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🔥 Static site generator for Deno 🦕
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import { Command, CompletionsCommand, EnumType } from "./deps/cliffy.ts";import { getLumeVersion } from "./core/utils.ts";import { printError } from "./core/errors.ts";import upgradeCommand from "./cli/upgrade.ts";import runCommand from "./cli/run.ts";import buildCommand from "./cli/build.ts";import createCommand from "./cli/create.ts";
const upgrade = new Command() .description("Upgrade your Lume executable to the latest version.") .type("branch", new EnumType(["master", "v2"])) .option( "--version <version:string>", "The version to upgrade to.", ) .option( "-d, --dev [dev:branch]", "Install the latest development version (last Git commit).", ) .example("lume upgrade -g", "Upgrades to the latest stable version.") .example("lume upgrade --dev", "Upgrades to the latest development version.") .action(upgradeCommand);
const create = new Command() .description("Run an archetype to create more files.") .example( "lume new post 'Post title'", "Create a new post file using the _archetypes/post.ts archetype.", ) // @ts-ignore: todo: fix this .action(createCommand);
const run = new Command() .description("Run one or more scripts from the config file.") .example( "lume run deploy", "Runs the `deploy` script.", ) .example( "lume run deploy --config=_config.ts", "Runs the `deploy` script from the _config.ts file.", ) .example( "lume run build deploy", "Runs the `build` and `deploy` scripts.", ) .option( "--config <config:string>", "The config file path.", ) .option( "--src <src:string>", "The source directory for your site.", { default: "./" }, ) .option( "--dest <dest:string>", "The build destination.", { default: "_site" }, ) .option( "--location <location>", "The URL location of the site.", { default: "http://localhost" }, ) .option( "--quiet [quiet:boolean]", "Enable quiet mode (show less info).", ) .action(runCommand);
const lume = new Command() .name("🔥lume") .version(() => getLumeVersion()) .description( "A static site generator for Deno. \nDocs:", ) .example("lume", "Builds the site.") .example("lume --serve", "Serves the site in localhost.") .example("lume upgrade", "Upgrades Lume to the latest version.") .example("lume run <script>", "Runs a custom script.") .example("lume [COMMAND] --help", "Shows the help for a command.") .option( "--config <config:string>", "The config file path.", ) .option( "--src <src:string>", "The source directory for your site.", { default: "./" }, ) .option( "--dest <dest:string>", "The build destination.", { default: "_site" }, ) .option( "--location <location>", "The URL location of the site.", { default: "http://localhost" }, ) .option( "--quiet [quiet:boolean]", "Enable quiet mode (show less info).", ) .option( "-d, --dev [dev:boolean]", "Enable development mode (view draft pages).", ) .option( "-s, --serve [serve:boolean]", "Start a live-reloading web server and watch changes.", ) .option( "-p, --port <port:number>", "The port where the server runs.", { default: 3000, depends: ["serve"] }, ) .option( "-o, --open [open:boolean]", "Open the site in a browser.", { depends: ["serve"] }, ) .option( "-w, --watch [watch:boolean]", "Build and watch changes.", ) .action(buildCommand) .command("new <archetype> [arguments...]", create) .command("upgrade", upgrade) .command("run <script...>", run) .command("completions", new CompletionsCommand());
try { await lume.parse(Deno.args);} catch (error) { printError(error); Deno.exit(1);}