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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";import { documentToString, getExtension, stringToDocument } from "./utils.ts";
import type { HTMLDocument } from "../deps/dom.ts";import type { PageData, ProxyComponents } from "../core.ts";import type { Entry } from "./fs.ts";
/** A page of the site */export class Page<D extends PageData = PageData> { /** The src info */ src: Src;
/** * Used to save the page data */ data: D = {} as D;
/** * Internal data. Used to save arbitrary data by plugins and processors */ #_data = {};
/** The page content (string or Uint8Array) */ #content?: Content;
/** The parsed HTML (only for HTML documents) */ #document?: HTMLDocument;
/** Convenient way to create a page dynamically with a url and content */ static create(url: string, content: Content): Page { const slug = posix.basename(url).replace(/\.[\w.]+$/, ""); const page = new Page({ slug });
if (url.endsWith("/index.html")) { url = url.slice(0, -10); } = { url, content, page } as PageData; page.content = content;
return page; }
constructor(src?: Partial<Src>) { this.src = { path: "", slug: "", asset: true, ...src }; }
/** * The property _data is to store internal data, * used by plugins, processors, etc to save arbitrary values */ set _data(data: Record<string, unknown>) { this.#_data = data; }
get _data() { return this.#_data; }
/** Duplicate this page. */ duplicate(index?: number, data: D = {} as D): Page { const page = new Page({ ...this.src });
if (index !== undefined) { page.src.path += `[${index}]`; } = data; = page;
return page; }
/** Returns the output path of this page */ get outputPath(): string | undefined { const url =;
if (!url) { return undefined; }
return decodeURI(url.endsWith("/") ? url + "index.html" : url); }
/** * Update the destination file. It also update the data.url accordingly * @deprecated Use `` to change the url */ updateDest(dest: Partial<Dest>): void { const newDest = { ...this.dest, ...dest };
if (newDest.ext === ".html" && posix.basename(newDest.path) === "index") { = newDest.path.slice(0, -5); } else { = newDest.path + newDest.ext; } }
/** @deprecated Use `` or `page.outputPath`. */ get dest(): Dest { const url = this.outputPath; if (!url) { return { path: "", ext: "" }; } const ext = getExtension(url); return { path: ext ? url.slice(0, -ext.length) : url, ext, }; }
/** The content of this page */ set content(content: Content | undefined) { this.#document = undefined; this.#content = content instanceof Uint8Array ? content : content && content.toString(); }
get content(): Content | undefined { if (this.#document) { this.#content = documentToString(this.#document); this.#document = undefined; }
return this.#content; }
/** The parsed HTML code from the content */ set document(document: HTMLDocument | undefined) { this.#content = undefined; this.#document = document; }
get document(): HTMLDocument | undefined { const url = as string;
if ( !this.#document && this.#content && (url.endsWith(".html") || url.endsWith("/")) ) { this.#document = stringToDocument(this.#content.toString()); }
return this.#document; }}
export interface StaticFile { /** The Entry instance of the file */ entry: Entry;
/** The final url destination */ outputPath: string;}
/** The .src property for a Page or Directory */export interface Src { /** The slug name of the file or directory */ slug: string;
/** If the page was loaded as asset or not */ asset: boolean;
/** The path to the file (without extension) */ path: string;
/** The extension of the file (undefined for folders) */ ext?: string;
/** The last modified time */ lastModified?: Date;
/** The creation time */ created?: Date;
/** The remote url (if the file was downloaded) */ remote?: string;
/** The original entry instance */ entry?: Entry;}
/** The .dest property for a Page */export interface Dest { /** The path to the file (without extension) */ path: string;
/** The extension of the file */ ext: string;
/** The hash (used to detect content changes) */ hash?: string;}
/** The .content property for a Page */export type Content = Uint8Array | string;export type MergeStrategy = "array" | "stringArray" | "object";
/** The data of a page */export interface Data<D extends PageData = PageData> { /** List of tags assigned to a page or folder */ tags?: string[];
/** The url of a page */ url?: string | ((page: Page<D>) => string) | false;
/** If is `true`, the page will be visible only in `dev` mode */ draft?: boolean;
/** The date creation of the page */ date?: Date;
/** To configure the render order of a page */ renderOrder?: number;
/** The raw content of a page */ content?: unknown;
/** The layout used to render a page */ layout?: string;
/** To configure a different template engine(s) to render a page */ templateEngine?: string | string[];
/** To configure how some data keys will be merged with the parent */ mergedKeys?: Record<string, MergeStrategy>;
/** Whether render this page on demand or not */ ondemand?: boolean;
/** The available components */ comp?: ProxyComponents;
/** The page object */ page?: Page<D>;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any [index: string]: any;}