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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { engine, FileLoader } from "../deps/vento.ts";import loader from "../core/loaders/text.ts";import { merge, normalizePath } from "../core/utils.ts";
import type { Environment, Token } from "../deps/vento.ts";import type { Data, Engine, FS, Helper, Site } from "../core.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list of extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions: string[];
/** * Custom includes path * @default `site.options.includes` */ includes: string;
/** * The options for the Vento engine * @see */ options: { /** The name of the variable to access to the data in the templates */ dataVarname?: string;
/** Make data available on the global object instead of varName */ useWith?: boolean;
/** Whether or not to automatically XML-escape interpolations. */ autoescape?: boolean; };}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".vento", ".vto"], includes: "", options: { dataVarname: "it", useWith: true, autoescape: false, },};
class LumeLoader extends FileLoader { fs: FS;
constructor(includes: string, fs: FS) { super(includes); this.fs = fs; }
async load(file: string) { const entry = this.fs.entries.get(normalizePath(file));
if (!entry) { throw new Error(`File not found: ${file}`); }
const data = await entry.getContent(loader);
return { source: data.content as string, data: data, }; }}
/** Template engine to render Vento files */export class VentoEngine implements Engine { engine: Environment;
constructor(engine: Environment) { this.engine = engine; }
deleteCache(file: string) { this.engine.cache.delete(file); }
async render(content: string, data: Data = {}, filename?: string) { const result = await this.engine.runString(content, data, filename); return result.content; }
renderSync(content: string, data: Data = {}): string { const result = this.engine.runStringSync(content, data); return result.content; }
addHelper(name: string, fn: Helper) { this.engine.filters[name] = fn; }}
/** Register the plugin to support Vento files */export default function (userOptions?: Partial<Options>) { return (site: Site) => { const options = merge( { ...defaults, includes: site.options.includes }, userOptions, );
const extensions = Array.isArray(options.extensions) ? { pages: options.extensions, components: options.extensions } : options.extensions;
const vento = engine({ includes: new LumeLoader(normalizePath(options.includes), site.fs), ...options.options, });
const ventoEngine = new VentoEngine(vento);
site.loadPages(extensions.pages, loader, ventoEngine); site.loadComponents(extensions.components, loader, ventoEngine); site.filter("vto", filter as Helper, true);
async function filter(string: string, data?: Data) { const result = await vento.runString(string, {"/"),, }); return result.content; } };}
/** Vento tag to render a component */function compTag( env: Environment, code: string, output: string, tokens: Token[],): string | undefined { if (!code.startsWith("comp ")) { return; }
const match = code.match( /^comp\s+([\w.]+)(?:\s+(\{.*\}))?(?:\s+(\/))?$/, );
if (!match) { throw new Error(`Invalid component tag: ${code}`); }
const [_, comp, args, closed] = match;
if (closed) { return `${output} += await comp.${comp}(${args || ""});`; }
const compiled: string[] = []; compiled.push("{"); compiled.push(`let __content = ""`); compiled.push(...env.compileTokens(tokens, "__content", ["/comp"]));
if (tokens.length && (tokens[0][0] !== "tag" || tokens[0][1] !== "/comp")) { throw new Error(`Missing closing tag for component tag: ${code}`); }
tokens.shift(); compiled.push( `${output} += await comp.${comp}({...${ args || "{}" }, content: __content});`, ); compiled.push("}"); return compiled.join("\n");}