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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { checkUpgrade } from "../core/utils.ts";import { brightGreen, dim } from "../deps/colors.ts";import Server from "../core/server.ts";import FSWatcher, { SiteWatcher } from "../core/watcher.ts";import { printError } from "../core/errors.ts";import logger from "../middlewares/logger.ts";import noCache from "../middlewares/no_cache.ts";import notFound from "../middlewares/not_found.ts";import reload from "../middlewares/reload.ts";import { createSite } from "./run.ts";
interface Options { config?: string; serve?: boolean; watch?: boolean;}
export default function ({ config, serve, watch }: Options) { return build(config, serve, watch);}
/** Build the website and optionally watch changes and serve the site */export async function build( config: string | undefined, serve?: boolean, watch?: boolean,) { const site = await createSite(config); const quiet = site.options.quiet;
if (!quiet) { console.log(); }
performance.mark("start"); await; performance.mark("end");
if (!quiet) { console.log(); console.log( `🍾 ${brightGreen("Site built into")} ${dim(site.options.dest)}`, ); const duration = performance.measure("duration", "start", "end").duration / 1000; const total = site.pages.length + site.files.length; console.log( dim(` ${total} files generated in ${duration.toFixed(2)} seconds`), ); console.log();
await checkUpgrade(); }
if (!serve && !watch) { // Prevent possible timers to keep the process alive forever (wait preventively 10 seconds) const id = setTimeout(() => { console.log( "After waiting 10 seconds, there are some timers that avoid ending the process.", ); console.log("They have been forcibly closed."); Deno.exit(0); }, 10000);
Deno.unrefTimer(id); return; }
// Start the watcher const watcher = new FSWatcher({ root: site.src(), ignore: site.options.watcher.ignore, debounce: site.options.watcher.debounce, });
watcher.addEventListener("change", (event) => { const files = event.files!;
console.log("Changes detected:"); files.forEach((file) => console.log("-", dim(file))); console.log(); return site.update(files); });
watcher.addEventListener("error", (event) => { printError(event.error!); });
if (!serve) { return; }
// Start the local server const { port, open, page404, middlewares } = site.options.server; const server = new Server({ root: site.dest(), port });
server.addEventListener("start", () => { const ipAddr = localIp();
console.log(" Server started at:"); console.log(brightGreen(` http://localhost:${port}/`), "(local)");
if (ipAddr) { console.log(brightGreen(` http://${ipAddr}:${port}/`), "(network)"); }
if (open) { const commands: Record<typeof, string> = { darwin: "open", linux: "xdg-open", freebsd: "xdg-open", netbsd: "xdg-open", aix: "xdg-open", solaris: "xdg-open", illumos: "xdg-open", windows: "explorer", };{ cmd: [commands[], `http://localhost:${port}/`] }); }
site.dispatchEvent({ type: "afterStartServer" }); });
server.use( logger(), reload({ watcher: new SiteWatcher(site) }), noCache(), notFound({ root: site.dest(), page404, directoryIndex: true, }), );
if (middlewares) { server.use(...middlewares); }
await server.start();}
function localIp(): string | undefined { for (const info of Deno.networkInterfaces()) { if ( !== "IPv4" || info.address.startsWith("127.")) { continue; }
return info.address; }}