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Lucid is a library, which allows you to create Cardano transactions and off-chain code for your Plutus contracts in JavaScript, Deno and Node.js.
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import packageJson from "./package.json" assert { type: "json" };import { parse } from "";
const flags = parse(Deno.args, { boolean: ["npm"],});
type Blueprint = { preamble: { title: string; description: string; version: string; plutusVersion: string; license: string; }; validators: { title: string; datum?: { title: string; schema: { $ref: string; }; }; redeemer: { title: string; schema: { $ref: string; }; }; parameters?: { title: string; schema: { $ref: string; }; }[]; compiledCode: string; hash: string; }[]; definitions: Record<string, { title: string; schema: { $ref: string; }; }>;};
const plutusJson: Blueprint = JSON.parse( await Deno.readTextFile("plutus.json"),);
const plutusVersion = "Plutus" + plutusJson.preamble.plutusVersion.toUpperCase();
const definitions = plutusJson.definitions;
const imports = `// deno-lint-ignore-fileimport { applyParamsToScript, Data, Validator } from "${ flags.npm ? "lucid-cardano" : `${packageJson.version}/mod.ts`}"`;
const validators = => { const title = validator.title; const name = (() => { const [a, b] = title.split("."); return upperFirst(snakeToCamel(a)) + upperFirst(snakeToCamel(b)); })(); const datum = validator.datum; const datumTitle = datum ? snakeToCamel(datum.title) : null; const datumSchema = datum ? resolveSchema(datum.schema, definitions) : null;
const redeemer = validator.redeemer; const redeemerTitle = snakeToCamel(redeemer.title); const redeemerSchema = resolveSchema(redeemer.schema, definitions);
const params = validator.parameters || []; const paramsSchema = { dataType: "list", items: => resolveSchema(param.schema, definitions)), }; const paramsArgs = param, index, ) => [snakeToCamel(param.title), schemaToType(paramsSchema.items[index])]);
const script = validator.compiledCode;
return `export interface ${name} { new (${ => param.join(":")).join(",")}): Validator;${ datum ? `\n${datumTitle}: ${schemaToType(datumSchema)};` : "" } ${redeemerTitle}: ${schemaToType(redeemerSchema)}; };
export const ${name} = Object.assign( function (${ => param.join(":")).join(",")}) {${ paramsArgs.length > 0 ? `return { type: "${plutusVersion}", script: applyParamsToScript("${script}", [${ => param[0]).join(",") }], ${JSON.stringify(paramsSchema)} as any) };` : `return {type: "${plutusVersion}", script: "${script}"};` }}, ${datum ? `{${datumTitle}: ${JSON.stringify(datumSchema)}},` : ""} {${redeemerTitle}: ${JSON.stringify(redeemerSchema)}}, ) as unknown as ${name};`;});
const plutus = imports + "\n\n" + validators.join("\n\n");
await Deno.writeTextFile("plutus.ts", plutus);await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["fmt", "plutus.ts"], stderr: "piped",}).output();console.log( "%cGenerated %cplutus.ts", "color: green; font-weight: bold", "font-weight: bold",);
function resolveSchema(schema: any, definitions: any): any { if (schema.items) { if (schema.items instanceof Array) { return { ...schema, items: any) => resolveSchema(item, definitions) ), }; } else { return { ...schema, items: resolveSchema(schema.items, definitions), }; } } else if (schema.anyOf) { return { ...schema, anyOf: any) => ({ ...a, fields: any) => ({ ...resolveSchema(field, definitions), title: field.title ? snakeToCamel(field.title) : undefined, })), })), }; } else if (schema.keys && schema.values) { return { ...schema, keys: resolveSchema(schema.keys, definitions), values: resolveSchema(schema.values, definitions), }; } else { if (schema["$ref"]) { const refKey = schema["$ref"].replaceAll("~1", "/").split("#/definitions/")[1]; return resolveSchema(definitions[refKey], definitions); } else { return schema; } }}
function schemaToType(schema: any): string { if (!schema) throw new Error("Could not generate type."); const shapeType = (schema.anyOf ? "enum" : "") || schema.dataType;
switch (shapeType) { case "integer": { return "bigint"; } case "bytes": { return "string"; } case "constructor": { if (isVoid(schema)) { return "undefined"; } else { return `{${ any) => `${field.title || "wrapper"}:${schemaToType(field)}` ).join(";") }}`; } } case "enum": { // When enum has only one entry it's a single constructor/record object if (schema.anyOf.length === 1) { return schemaToType(schema.anyOf[0]); } if (isBoolean(schema)) { return "boolean"; } if (isNullable(schema)) { return `${schemaToType(schema.anyOf[0].fields[0])} | null`; } return any) => entry.fields.length === 0 ? `"${entry.title}"` : `{${entry.title}: ${ entry.fields[0].title ? `{${ any) => [field.title, schemaToType(field)].join(":") ).join(",") }}}` : `[${ any) => schemaToType(field)).join(",") }]}` }` ).join(" | "); } case "list": { if (schema.items instanceof Array) { return `[${ any) => schemaToType(item)).join(",") }]`; } else { return `Array<${schemaToType(schema.items)}>`; } } case "map": { return `Map<${schemaToType(schema.keys)}, ${ schemaToType(schema.values) }>`; } case undefined: { return "Data"; } } throw new Error("Could not type cast data.");}
function isBoolean(shape: any): boolean { return shape.anyOf && shape.anyOf[0]?.title === "False" && shape.anyOf[1]?.title === "True";}
function isVoid(shape: any): boolean { return shape.index === 0 && shape.fields.length === 0;}
function isNullable(shape: any): boolean { return shape.anyOf && shape.anyOf[0]?.title === "Some" && shape.anyOf[1]?.title === "None";}
function snakeToCamel(s: string): string { const withUnderscore = s.charAt(0) === "_" ? s.charAt(0) : ""; return withUnderscore + (withUnderscore ? s.slice(1) : s).toLowerCase().replace( /([-_][a-z])/g, (group) => group .toUpperCase() .replace("-", "") .replace("_", ""), );}
function upperFirst(s: string): string { const withUnderscore = s.charAt(0) === "_" ? s.charAt(0) : ""; return withUnderscore + s.charAt(withUnderscore ? 1 : 0).toUpperCase() + s.slice((withUnderscore ? 1 : 0) + 1);}