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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { DeepPartial, getExtension, getLumeVersion, merge,} from "../core/utils.ts";import { getDataValue } from "./utils.ts";import { $XML, stringify } from "../deps/xml.ts";import { Page } from "../core/filesystem.ts";
import type { Data, Site } from "../core.ts";
export interface Options { /** The output filenames */ output: string | string[];
/** The query to search the pages */ query: string;
/** The sort order */ sort: string;
/** The maximum number of items */ limit: number;
/** The feed info */ info: FeedInfoOptions;
/** The feed items configuration */ items: FeedItemOptions;}
export interface FeedInfoOptions { /** The feed title */ title: string;
/** The feed subtitle */ subtitle?: string;
/** * The feed published date * @default `new Date()` */ date: Date;
/** The feed description */ description: string;
/** The feed language */ lang: string;
/** The feed generator. Set `true` to generate automatically */ generator: string | boolean;}
export interface FeedItemOptions { /** The item title */ title: string;
/** The item description */ description: string;
/** The item date */ date: string;
/** The item content */ content: string;
/** The item language */ lang: string;}
export const defaults: Options = { /** The output filenames */ output: "/feed.rss",
/** The query to search the pages */ query: "",
/** The sort order */ sort: "date=desc",
/** The maximum number of items */ limit: 10,
/** The feed info */ info: { title: "My RSS Feed", date: new Date(), description: "", lang: "en", generator: true, }, items: { title: "=title", description: "=description", date: "=date", content: "=children", lang: "=lang", },};
export interface FeedData { title: string; url: string; description: string; date: Date; lang: string; generator?: string; items: FeedItem[];}
export interface FeedItem { title: string; url: string; description: string; date: Date; content: string; lang: string;}
const defaultGenerator = `Lume ${getLumeVersion()}`;
export default (userOptions?: DeepPartial<Options>) => { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { site.addEventListener("beforeSave", () => { const output = Array.isArray(options.output) ? options.output : [options.output];
const pages = site.searcher.pages( options.query, options.sort, options.limit, ) as Data[];
const { info, items } = options; const rootData ="/") || {};
const feed: FeedData = { title: getDataValue(rootData, info.title), description: getDataValue(rootData, info.description), date: getDataValue(rootData,, lang: getDataValue(rootData, info.lang), url: site.url("", true), generator: info.generator === true ? defaultGenerator : info.generator || undefined, items: FeedItem => { const content = getDataValue(data, items.content)?.toString(); const pageUrl = site.url(data.url as string, true); const fixedContent = fixUrls(new URL(pageUrl), content || "");
return { title: getDataValue(data, items.title), url: site.url(data.url as string, true), description: getDataValue(data, items.description), date: getDataValue(data,, content: fixedContent, lang: getDataValue(data, items.lang), }; }), };
for (const filename of output) { const format = getExtension(filename).slice(1); const file = site.url(filename, true);
switch (format) { case "rss": case "feed": case "xml": site.pages.push(Page.create(filename, generateRss(feed, file))); break;
case "json": site.pages.push(Page.create(filename, generateJson(feed, file))); break;
default: throw new Error(`Invalid Feed format "${format}"`); } } }); };};
function fixUrls(base: URL, html: string): string { return html.replaceAll( /\s(href|src)="([^"]+)"/g, (_match, attr, value) => ` ${attr}="${new URL(value, base).href}"`, );}
function generateRss(data: FeedData, file: string): string { const feed = { [$XML]: { cdata: [["rss", "channel", "item", "content:encoded"]] }, xml: { "@version": "1.0", "@encoding": "UTF-8", }, rss: { "@xmlns:content": "", "@xmlns:wfw": "", "@xmlns:dc": "", "@xmlns:atom": "", "@xmlns:sy": "", "@xmlns:slash": "", "@version": "2.0", channel: { title: data.title, link: data.url, "atom:link": { "@href": file, "@rel": "self", "@type": "application/rss+xml", }, description: data.description, lastBuildDate:, language: data.lang, generator: data.generator, item: => ({ title: item.title, link: item.url, guid: { "@isPermaLink": false, "#text": item.url, }, description: item.description, "content:encoded": item.content, pubDate:, })), }, }, };
return stringify(feed);}
function generateJson(data: FeedData, file: string): string { const feed = { version: "", title: data.title, home_page_url: data.url, feed_url: file, description: data.description, items: => ({ id: item.url, url: item.url, title: item.title, content_html: item.content, date_published:, })), };
return JSON.stringify(feed);}