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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { existsSync } from "./deps/fs.js";import { parse } from "./deps/flags.js";import { brightGreen } from "./deps/colors.js";import { join, relative, resolve } from "./deps/path.js";import lume from "./mod.js";
if (import.meta.main) { cli(Deno.args);}
export default async function cli(args) { const version = "v0.9.1"; let stop = false; const options = parse(args, { boolean: ["serve", "init", "version", "dev", "help", "upgrade"], string: ["run"], alias: { help: "h", version: "v", }, default: { serve: false, port: 3000, dev: false, }, unknown(option) { if (option.startsWith("-")) { console.log(`Unknown option: ${option}`); stop = true; } }, });
if (stop) { console.log(`Run ${brightGreen("lume --help")} for usage information`); console.log(""); return; }
if (options._.length > 1) { console.log(`Too much arguments: ${options._.join(", ")}`); console.log(`Run ${brightGreen("lume --help")} for usage information`); console.log(""); return; }
// lume --help if ( { console.log(`πŸ”₯lume ${version}A static site generator for Deno
To build the site: lume
To serve the site in localhost lume --serve
USAGE: lume [OPTIONS] [<path>]
OPTIONS: --dev Run lume in development mode -h, --help Prints help information --init Creates a _config.js file --port Change the default port of the webserver (from 3000) --serve Starts the webserver -v, --version Prints version information`); return; }
// lume --version if (options.version) { console.log(`πŸ”₯lume ${version}`); return; }
// lume --upgrade if (options.upgrade) { const files = [ "cli.js", "plugins/bundler.js", "plugins/css.js", "plugins/dom.js", "plugins/eta.js", "plugins/jsx.js", "plugins/svg.js", ]; for (const file of files) { await{ cmd: [ "deno", "cache", "--unstable", "--reload", `${file}`, ], }).status(); } return; }
let cwd, configFile;
if (options._[0]) { const path = options._[0];
if (path.endsWith(".js") || path.endsWith(".ts")) { configFile = resolve(path); cwd = dirname(configFile); } else { cwd = resolve(path); configFile = join(cwd, "_config.js");
if (!existsSync(cwd)) { console.log(`The folder ${cwd} does not exists`); console.log(""); return; } } } else { cwd = Deno.cwd(); configFile = join(cwd, "_config.js"); }
// lume --init if (options.init) { Deno.writeTextFileSync( configFile, `import lume from "";
const site = lume({ src: ".", dest: "_site",});
export default site; `, ); console.log(brightGreen("Created config file"), configFile); return; }
let site;
if (existsSync(configFile)) { const mod = await import(`file://${configFile}`); site = mod.default; site.options.cwd = cwd; } else { site = lume({ cwd }); }
if ( { =; }
if (options.location) { site.options.location = new URL(options.location); }
// lume --run if ( { const success = await; Deno.exit(success ? 0 : 1); }
console.log(""); await;
console.log(""); console.log(`🍾 ${brightGreen("Site built")}`);
if (!options.serve) { return; }
// lume --serve const { server } = await import("./server.js");
try { await server(site.dest(), options.port); const watcher = Deno.watchFs(site.src()); const changes = new Set(); console.log("Watching for changes...");
let timer = 0;
const rebuild = async () => { console.log(""); console.log("Changes detected. Building..."); const files = new Set(changes); changes.clear();
try { await site.update(files); console.log("Done"); console.log(""); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } };
for await (const event of watcher) { if (event.paths.every((path) => path.startsWith(site.dest()))) { continue; }
event.paths.forEach((path) => changes.add(join("/", relative(site.src(), path))) );
//Debounce clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(rebuild, 500); } } catch (err) { console.log(err); }}