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Lucid is a library, which allows you to create Cardano transactions and off-chain code for your Plutus contracts in JavaScript, Deno and Node.js.
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class TransactionBody
import { TransactionBody } from "";


certs(): Certificates | undefined
free(): void
mint(): Mint | undefined
network_id(): NetworkId | undefined
raw(): Uint8Array | undefined
set_auxiliary_data_hash(auxiliary_data_hash: AuxiliaryDataHash): void
set_certs(certs: Certificates): void
set_collateral_return(collateral_return: TransactionOutput): void
set_mint(mint: Mint): void
set_network_id(network_id: NetworkId): void
set_reference_inputs(reference_inputs: TransactionInputs): void
set_required_signers(required_signers: Ed25519KeyHashes): void
set_script_data_hash(script_data_hash: ScriptDataHash): void
set_total_collateral(total_collateral: BigNum): void
set_update(update: Update): void
set_validity_start_interval(validity_start_interval: BigNum): void
set_withdrawals(withdrawals: Withdrawals): void
to_bytes(): Uint8Array
to_json(): string
total_collateral(): BigNum | undefined
ttl(): BigNum | undefined
update(): Update | undefined
withdrawals(): Withdrawals | undefined