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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { getLumeVersion, merge } from "../core/utils.ts";
import type { Page, Site } from "../core.ts";import type { HTMLDocument } from "../deps/dom.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions: string[];
/** The key name for the transformations definitions */ name: string;
/** * Use page data as meta data if the correspond metas value does not exists * @deprecated Use "=key" syntax instead */ defaultPageData?: { [K in keyof MetaData]?: string; };}
export interface MetaData { /** The type of the site default is website */ type: string;
/** The name of the site */ site: string;
/** The title of the page */ title: string;
/** The page language */ lang: string;
/** The description of the page */ description: string;
/** The image of the page */ image: string;
/** The icon of the site */ icon: string;
/** The page keywords */ keywords: string[];
/** The twitter username */ twitter: string;
/** The color theme */ color: string;
/** Robots configuration (Boolean to enable/disable, String for a custom value) */ robots: string | boolean;
/** Whether include the generator or not (Boolean to enable/disable, String for a custom value) */ generator: string | boolean;}
const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".html"], name: "metas",};
const defaultGenerator = `Lume ${getLumeVersion()}`;
/** A plugin to insert meta tags for SEO and social media */export default function (userOptions?: Partial<Options>) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { // Configure the merged keys const mergedKeys = site.scopedData.get("/")?.mergedKeys || {}; mergedKeys[] = "object";"mergedKeys", mergedKeys);
site.process(options.extensions, metas);
function metas(page: Page) { const metas =[] as MetaData | undefined;
if (!metas || !page.document) { return; }
const getMetaValue = <T extends keyof MetaData>(key: T) => { const value = metas[key];
// Get the value from the page data if (typeof value === "string" && value.startsWith("=")) { const key = value.slice(1);
if (!key.includes(".")) { return[key]; }
const keys = key.split("."); let val =; for (const key of keys) { val = val[key]; } return val; } else if (value === undefined || value === null) { // Get the value from the default page data if (options.defaultPageData && key in options.defaultPageData) { const pageKey = options.defaultPageData[key]; if (pageKey) { return[pageKey] as MetaData[T]; } } } else { return value; } };
const { document } = page; const metaIcon = getMetaValue("icon"); const metaImage = getMetaValue("image"); const url = site.url( as string, true); const icon = metaIcon ? new URL(site.url(metaIcon), url).href : undefined; const image = metaImage ? new URL(site.url(metaImage), url).href : undefined;
const type = getMetaValue("type"); const site_name = getMetaValue("site"); const lang = getMetaValue("lang"); const title = getMetaValue("title"); const description = getMetaValue("description"); const twitter = getMetaValue("twitter"); const keywords = getMetaValue("keywords"); const robots = getMetaValue("robots"); const color = getMetaValue("color"); const generator = getMetaValue("generator");
// Open graph addMeta(document, "property", "og:type", type || "website"); addMeta(document, "property", "og:site_name", site_name); addMeta(document, "property", "og:locale", lang); addMeta(document, "property", "og:title", title, 65); addMeta(document, "property", "og:description", description, 155); addMeta(document, "property", "og:url", url); addMeta(document, "property", "og:image", image || icon);
// Twitter cards addMeta(document, "name", "twitter:title", title, 65); addMeta(document, "name", "twitter:description", description, 200); addMeta( document, "name", "twitter:card", image ? "summary_large_image" : "summary", ); addMeta(document, "name", "twitter:image", image || icon); addMeta(document, "name", "twitter:site", twitter);
// addMeta(document, "itemprop", "name", title); addMeta(document, "itemprop", "description", description, 155); addMeta(document, "itemprop", "image", image || icon);
// SEO addMeta(document, "name", "description", description, 155); addMeta(document, "name", "keywords", keywords?.join(", "));
if (robots === true) { addMeta(document, "name", "robots", "index, follow"); } else if (robots === false) { addMeta(document, "name", "robots", "noindex, nofollow, noarchive"); } else if (robots) { addMeta(document, "name", "robots", robots); }
// Misc addMeta(document, "name", "theme-color", color);
if (generator) { addMeta( document, "name", "generator", generator === true ? defaultGenerator : generator, ); } } };}
function addMeta( document: HTMLDocument, propName: string, propValue: string, content?: string, limit?: number,) { if (!content) { return; } content = content.trim();
if (limit && content.length > limit) { content = content.substr(0, limit - 1).trimEnd() + "…"; }
const meta = document.createElement("meta"); meta.setAttribute(propName, propValue); meta.setAttribute("content", content); document.head.appendChild(meta); document.head.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\n"));}