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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { basename, dirname, extname, join } from "./deps/path.js";import { existsSync } from "./deps/fs.js";import { Directory, Page } from "./filesystem.js";import { concurrent, searchByExtension, normalizePath } from "./utils.js";
export default class Source { root = new Directory({ path: "/" });
data = new Map(); pages = new Map(); staticFiles = new Map(); assets = new Set(); ignored = new Set(); #cache = new Map();
constructor(site) { = site;
//Update cache on update site.addEventListener("beforeUpdate", (ev) => { this.root.refreshCache();
for (const filename of ev.files) { this.#cache.delete(site.src(filename)); } }); }
/** * Returns the Directory instance of a path */ getOrCreateDirectory(path) { let dir = this.root;
path.split("/").forEach((name) => { if (!name || !dir) { return; }
if (!dir.dirs.has(name)) { dir.createDirectory(name); }
dir = dir.dirs.get(name); });
return dir; }
/** * Returns the File or Directory of a path */ getFileOrDirectory(path) { let result = this.root;
path.split("/").forEach((name) => { if (!name || !result) { return; }
if (result instanceof Directory) { result = result.dirs.get(name) || result.pages.get(name); } else { return null; } });
return result; }
/** * Check whether a file is included in the static files */ isStatic(file) { for (const entry of this.staticFiles) { const [from] = entry;
if (file.startsWith(from)) { return entry; } }
return false; }
/** * Check whether a path is ignored or not */ isIgnored(path) { for (const pattern of this.ignored) { if (path.startsWith(pattern)) { return true; } }
return false; }
/** * Load a directory recursively */ loadDirectory(directory = this.root) { const path =;
return concurrent( Deno.readDir(path), (entry) => this.#loadEntry(directory, entry), ); }
/** * Reload some files */ async loadFile(file) { const entry = { name: basename(file), isFile: true, isDirectory: false, isSymlink: false, };
file = normalizePath(file);
//Is a file inside _data folder if (file.match(/\/_data\//)) { const dir = file.split("/_data/", 2).shift(); const directory = this.getOrCreateDirectory(dir); return this.#loadDataFolderEntry( join(directory.src.path, "_data"), entry,, ); }
const directory = this.getOrCreateDirectory(dirname(file)); await this.#loadEntry(directory, entry); }
/** * Load an entry from a directory */ async #loadEntry(directory, entry) { if (entry.isSymlink ||".")) { return; }
const path = join(directory.src.path,;
if (this.staticFiles.has(path) || this.ignored.has(path)) { return; }
if (entry.isDirectory && === "_data") { = await this.#loadDataFolder(path); return; }
if (entry.isFile &&^_data\.\w+$/)) { = await this.#loadData(path); return; }
if ("_")) { return; }
if (entry.isFile) { const page = await this.#loadPage(path);
if (page) { directory.setPage(, page); } else { directory.unsetPage(; } return; }
if (entry.isDirectory) { const subDirectory = directory.createDirectory(; await this.loadDirectory(subDirectory); return; } }
/** * Create and returns a Page */ async #loadPage(path) { const result = searchByExtension(path, this.pages);
if (!result) { return; }
const [ext, load] = result; const fullPath =;
if (!existsSync(fullPath)) { return; }
const info = await Deno.stat(fullPath); const src = { path: path.slice(0, -ext.length), lastModified: info.mtime, created: info.birthtime, ext, };
const dest = { path: normalizePath(src.path), ext, };
const subext = extname(src.path);
if (subext && !this.assets.has(ext)) { dest.path = dest.path.slice(0, -subext.length); dest.ext = subext; } else if (!this.assets.has(ext)) { dest.ext = ".html"; }
const data = await load(fullPath, this);
if (! { = getDate(src, dest); } else if (!( instanceof Date)) { throw new Error( 'Invalid date. Use "yyyy-mm-dd" or "yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" formats', ); }
const page = new Page(src); = data; page.dest = dest;
return page; }
/** * Load a _data.* file and return the content */ #loadData(path) { const result = searchByExtension(path,;
if (result) { const [, loader] = result; return loader(, this); } }
/** * Load a _data folder and return the content of all files */ async #loadDataFolder(path) { const data = {};
for (const entry of Deno.readDirSync( { await this.#loadDataFolderEntry(path, entry, data); }
return data; }
/** * Load a data file inside a _data folder */ async #loadDataFolderEntry(path, entry, data) { if ( entry.isSymlink ||".") ||"_") ) { return; }
if (entry.isFile) { const name = basename(, extname(; data[name] = Object.assign( data[name] || {}, await this.#loadData(join(path,, ); return; }
if (entry.isDirectory) { data[] = await this.#loadDataFolder(join(path,; } }
async readFile(path, fn = (content) => content) { if (this.#cache.has(path)) { return this.#cache.get(path); }
try { const content = await fn(await Deno.readTextFile(path)); this.#cache.set(path, content); return content; } catch (err) { console.error(`Error loading the file ${path}`); console.error(err); } }
async readBinaryFile(path) { return await Deno.readFile(path); }
async loadModule(path, fn = (content) => content) { if (this.#cache.has(path)) { return this.#cache.get(path); }
const hash = new Date().getTime(); const content = fn(await import(`file://${path}#${hash}`)); this.#cache.set(path, content); return content; }}
function getDate(src, dest) { const fileName = basename(src.path); const dayInPath = fileName.match(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})_/);
if (dayInPath) { const [found, year, month, day] = dayInPath; dest.path = dest.path.replace(found, ""); return new Date(parseInt(year), parseInt(month) - 1, parseInt(day)); }
const timeInPath = fileName.match( /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})_/, );
if (timeInPath) { const [found, year, month, day, hour, minute, second] = timeInPath; dest.path = dest.path.replace(found, ""); return new Date( parseInt(year), parseInt(month) - 1, parseInt(day), parseInt(hour), parseInt(minute), parseInt(second), ); }
const orderInPath = fileName.match(/^(\d+)_/);
if (orderInPath) { const [found, timestamp] = orderInPath; dest.path = dest.path.replace(found, ""); return new Date(parseInt(timestamp)); }
return src.created || src.lastModified;}