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The Low Output Latency streaming HTML rewriter/parser with CSS-selector based API, in Webassembly.
import { dirname } from "";import { encode } from "";
async function gzip(path: string): Promise<ArrayBuffer> { const f = await; return new Response( new Response(f.readable).body!.pipeThrough(new CompressionStream("gzip")), ).arrayBuffer();}
function prettyBytes(n: number) { return (n / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB";}
async function run(cmd: string, ...args: string[]) { const p = new Deno.Command(cmd, { args, stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit", }); const status = await p.spawn().status; return status.success;}
if (import.meta.main) { Deno.chdir(dirname(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname)); const ok = await run("wasm-pack", "build", "--target", "web"); if (ok) { await Deno.copyFile("./pkg/deno_lol_html_bg.wasm", "./lol_html.wasm"); const wasmStat = await Deno.stat("./lol_html.wasm"); const wasmGz = await gzip("./lol_html.wasm"); const jsCode = await Deno.readTextFile("./pkg/deno_lol_html.js"); const dts = await Deno.readTextFile("./pkg/deno_lol_html.d.ts"); await Deno.writeTextFile( "./wasm.js", `const ungzip = (data) => new Response(new Blob([data]).stream().pipeThrough(new DecompressionStream("gzip"))).arrayBuffer();\nexport default () => ungzip(Uint8Array.from(atob("${ encode(wasmGz) }"), c => c.charCodeAt(0)));`, ); await Deno.writeTextFile( "./lol_html.js", jsCode .replace( /on\(selector, handlers\) \{([\s\S]+?)\}(\s+)\/\*\*/, "on(selector, handlers) {$1;return this}$2/**", ).replace( /onDocument\(handlers\) \{([\s\S]+?)\}(\s+)\/\*\*/, "onDocument(handlers) {$1;return this}$2/**", ) .replace( "deno_lol_html_bg.wasm", "lol_html.wasm", ), ); await Deno.writeTextFile( "./types.d.ts", dts.replace( "on(selector: string, handlers: any): void", "on(selector: string, handlers: ElementHandlers): this", ).replace( "onDocument(handlers: any): void", "onDocument(handlers: DocumentHandlers): this", ).replaceAll( "content_type?: any", "content_type?: ContentType", ) + [ `export interface ElementHandlers { element?: (el: Element) => void, comments?: (comment: Comment) => void, text?: (chunk: TextChunk) => void }`, `export interface DocumentHandlers { doctype?: (doctype: Doctype) => void, comments?: (comment: Comment) => void, text?: (chunk: TextChunk) => void, end?: (end: DocumentEnd) => void }`, `export interface ContentType { html: Boolean }`, ].join("\n"), ); await run("deno", "fmt", "-q", "./lol_html.js", "./types.d.ts"); console.log( `wasm size: ${prettyBytes(wasmStat.size)}, gzipped: ${ prettyBytes(wasmGz.byteLength) }`, ); }}