "The licensed material and deriatives may be used for commercial purposes.");export const DISTRIBUTION = perm("distribution", "The licensed material may be distributed.");export const MODIFICATION = perm("modification", "The licensed material may be modified.");export const PRIVATE_USE = perm("private-use", "The licensed material may be used and modified in private.");export const PATENT_USE = perm("patent-use", "This license provides an express grant of patent rights from contributors.");export const permissions = [ COMMERCIAL_USE, DISTRIBUTION, MODIFICATION, PRIVATE_USE, PATENT_USE ].sort((a, b) => ( as any) - ( as any));export const permissionsMap = new Map<string, PermissionTag<string, string>>();for (let _ of permissions) permissionsMap.set(, _);
// #endregion
// #region Conditions
// max width: 28export const LICENSE_AND_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = cond("license-and-copyright-notice", "A copy of the license and copyright notice must be included with the licensed material.");export const DISCLOSE_SOURCE = cond("disclose-source", "Source code must be made available when the licensed material is distributed.");export const NETWORK_USE_IS_DISTRIBUTION = cond("network-use-is-distrobution", "Users who interact with the licensed material via network are given the right to receive a copy of the source code.");export const SAME_LICENSE = cond("same-license", "Modifications must be released under the same license when distributing the licensed material. In some cases a similar or related license may be used.");export const SAME_LICENSE_LIBRARY = cond("same-license-library", "Modifications must be released under the same license when distributing the licensed material. In some cases a similar or related license may be used, or this condition may not apply to works that use the licensed material as a library.");export const SAME_LICENSE_FILE = cond("same-license-file", "Modifications of existing files must be released under the same license when distributing the licensed material. In some cases a similar or related license may be used.");export const STATE_CHANGES = cond("state-changes", "Changes made to the licensed material must be documented.");export const conditions = [ LICENSE_AND_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, DISCLOSE_SOURCE, NETWORK_USE_IS_DISTRIBUTION, SAME_LICENSE, SAME_LICENSE_LIBRARY, SAME_LICENSE_FILE, STATE_CHANGES ].sort((a, b) => ( as any) - ( as any));export const conditionMap = new Map<string, ConditionTag<string, string>>();for (let _ of conditions) conditionMap.set(, _);
// #endregion
// #region Limitations
// max width: 13export const LIABILITY = limt("liability", "This license includes a limitation of liability.");export const WARRANTY = limt("warranty", "This license explicitly states that it does NOT provide any warranty.");export const TRADEMARK_USE = limt("trademark-use", "This license explicitly states that it does NOT grant trademark rights, even though licenses without such a statement probably do grant any implicit trademark rights.");export const limitations = [ LIABILITY, WARRANTY, TRADEMARK_USE ].sort((a, b) => ( as any) - ( as any));export const limitationMap = new Map<string, LimitiationTag<string, string>>();for (let _ of limitations) limitationMap.set(, _);
// #endregion