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🔥 Static site generator for Deno 🦕
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interface Theme
import { type Theme } from "";

Index Signatures

[key: string]: any


vars: any
orientation: any
screens: any
colors: any
spacing: any
animation: any
backdropBlur: any
backdropBrightness: any
backdropContrast: any
backdropGrayscale: any
backdropHueRotate: any
backdropInvert: any
backdropOpacity: any
backdropSaturate: any
backdropSepia: any
backgroundColor: any
backgroundImage: any
backgroundOpacity: any
backgroundPosition: any
backgroundSize: any
blur: any
borderColor: any
borderOpacity: any
borderRadius: any
borderWidth: any
boxShadow: any
boxShadowColor: any
brightness: any
caretColor: any
caretOpacity: any
container: any
contrast: any
cursor: any
divideColor: any
divideOpacity: any
divideWidth: any
dropShadow: any
fill: any
flex: any
flexGrow: any
flexShrink: any
fontFamily: any
fontSize: any
fontWeight: any
gap: any
gradientColorStops: any
grayscale: any
gridAutoColumns: any
gridAutoRows: any
gridColumn: any
gridColumnEnd: any
gridColumnStart: any
gridRow: any
gridRowStart: any
gridRowEnd: any
gridTemplateColumns: any
gridTemplateRows: any
height: any
hueRotate: any
inset: any
invert: any
keyframes: any
letterSpacing: any
lineHeight: any
listStyleType: any
margin: any
maxHeight: any
maxWidth: any
minHeight: any
minWidth: any
objectPosition: any
opacity: any
order: any
outline: any
outlineColor: any
perspective: any
perspectiveOrigin: any
padding: any
placeholderColor: any
placeholderOpacity: any
ringColor: any
ringOffsetColor: any
ringOffsetWidth: any
ringOpacity: any
ringWidth: any
rotate: any
saturate: any
scale: any
sepia: any
skew: any
space: any
stroke: any
strokeWidth: any
strokeDashArray: any
strokeDashOffset: any
tabSize: any
textColor: any
textOpacity: any
textShadow: any
textStrokeColor: any
textStrokeWidth: any
textDecorationColor: any
textDecorationOpacity: any
textDecorationLength: any
textDecorationOffset: any
textIndent: any
transformOrigin: any
transitionDuration: any
transitionDelay: any
transitionProperty: any
transitionTimingFunction: any
translate: any
width: any
zIndex: any
aspectRatio: any
filter: any
backdropFilter: any
lineClamp: any
snapMargin: any
snapPadding: any
typography: any