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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { bundleAsync, transform } from "../deps/lightningcss.ts";import { merge, read, resolveInclude } from "../core/utils.ts";import textLoader from "../core/loaders/text.ts";import { Page } from "../core/filesystem.ts";import { prepareAsset, saveAsset } from "./source_maps.ts";import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";
import type { DeepPartial, Site } from "../core.ts";import type { BundleAsyncOptions, CustomAtRules, TransformOptions,} from "../deps/lightningcss.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list of extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions: string[];
/** * Custom includes path * @default `site.options.includes` */ includes: string | false;
/** Options passed to parcel_css */ options: Omit<BundleAsyncOptions<CustomAtRules>, "filename">;}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".css"], includes: false, options: { minify: true, drafts: { customMedia: true, }, targets: { android: version(98), chrome: version(98), edge: version(98), firefox: version(97), ios_saf: version(15), safari: version(15), opera: version(83), samsung: version(16), }, },};
/** A plugin to load all CSS files and process them using parcelCSS */export default function (userOptions?: DeepPartial<Options>) { return (site: Site) => { const options = merge<Options>( { ...defaults, includes: site.options.includes }, userOptions, );
if (options.includes) { site.includes(options.extensions, options.includes); site.process(options.extensions, lightningCSSBundler); } else { site.process(options.extensions, lightningCSSTransformer); }
function lightningCSSTransformer(file: Page) { const { content, filename, sourceMap, enableSourceMap } = prepareAsset( site, file, );
// Process the code with parcelCSS const code = new TextEncoder().encode(content); const transformOptions: TransformOptions<CustomAtRules> = { filename, // @ts-ignore: the lightningcss type definitions expect a node Buffer: code, sourceMap: enableSourceMap, inputSourceMap: JSON.stringify(sourceMap), ...options.options, };
const result = transform(transformOptions); const decoder = new TextDecoder();
saveAsset( site, file, decoder.decode(result.code), enableSourceMap ? decoder.decode(!) : undefined, ); }
async function lightningCSSBundler(file: Page) { const { content, filename, sourceMap, enableSourceMap } = prepareAsset( site, file, );
const { formats } = site; const { includes } = site.options;
// Process the code with lightningCSS const bundleOptions: BundleAsyncOptions<CustomAtRules> = { filename, sourceMap: enableSourceMap, inputSourceMap: JSON.stringify(sourceMap), ...options.options, resolver: { resolve(id: string, from: string) { const format =; const includesPath = format?.includesPath ?? includes;
return resolveInclude(id, includesPath, posix.dirname(from)); }, async read(file: string) { if (file === filename) { return content; }
if (file.startsWith("http")) { return read(file, false, { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0", }, }); }
return await site.getContent(file, textLoader) as string; }, }, };
const result = await bundleAsync(bundleOptions); const decoder = new TextDecoder();
saveAsset( site, file, decoder.decode(result.code), enableSourceMap ? decoder.decode(!) : undefined, ); } };}
/** * Convert a version number to a single 24-bit number */export function version(major: number, minor = 0, patch = 0): number { return (major << 16) | (minor << 8) | patch;}