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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";import { getPathAndExtension, merge } from "../core/utils.ts";import { typeByExtension } from "../deps/media_types.ts";
import type { MagickFormat } from "../deps/imagick.ts";import type { Document, Element } from "../deps/dom.ts";import type { Plugin, Site } from "../core.ts";
interface SourceFormat { width?: number; scales: Record<string, number>; format: string;}
interface Source extends SourceFormat { paths: string[];}
export interface Options { /** The key name for the transformations definitions */ name: string;
/** The priority order of the formats */ order: string[];}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { name: "imagick", order: ["jxl", "avif", "webp", "png", "jpg"],};
export default function (userOptions?: Partial<Options>): Plugin { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { const transforms = new Map<string, Source>();
site.process([".html"], (page) => { const { document } = page;
if (!document) { return; }
const basePath = posix.dirname(page.outputPath!); const nodeList = document.querySelectorAll("img");
for (const node of nodeList) { const img = node as Element; const imagick = img.closest("[imagick]")?.getAttribute("imagick");
if (!imagick) { continue; }
if (!img.getAttribute("src")) { throw new Error("img element must have a src attribute"); }
const picture = img.closest("picture");
if (picture) { handlePicture(imagick, img, picture, basePath); continue; }
handleImg(imagick, img, basePath); } });
site.process([".html"], (page) => { page.document?.querySelectorAll("[imagick]").forEach((element) => { (element as Element).removeAttribute("imagick"); }); });
site.process("*", (page) => { const path = page.outputPath!;
for (const { paths, width, scales, format } of transforms.values()) { if (!paths.includes(path)) { continue; }
const { name } = options; const imagick =[name] =[name] ? Array.isArray([name]) ?[name] : [[name]] : [];
for (const [suffix, scale] of Object.entries(scales)) { if (width) { imagick.push({ resize: width * scale, suffix, format: format as MagickFormat, }); continue; }
imagick.push({ suffix, format: format as MagickFormat, }); } } });
function handlePicture( imagick: string, img: Element, picture: Element, basePath: string, ) { const src = img.getAttribute("src") as string; const sizes = img.getAttribute("sizes"); const sourceFormats = saveTransform(basePath, src, imagick);
sortSources(sourceFormats); const last = sourceFormats[sourceFormats.length - 1];
for (const sourceFormat of sourceFormats) { if (sourceFormat === last) { editImg(img, src, last, sizes); break; } const source = createSource( img.ownerDocument!, src, sourceFormat, sizes, ); picture.insertBefore(source, img); } }
function handleImg(imagick: string, img: Element, basePath: string) { const src = img.getAttribute("src") as string; const sizes = img.getAttribute("sizes"); const sourceFormats = saveTransform(basePath, src, imagick);
// Just only one format, no need to create a picture element if (sourceFormats.length === 1) { editImg(img, src, sourceFormats[0], sizes); return; }
const picture = img.ownerDocument!.createElement("picture");
const last = sourceFormats[sourceFormats.length - 1];
for (const sourceFormat of sourceFormats) { if (sourceFormat === last) { editImg(img, src, last, sizes); break; }
const source = createSource( img.ownerDocument!, src, sourceFormat, sizes, ); picture.append(source); }
picture.append(img); }
function sortSources(sources: SourceFormat[]) { const { order } = options;
sources.sort((a, b) => { const aIndex = order.indexOf(a.format); const bIndex = order.indexOf(b.format);
if (aIndex === -1) { return 1; }
if (bIndex === -1) { return -1; }
return aIndex - bIndex; }); }
function saveTransform( basePath: string, src: string, imagick: string, ): SourceFormat[] { const path = src.startsWith("/") ? src : posix.join(basePath, src); const sizes: string[] = []; const formats: string[] = [];
imagick.trim().split(/\s+/).forEach((piece) => { if (piece.match(/^\d/)) { sizes.push(piece); } else { formats.push(piece); } });
const sourceFormats: SourceFormat[] = [];
// No sizes, only transform to the formats if (!sizes.length) { for (const format of formats) { const key = `:${format}`; const sourceFormat = { format, scales: { "": 1 }, }; sourceFormats.push(sourceFormat);
const transform = transforms.get(key);
if (transform) { if (!transform.paths.includes(path)) { transform.paths.push(path); }
Object.assign(transform.scales, sourceFormat.scales); } else { transforms.set(key, { ...sourceFormat, paths: [path], }); } }
return sourceFormats; }
for (const size of sizes) { const [width, scales] = parseSize(size);
for (const format of formats) { const key = `${width}:${format}`; const sourceFormat = { width, format, scales: {} as Record<string, number>, }; sourceFormats.push(sourceFormat);
for (const scale of scales) { const suffix = `-${width}w${scale === 1 ? "" : `@${scale}`}`; sourceFormat.scales[suffix] = scale; }
const transform = transforms.get(key);
if (transform) { if (!transform.paths.includes(path)) { transform.paths.push(path); }
Object.assign(transform.scales, sourceFormat.scales); } else { transforms.set(key, { ...sourceFormat, paths: [path], }); } } }
return sourceFormats; } };}
function parseSize(size: string): [number, number[]] { const match = size.match(/^(\d+)(@([\d.,]+))?$/);
if (!match) { throw new Error(`Invalid size: ${size}`); }
const [, width, , scales] = match;
// Use a Set to avoid duplicates const sizes = new Set<number>([1]); scales?.split(",").forEach((size) => sizes.add(parseFloat(size)));
return [ parseInt(width), [...sizes.values()], ];}
function createSrcset( src: string, srcFormat: SourceFormat, sizes?: string | null | undefined,): string[] { const { scales, format, width } = srcFormat; const path = encodeURI(getPathAndExtension(src)[0]); const srcset: string[] = [];
for (const [suffix, scale] of Object.entries(scales)) { const scaleSuffix = sizes && width ? ` ${scale * width}w` : scale === 1 ? "" : ` ${scale}x`; srcset.push(`${path}${suffix}.${format}${scaleSuffix}`); }
return srcset;}
function createSource( document: Document, src: string, srcFormat: SourceFormat, sizes?: string | null | undefined,) { const source = document.createElement("source"); const srcset = createSrcset(src, srcFormat, sizes);
source.setAttribute("srcset", srcset.join(", ")); source.setAttribute("type", typeByExtension(srcFormat.format));
if (sizes) { source.setAttribute("sizes", sizes); }
return source;}
function editImg( img: Element, src: string, srcFormat: SourceFormat, sizes?: string | null | undefined,) { const srcset = createSrcset(src, srcFormat, sizes); const newSrc = srcset.shift()!;
if (srcset.length) { img.setAttribute("srcset", srcset.join(", ")); } img.setAttribute("src", newSrc);
if (sizes) { img.setAttribute("sizes", sizes); }}