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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { concurrent } from "./utils.ts";import { Exception } from "./errors.ts";
import type { Page } from "../core.ts";
/** * Class to store and run the (pre)processors */export default class Processors { /** Processors and the assigned extensions */ processors = new Map<Processor, string[] | "*">();
/** Assign a processor to some extensions */ set(extensions: string[] | "*", processor: Processor) { if (Array.isArray(extensions)) { extensions.forEach((extension) => { if (extension.charAt(0) !== ".") { throw new Exception( "Invalid extension. It must start with '.'", { extension }, ); } }); }
this.processors.set(processor, extensions); }
/** Apply the processors to the provided pages */ async run(pages: Page[]): Promise<void> { const removed: Page[] = [];
for (const [process, exts] of this.processors) { await concurrent( pages, async (page) => { try { if (exts === "*" || pageMatches(exts, page)) { if (await process(page, pages) === false) { removed.push(page); } } } catch (cause) { throw new Exception("Error processing page", { cause, page, processor:, }); } }, ); }
// Remove the pages that have been removed by the processors for (const page of removed) { pages.splice(pages.indexOf(page), 1); } }}
/** A (pre)processor */export type Processor = ( page: Page, pages: Page[],) => void | false | Promise<void | false>;
function pageMatches(exts: string[], page: Page): boolean { if (page.src.ext && exts.includes(page.src.ext)) { return true; }
const url = page.outputPath;
if (typeof url === "string" && exts.some((ext) => url.endsWith(ext))) { return true; }
return false;}