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Low output latency streaming HTML parser/rewriter with CSS selector-based API in Deno, via Webassembly.
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use super::comment::Comment;use super::doctype::Doctype;use super::document_end::DocumentEnd;use super::element::Element;use super::text_chunk::TextChunk;use super::*;use js_sys::Function as JsFunction;use lol_html::{ DocumentContentHandlers as NativeDocumentContentHandlers, ElementContentHandlers as NativeElementContentHandlers,};use std::mem;use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]#[error("JS handler error")]pub struct HandlerJsErrorWrap(pub JsValue);
// SAFETY: The exposed js-api only supports single-threaded usage.unsafe impl Send for HandlerJsErrorWrap {}unsafe impl Sync for HandlerJsErrorWrap {}
macro_rules! make_handler { ($handler:ident, $JsArgType:ident) => { move |arg: &mut _| { let (js_arg, anchor) = $JsArgType::from_native(arg);
let res = match $handler.call1(&JsValue::NULL, &JsValue::from(js_arg)) { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => Err(HandlerJsErrorWrap(e).into()), };
res } };}
#[wasm_bindgen]extern "C" { pub type ElementContentHandlers;
#[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)] fn element(this: &ElementContentHandlers) -> Option<JsFunction>;
#[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)] fn comments(this: &ElementContentHandlers) -> Option<JsFunction>;
#[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)] fn text(this: &ElementContentHandlers) -> Option<JsFunction>;}
impl IntoNative<NativeElementContentHandlers<'static>> for ElementContentHandlers { fn into_native(self) -> NativeElementContentHandlers<'static> { let mut native = NativeElementContentHandlers::default();
if let Some(handler) = self.element() { native = native.element(make_handler!(handler, Element)); }
if let Some(handler) = self.comments() { native = native.comments(make_handler!(handler, Comment)); }
if let Some(handler) = self.text() { native = native.text(make_handler!(handler, TextChunk)); }
native }}
#[wasm_bindgen]extern "C" { pub type DocumentContentHandlers;
#[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)] fn doctype(this: &DocumentContentHandlers) -> Option<JsFunction>;
#[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)] fn comments(this: &DocumentContentHandlers) -> Option<JsFunction>;
#[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)] fn text(this: &DocumentContentHandlers) -> Option<JsFunction>;
#[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)] fn end(this: &DocumentContentHandlers) -> Option<JsFunction>;}
impl IntoNative<NativeDocumentContentHandlers<'static>> for DocumentContentHandlers { fn into_native(self) -> NativeDocumentContentHandlers<'static> { let mut native = NativeDocumentContentHandlers::default();
if let Some(handler) = self.doctype() { native = native.doctype(make_handler!(handler, Doctype)); }
if let Some(handler) = self.comments() { native = native.comments(make_handler!(handler, Comment)); }
if let Some(handler) = self.text() { native = native.text(make_handler!(handler, TextChunk)); }
if let Some(handler) = self.end() { native = native.end(make_handler!(handler, DocumentEnd)); }
native }}