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Lucid is a library, which allows you to create Cardano transactions and off-chain code for your Plutus contracts in JavaScript, Deno and Node.js.
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import * as lucid from "";


ED25519 key used as public key

We introduce a builder-pattern format for creating transaction outputs This is because:

  1. Some fields (i.e. data hash) are optional, and we can't easily expose Option<> in WASM
  2. Some fields like amounts have many ways it could be set (some depending on other field values being known)
  3. Easier to adapt as the output format gets more complicated in future Cardano releases

Builder de-duplicates witnesses as they are added



JSON <-> PlutusData conversion schemas. Follows ScriptDataJsonSchema in cardano-cli defined at:

Each new language uses a different namespace for hashing its script This is because you could have a language where the same bytes have different semantics So this avoids scripts in different languages mapping to the same hash Note that the enum value here is different than the enum value for deciding the cost model of a script

Used to choose the schema for a script JSON string

Address can be in Bech32 or Hex



Concatenate the given arrays into a new Uint8Array.

Receives a script JSON string and returns a NativeScript. Cardano Wallet and Node styles are supported.

This function is temporarily needed only, until Blockfrost returns the datum natively in Cbor. The conversion is ambigious, that's why it's better to get the datum directly in Cbor.

Check whether binary arrays are equal to each other.

Splits unit into policy id, name and label if applicable. name will be returned in UTF-8 if possible, otherwise in Hex.

Convert a native script from Json to the Hex representation. It follows this Json format:


A wallet that can be constructed from external data e.g utxos and an address. It doesn't allow you to sign transactions/messages. This needs to be handled separately.

Type Aliases


Note: Plutus scripts need to be Cbor encoded. Raw compiled script without the Cbor encoding do not work. E.g. taking the Cbor Hex string coming from writeFileTextEnvelope works



JSON object


Note: Plutus scripts need to be Cbor encoded. Raw compiled script without the Cbor encoding do not work. E.g. taking the Cbor Hex string coming from writeFileTextEnvelope works

asHash will add the datum hash to the output and the datum to the witness set. inline will add the datum to the output. scriptRef will add any script to the output. You can only specify asHash or inline, not both at the same time.



These are the arguments that conform a BuiltinData in Plutus: data Data = Constr Integer [Data] | Map [(Data, Data)] | List [Data] | I Integer | B BS.ByteString deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData)




Hex (Redeemer is only PlutusData, same as Datum)


Note: Plutus scripts need to be Cbor encoded. Raw compiled script without the Cbor encoding do not work. E.g. taking in the Cbor Hex string coming from writeFileTextEnvelope (Haskell) works



Note: Plutus scripts need to be Cbor encoded. Raw compiled script without the Cbor encoding do not work. E.g. taking the Cbor Hex string coming from writeFileTextEnvelope works





Concatenation of policy id and asset name in Hex

Time in milliseconds

Note: Plutus scripts need to be Cbor encoded. Raw compiled script without the Cbor encoding do not work. E.g. taking the Cbor Hex string coming from writeFileTextEnvelope works


Note: Plutus scripts need to be Cbor encoded. Raw compiled script without the Cbor encoding do not work. E.g. taking the Cbor Hex string coming from writeFileTextEnvelope works