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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { getPathAndExtension, merge } from "../core/utils.ts";import binaryLoader from "../core/loaders/binary.ts";import { Exception } from "../core/errors.ts";import { ImageMagick } from "../deps/imagick.ts";import Cache from "../core/cache.ts";
import type { Page, Site } from "../core.ts";import type { IMagickImage, MagickFormat } from "../deps/imagick.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions: string[];
/** The key name for the transformations definitions */ name: string;
/** The cache folder */ cache: string | boolean;
/** Custom transform functions */ functions: Record<string, TransformationFunction>;}
export type TransformationFunction = ( image: IMagickImage, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ...args: any[]) => void;
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png"], name: "imagick", cache: true, functions: { resize(image: IMagickImage, width: number, height = width): void { image.resize(width, height); }, crop(image: IMagickImage, width: number, height = width): void { image.crop(width, height); }, blur(image: IMagickImage, radius: number, sigma: number): void { image.blur(radius, sigma); }, sharpen(image: IMagickImage, radius: number, sigma: number): void { image.sharpen(radius, sigma); }, rotate(image: IMagickImage, degrees: number): void { image.rotate(degrees); }, autoOrient(image: IMagickImage): void { image.autoOrient(); }, },};
export interface Transformation { suffix?: string; format?: MagickFormat | MagickFormat[]; matches?: RegExp | string; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any [key: string]: any;}interface SingleTransformation extends Transformation { format?: MagickFormat;}
/** A plugin to transform images in Lume */export default function (userOptions?: Partial<Options>) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { site.loadAssets(options.extensions, binaryLoader); site.process(options.extensions, imagick);
// Configure the cache folder const cacheFolder = options.cache === true ? "_cache" : options.cache; const cache = cacheFolder ? new Cache({ folder: site.src(cacheFolder) }) : undefined;
if (cacheFolder) { site.ignore(cacheFolder); site.options.watcher.ignore.push(cacheFolder); }
async function imagick(page: Page, pages: Page[]) { const imagick =[] as | Transformation | Transformation[] | undefined;
if (!imagick) { return; }
const content = page.content as Uint8Array; const transformations = removeDuplicatedTransformations( getTransformations(imagick), ); let transformed = false; let index = 0; for (const transformation of transformations) { if (transformation.matches) { const regex = new RegExp(transformation.matches); if (!regex.test( as string)) { continue; } }
const output = page.duplicate(index++, {, []: undefined, });
rename(output, transformation);
if (cache) { const result = await cache.get(content, transformation);
if (result) { output.content = result; } else { transform(content, output, transformation, options); transformed = true; await cache.set(content, transformation, output.content!); } } else { transform(content, output, transformation, options); transformed = true; }
if (output !== page) { pages.push(output); } }
if (transformed) { site.logger.log("🎨", `${page.src.path}${page.src.ext}`); }
// Remove the original page return false; } };}
function transform( content: Uint8Array, page: Page, transformation: Transformation, options: Options,): void { let format: MagickFormat | undefined = undefined;, (image: IMagickImage) => { for (const [name, args] of Object.entries(transformation)) { switch (name) { case "suffix": case "matches": break;
case "format": format = args; break;
default: if (!options.functions[name]) { throw new Exception(`Unknown transformation: ${name}`); }
if (Array.isArray(args)) { options.functions[name](image, ...args); } else { options.functions[name](image, args); } } }
if (format) { image.write( format, (content: Uint8Array) => page.content = new Uint8Array(content), ); } else { image.write((content: Uint8Array) => page.content = new Uint8Array(content) ); } });}
function rename(page: Page, transformation: Transformation): void { const { format, suffix } = transformation; const url =;
if (!url) { return; }
let [path, ext] = getPathAndExtension(url);
if (format) { ext = `.${format}`; }
if (suffix) { path += suffix; } = path + ext;}
function getTransformations( input: Transformation | Transformation[],): SingleTransformation[] { if (Array.isArray(input)) { const singles: SingleTransformation[] = [];
for (const transformation of input) { if (Array.isArray(transformation.format)) { transformation.format.forEach((format) => { singles.push({ ...transformation, format }); }); } else { singles.push(transformation as SingleTransformation); } } return singles; }
if (Array.isArray(input.format)) { return => ({ ...input, format })); }
return [input as SingleTransformation];}
function removeDuplicatedTransformations( transformations: SingleTransformation[],): SingleTransformation[] { const result = new Map<string, SingleTransformation>();
for (const transformation of transformations) { const { format, suffix } = transformation; const key = `${format}:${suffix ?? ""}`; result.set(key, transformation); }
return [...result.values()];}