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Deno library and CLI to access the ListenBrainz API
interface AdditionalTrackInfo
import { type AdditionalTrackInfo } from "";

Additional metadata an audio track can have.

Other unspecified fields that may be submitted here will not be removed, but ListenBrainz may decide to formally specify or scrub fields in the future.

Index Signatures

[unspecified: string]: unknown


artist_mbids: string[]

List of MusicBrainz Artist IDs, one or more IDs may be included here. If you have a complete MusicBrainz artist credit that contains multiple Artist IDs, include them all in this list.

release_group_mbid: string

MusicBrainz Release Group ID of the release group this recording was played from.

release_mbid: string

MusicBrainz Release ID of the release this recording was played from.

recording_mbid: string

MusicBrainz Recording ID of the recording that was played.

track_mbid: string

MusicBrainz Track ID associated with the recording that was played.

work_mbids: string[]

List of MusicBrainz Work IDs that may be associated with this recording.

tracknumber: number

The tracknumber of the recording (first recording on a release is #1).

isrc: string

The ISRC code associated with the recording.

tags: string[]

List of user-defined folksonomy tags to be associated with this recording. You may submit up to MAX_TAGS_PER_LISTEN tags and each tag may be up to MAX_TAG_SIZE characters large.

media_player: string

The name of the program being used to listen to music. Don’t include a version number here.

media_player_version: string

The version of the program being used to listen to music.

submission_client: string

The name of the client that is being used to submit listens to ListenBrainz. If the media player has the ability to submit listens built-in then this value may be the same as media_player. Don’t include a version number here.

submission_client_version: string

The version of the submission client.

music_service: string

If the song being listened to comes from an online service, the canonical domain of this service (rather than a textual description or URL).

This allows ListenBrainz to refer unambiguously to a service without worrying about capitalization or full/short names (such as the difference between “Internet Archive”, “The Internet Archive” or “Archive”).

music_service_name: string

If the song being listened to comes from an online service and you don’t know the canonical domain, a name that represents the service.

origin_url: string

If the song of this listen comes from an online source, the URL to the place where it is available. This could be a Spotify URL (see spotify_id), a YouTube video URL, a Soundcloud recording page URL, or the full URL to a public MP3 file. If there is a webpage for this song (e.g. Youtube page, Soundcloud page) do not try and resolve the URL to an actual audio resource.

duration_ms: number

The duration of the track in milliseconds (integer). You should only include one of duration_ms or duration.

duration: number

The duration of the track in seconds (integer). You should only include one of duration_ms or duration.

spotify_id: string

The Spotify track URL associated with this recording.

discnumber: number

Number of the medium on which the track can be found.

artist_names: string[]

Name of the track artist.

release_artist_name: string

Name of the release artist.

release_artist_names: string[]

Names of the release artists.

spotify_artist_ids: string[]

The Spotify artist URLs associated with the recording artists.

spotify_album_id: string

The Spotify album URL associated with the release.

spotify_album_artist_ids: string[]

The Spotify artist URLs associated with the album artists.

youtube_id: string

The YouTube URL associated with the track.

recording_msid: string

MessyBrainz ID (should not be submitted).

listening_from: string

Source of the listens.