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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { merge } from "../core/utils.ts";import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";import downloadBinary, { DownloadOptions } from "../deps/pagefind.ts";
import type { DeepPartial, Site } from "../core.ts";
export interface UIOptions { /** The container id to insert the search */ containerId: string;
/** Whether to show an image alongside each search result. */ showImages: boolean;
/** * By default, Pagefind UI shows filters with no results alongside the count (0). * Pass false to hide filters that have no remaining results. */ showEmptyFilters: boolean;
/** * By default, Pagefind UI applies a CSS reset to itself. * Pass false to omit this and inherit from your site styles. */ resetStyles: boolean;}
export interface IndexingOptions { /** The folder to output search files into, relative to source. */ bundleDirectory: string;
/** The element that Pagefind should treat as the root of the document. */ rootSelector: string;
/** Configures the glob used by Pagefind to discover HTML files. */ glob: string;
/** Ignores any detected languages and creates a single index for the entire site as the provided language. */ forceLanguage: string | false;
/** Prints extra logging while indexing the site. */ verbose: boolean;
/** Extra element selectors that Pagefind should ignore when indexing */ excludeSelectors: string[];}
export interface Options { /** The options to download the binary file */ binary: DownloadOptions;
/** Options for the UI interface or false to disable it */ ui: UIOptions | false;
/** Options for the indexing process */ indexing: IndexingOptions;}
const defaults: Options = { binary: { path: "./_bin/pagefind", extended: false, version: "v0.10.0", }, ui: { containerId: "search", showImages: false, showEmptyFilters: true, resetStyles: true, }, indexing: { bundleDirectory: "pagefind", rootSelector: "html", glob: "**/*.html", forceLanguage: false, verbose: false, excludeSelectors: [], },};
/** A plugin to generate a static full text search engine */export default function (userOptions?: DeepPartial<Options>) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { const { ui, indexing } = options;
if (ui) { site.process([".html"], (page) => { const { document } = page; if (!document) { return; } const container = document.getElementById(ui.containerId);
// Insert UI styles and scripts if (container) { const styles = document.createElement("link"); styles.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); styles.setAttribute( "href", site.url( `${posix.join(indexing.bundleDirectory, "pagefind-ui.css")}`, ), );
// Insert before other styles to allow overriding const first = document.head.querySelector( "link[rel=stylesheet],style", ); if (first) { document.head.insertBefore(styles, first); } else { document.head.append(styles); }
const script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); script.setAttribute( "src", site.url( `${posix.join(indexing.bundleDirectory, "pagefind-ui.js")}`, ), );
const uiSettings = { element: `#${ui.containerId}`, showImages: ui.showImages, showEmptyFilters: ui.showEmptyFilters, resetStyles: ui.resetStyles, bundlePath: site.url(posix.join(indexing.bundleDirectory, "/")), baseUrl: site.url("/"), }; const init = document.createElement("script"); init.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); init.innerHTML = `window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { new PagefindUI(${ JSON.stringify(uiSettings) }); });`; document.head.append(script, init); } }); }
site.addEventListener("afterBuild", async () => { const binary = await downloadBinary(options.binary); const args = buildArguments( options.indexing, site.dest(), ); const { code, stdout, stderr } = await Deno.spawn(binary, { args }); if (code !== 0) { throw new Error( `Pagefind exited with code ${code}
${stderr}`, ); } else if (options.indexing.verbose) { console.log(stdout); } }); };}
function buildArguments( options: Options["indexing"], source: string,): string[] { const args = [ "--source", source, "--bundle-dir", options.bundleDirectory, "--root-selector", options.rootSelector, "--glob", options.glob, ];
if (options.forceLanguage) { args.push("--force-language", options.forceLanguage); }
if (options.excludeSelectors.length > 0) { args.push("--exclude-selectors", options.excludeSelectors.join(",")); }
if (options.verbose) { args.push("--verbose"); }
return args;}