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import * as live from "";



A simple Immutable Console based diagnostic logger which will output any messages to the Console. If you want to limit the amount of logging to a specific level or lower use the createLogLevelDiagLogger

The explicit bucket histogram aggregation.

This class represents a fetch plugin for auto instrumentation

Base abstract class for instrumenting node plugins

This class implements the MeterProvider interface.

JS Implementation of incremental MurmurHash3 (r150) (as of May 10, 2013)

Register this TracerProvider for use with the OpenTelemetry API. Undefined values may be replaced with defaults, and null values will be skipped.

Collector Metric Exporter for Node

Collector Trace Exporter for Node with protobuf

A composite sampler that either respects the parent span's sampling decision or delegates to delegateSampler for root spans.

MetricReader which collects metrics based on a user-configurable time interval, and passes the metrics to the configured PushMetricExporter

A Resource describes the entity for which a signals (metrics or trace) are collected.

A channel is the basic building block of Realtime and narrows the scope of data flow to subscribed clients. You can think of a channel as a chatroom where participants are able to see who's online and send and receive messages.

Supabase Client.

Sampler that samples a given fraction of traces based of trace id deterministically.

Can be passed to a MeterProvider to select instruments and alter their metric stream.

WorkflowContext is used for providing api access to the workflow engine.


Defines the available internal logging levels for the diagnostic logger, the numeric values of the levels are defined to match the original values from the initial LogLevel to avoid compatibility/migration issues for any implementation that assume the numeric ordering.

A sampling decision that determines how a Span will be recorded and collected.

An enumeration of status codes.

The Type of value. It describes how the data is reported.


Adds durable encryption layer to the sent messages.

Adds a layer of verification for received messages

Entrypoint for context API

An wrapper for WebCrypto adding support for additional non-standard algorithms, but delegating to the runtime WebCrypto implementation whenever possible.

Entrypoint for Diag API. Defines Diagnostic handler used for internal diagnostic logging operations. The default provides a Noop DiagLogger implementation which may be changed via the diag.setLogger(logger: DiagLogger) function.

The root context is used as the default parent context when there is no active context

Adds the caller signature to the headers allowing receiveirs to validate the identity of the request.

Encode a given message to string.

Creates a new Supabase Client.

Exposes a workflow function as a http handler.

Exposes a workflow function as a runner.

Exposes a workflow function as a http websocket handler.


Get a key to uniquely identify a context value


Parse cookies of a header

Parse set-cookies of a header

Checks if certain function has been already wrapped

It will register instrumentations and plugins

Set the cookie header properly in the headers

Implements a global exclusive lock using the Navigator LockManager API. It is available on all browsers released after 2022-03-15 with Safari being the last one to release support. If the API is not available, this function will throw. Make sure you check availablility before configuring GoTrueClient.

Note: this interface currently does not do actual async work, only provides a corresponding async interfaces to the @swc/core's interface.


Raised when an activity is in completed state.

ActivityStartedEvent is the event that is raised when the activity starts.

{key} or {key = value}

Attributes is a map from string to attribute values.

Interface that is being used in batch observable callback function.


  • import { DEBUG } from '@ember/env-flags';
  • import { FEATURE_A, FEATURE_B } from '@ember/features';

Configuration ported from babel-preset-env

Event is the base event

  • export { foo } from 'mod'
  • export { foo as bar } from 'mod'

export * as foo from 'src';

Options for inline-global pass.

e.g. import foo from 'mod.js'

e.g. import * as foo from 'mod.js'.

Invoke the given http endpoint

WorkflowStartedEvent is the event that should start the workflow

These properties are mostly not implemented yet, but it exists to support passing terser config to swc minify without modification.

XML-based namespace syntax:

{key: value}

A pointer from the current Span to another span in the same trace or in a different trace. Few examples of Link usage.

  1. Batch Processing: A batch of elements may contain elements associated with one or more traces/spans. Since there can only be one parent SpanContext, Link is used to keep reference to SpanContext of all elements in the batch.
  2. Public Endpoint: A SpanContext in incoming client request on a public endpoint is untrusted from service provider perspective. In such case it is advisable to start a new trace with appropriate sampling decision. However, it is desirable to associate incoming SpanContext to new trace initiated on service provider side so two traces (from Client and from Service Provider) can be correlated.

e.g. - import { foo } from 'mod.js'

Interface that is being used in callback function for Observable Metric.

Programmatic options.

This interface represent a sampler. Sampling is a mechanism to control the noise and overhead introduced by OpenTelemetry by reducing the number of samples of traces collected and sent to the backend.

A sampling result contains a decision for a Span and additional attributes the sampler would like to added to the Span.

An interface that represents a span. A span represents a single operation within a trace. Examples of span might include remote procedure calls or a in-process function calls to sub-components. A Trace has a single, top-level "root" Span that in turn may have zero or more child Spans, which in turn may have children.

An authentication methord reference (AMR) entry.

A MFA factor.

Contains the full multi-factor authentication administration API.

Contains the full multi-factor authentication API.

TimerFiredEvent is the event that is raised when a timer is fired.

TimerScheduledEvent is the event that is raised when a timer is scheduled.

Tracer provides an interface for creating Spans.

Options for transform.

typeof operator

WaitingSignalEvent is used to indicate that the state is waiting for signal to proceed.

WorkflowCanceledEvent is a event that will cancel the workflow

WorkflowStartedEvent is the event that should start the workflow

WorkflowStartedEvent is the event that should start the workflow

Type Aliases

Arg is a generic argument


A handler for HTTP requests. Consumes a request and connection information and returns a response.

All possible types of events.


JSON Schema v7

Primitive type

Primitive type



Identifier is a in { a, }


A handler for HTTP requests. Consumes a request and connection information and returns a response.

AuthOtpResponse is returned when OTP is used.

The properties related to the email link generated

Provide your own global lock implementation instead of the default implementation. The function should acquire a lock for the duration of the fn async function, such that no other client instances will be able to hold it at the same time.

Error format

One of the providers supported by GoTrue.

namespace A.B { } is a namespace named A with another TsNamespaceDecl as its body.


WorkflowGen is the generator function returned by a workflow function.