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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { merge, normalizePath, read, readDenoConfig, replaceExtension,} from "../core/utils.ts";import { build, BuildOptions, OutputFile, stop } from "../deps/esbuild.ts";import { extname, fromFileUrl, posix, toFileUrl } from "../deps/path.ts";import { prepareAsset, saveAsset } from "./source_maps.ts";import { Page } from "../core/filesystem.ts";
import type { DenoConfig, Site } from "../core.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list of extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions: string[];
/** The options for esbuild */ options: BuildOptions;}
const denoConfig = await readDenoConfig();
// Default optionsconst defaults: Options = { extensions: [".ts", ".js"], options: { plugins: [], bundle: true, format: "esm", minify: true, keepNames: true, platform: "browser", target: "esnext", incremental: true, treeShaking: true, },};
const contentSymbol = Symbol.for("contentSymbol");
interface LumeBuildOptions extends BuildOptions { [contentSymbol]: Record<string, string>;}
export default function (userOptions?: Partial<Options>) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
// Configure jsx automatically if ( options.extensions.includes(".tsx") || options.extensions.includes(".jsx") ) { options.options = { ...buildJsxConfig(denoConfig?.config), ...options.options, }; }
return (site: Site) => { site.loadAssets(options.extensions);
const prefix = toFileUrl(site.src()).href;
const lumeLoaderPlugin = { name: "lumeLoader", // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any setup(build: any) { const { initialOptions } = build; build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, (args: ResolveArguments) => { let { path } = args; const { importer } = args;
// Absolute url if (path.match(/^(https?|file):\/\//)) { return { path: import.meta.resolve(path), namespace: "deno", }; }
// Resolve the relative url if ( importer.match(/^(https?|file):\/\//) && path.match(/^[./]/) ) { path = new URL(path, importer).href; }
// It's a npm package if (path.startsWith("npm:")) { path = path.replace(/^npm:/, ""); } else if (!path.match(/^(https?|file):\/\//)) { // Ensure the path is a url path = toFileUrl(path).href; }
return { path: import.meta.resolve(path), namespace: "deno", }; });
build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/ }, async (args: LoadArguments) => { let { path, namespace } = args;
// It's one of the entry point files if (initialOptions[contentSymbol][path]) { return { contents: initialOptions[contentSymbol][path], loader: getLoader(path), }; }
// Read files from Lume if (namespace === "deno") { if (path.startsWith(prefix)) { const file = path.replace(prefix, ""); const content = await site.getContent(file);
if (content) { return { contents: content, loader: getLoader(path), }; } } }
// Convert file:// urls to paths if (path.startsWith("file://")) { path = normalizePath(fromFileUrl(path)); }
// Read other files from the filesystem/url const content = await read(path, false); return { contents: content, loader: getLoader(path), }; }); }, }; options.options.plugins?.unshift(lumeLoaderPlugin);
/** Run esbuild and returns the output files */ async function runEsbuild( pages: Page[], extraOptions: BuildOptions = {}, ): Promise<[OutputFile[], boolean]> { let enableAllSourceMaps = false; const entryContent: Record<string, string> = {}; const entryPoints: string[] = [];
pages.forEach((page) => { const { content, filename, enableSourceMap } = prepareAsset(site, page); if (enableSourceMap) { enableAllSourceMaps = true; } entryPoints.push(filename); entryContent[toFileUrl(filename).href] = content; });
const buildOptions: LumeBuildOptions = { ...options.options, write: false, incremental: false, watch: false, metafile: false, entryPoints, sourcemap: enableAllSourceMaps ? "external" : undefined, ...extraOptions, [contentSymbol]: entryContent, };
const { outputFiles, warnings, errors } = await build( buildOptions, );
if (errors.length) { site.logger.warn("esbuild errors", { errors }); }
if (warnings.length) { site.logger.warn("esbuild warnings", { warnings }); }
return [outputFiles || [], enableAllSourceMaps]; }
site.addEventListener("beforeSave", () => stop());
// Splitting mode needs to run esbuild with all pages at the same time if (options.options.splitting) { // Define default options for splitting mode options.options.absWorkingDir ||= site.src(); options.options.outdir ||= "./"; options.options.outbase ||= "."; const basePath = options.options.absWorkingDir;
site.addEventListener("afterRender", async (event) => { const pages = event.pages!; const esbuildPages: Page[] = pages.filter((page) => pageMatches(options.extensions, page) ); const [outputFiles, enableSourceMap] = await runEsbuild(esbuildPages);
// Save the output code outputFiles?.forEach((file) => { if (file.path.endsWith(".map")) { return; }
// Search the entry point of this output file const url = normalizePath( normalizePath(file.path).replace(basePath, ""), ); const urlWithoutExt = pathWithoutExtension(url); const entryPoint = esbuildPages.find((page) => { const outdir = posix.join( "/", options.options.outdir || ".", pathWithoutExtension( as string), );
return outdir === urlWithoutExt; });
// Get the associated source map const map = enableSourceMap ? outputFiles.find((f) => f.path === `${file.path}.map`) : undefined;
// The page is an entry point if (entryPoint) { saveAsset(site, entryPoint, file.text, map?.text); } else { // The page is a chunk const page = Page.create(url, ""); saveAsset(site, page, file.text, map?.text); pages.push(page); } }); }); } else { // Normal mode runs esbuild for each page site.process(options.extensions, async (page) => { const [outputFiles] = await runEsbuild([page], { outfile: replaceExtension(page.outputPath!, ".js") as string, });
let mapFile: OutputFile | undefined; let jsFile: OutputFile | undefined;
outputFiles?.forEach((file) => { if (file.path.endsWith(".map")) { mapFile = file; } else { jsFile = file; } });
saveAsset(site, page, jsFile?.text!, mapFile?.text); = replaceExtension(, ".js"); }); } };}
function getLoader(path: string) { const ext = extname(path).toLowerCase();
switch (ext) { case ".ts": case ".mts": return "ts"; case ".tsx": return "tsx"; case ".jsx": return "jsx"; default: return "js"; }}
interface LoadArguments { path: string; namespace: string; suffix: string; pluginData: unknown;}
interface ResolveArguments { path: string; importer: string; namespace: string; resolveDir: string; kind: string; pluginData: unknown;}
function buildJsxConfig(config?: DenoConfig): BuildOptions | undefined { if (!config) { return; }
const { compilerOptions } = config;
if (compilerOptions?.jsxImportSource) { return { jsx: "automatic", jsxImportSource: compilerOptions.jsxImportSource, }; }}
function pageMatches(exts: string[], page: Page): boolean { if (page.src.ext && exts.includes(page.src.ext)) { return true; }
const url = page.outputPath;
if (typeof url === "string" && exts.some((ext) => url.endsWith(ext))) { return true; }
return false;}function pathWithoutExtension(path: string): string { return path.replace(/\.\w+$/, "");}