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Turn any event stream into an async iterator
import listenator from './mod';
const delay = (ms: number) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
test('it should yield asynchronously delivered callback arguments and finish', async () => { const gen = listenator<number>((emit, done) => { let val = 0; const tick = () => { setTimeout(() => { emit(val++); if (val < 3) { tick(); } else { done(); } }, 10); }; tick(); });
let current = 0; let totalValues = 0;
for await (const num of gen) { expect(num).toBe(current++); totalValues += 1; }
test('it should yield synchronously delivered callback arguments and finish', async () => { const gen = listenator<number>((emit, done) => { emit(0); emit(1); emit(2); done(); });
let current = 0; let totalValues = 0;
for await (const num of gen) { expect(num).toBe(current++); totalValues += 1; }
test('it should yield both asynchronously and synchronously delivered callback arguments and finish', async () => { const gen = listenator<number>(async (emit, done) => { await delay(10); emit(0); await delay(10); emit(1); emit(2); done(); });
let current = 0; let totalValues = 0;
for await (const num of gen) { expect(num).toBe(current++); totalValues += 1; }
test('it should yield both synchronously and asynchronously delivered callback arguments and finish', async () => { const gen = listenator<number>(async (emit, done) => { emit(0); emit(1); await delay(10); emit(2); await delay(10); done(); });
let current = 0; let totalValues = 0;
for await (const num of gen) { expect(num).toBe(current++); totalValues += 1; }
test('it should stop accepting events after done is called', async () => { const gen = listenator<number>(async (emit, done) => { emit(0); emit(1); done(); emit(2); });
let current = 0; let totalValues = 0;
for await (const num of gen) { expect(num).toBe(current++); totalValues += 1; }