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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { Exception } from "./errors.ts";import Extensions from "./extensions.ts";
import type { Data } from "../core.ts";
export interface Options { /** Extra data to be passed to the engines */ globalData: Data;}
/** * Class to render the pages * using different template engines. */export default class Engines { /** Template engines by extension */ engines = new Extensions<Engine>();
/** Extra data to be passed to the engines */ globalData: Data;
/** The registered helpers */ helpers = new Map<string, [Helper, HelperOptions]>();
constructor(options: Options) { this.globalData = options.globalData || {}; }
/** Delete a cached template */ deleteCache(file: string): void { for (const engine of this.engines.values()) { engine.deleteCache(file); } }
/** Register a new template engine */ addEngine(extensions: string[], engine: Engine) { extensions.forEach((extension) => this.engines.set(extension, engine));
for (const [name, helper] of this.helpers) { engine.addHelper(name, ...helper); } }
/** Register a new helper used by the template engines */ addHelper(name: string, fn: Helper, options: HelperOptions) { this.helpers.set(name, [fn, options]);
for (const engine of this.engines.values()) { engine.addHelper(name, fn, options); }
return this; }
/** Render a template */ async render( content: unknown, data: Data, filename: string, ): Promise<unknown> { const engines = this.getEngine(filename, data);
if (engines) { data = { ...this.globalData, };
for (const engine of engines) { content = await engine.render(content, data, filename); } }
return content; }
/** Render a template synchronous */ renderSync(content: unknown, data: Data, filename: string): unknown { const engines = this.getEngine(filename, data);
if (engines) { data = { ...this.globalData, };
for (const engine of engines) { content = engine.renderSync(content, data, filename); } }
return content; }
/** Get the engines assigned to an extension or configured in the data */ getEngine(path: string, data: Data): Engine[] | undefined { let { templateEngine } = data;
if (templateEngine) { templateEngine = Array.isArray(templateEngine) ? templateEngine : templateEngine.split(",");
return => { const engine = this.engines.get(`.${name.trim()}`);
if (engine) { return engine; }
throw new Exception( "Invalid value for templateEngine", { path, templateEngine }, ); }); }
const result =;
if (result) { return [result[1]]; } }}
/** An interface used by all template engines */export interface Engine { /** Delete a cached template */ deleteCache(file: string): void;
/** Render a template */ render( content: unknown, data?: Data, filename?: string, ): unknown | Promise<unknown>;
/** Render a template synchronous */ renderSync( content: unknown, data?: Data, filename?: string, ): string;
/** Add a helper to the template engine */ addHelper( name: string, fn: Helper, options: HelperOptions, ): void;}
/** A generic helper to be used in template engines */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type Helper = (...args: any[]) => any;
/** The options for a template helper */export interface HelperOptions { /** The type of the helper (tag, filter, etc) */ type: string;
/** Whether the helper returns an instance or not */ async?: boolean;
/** Whether the helper has a body or not (used for tag types) */ body?: boolean;}