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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { parse } from "../../deps/yaml.ts";import { isPlainObject } from "../utils.ts";import { Exception } from "../errors.ts";
import type { Data } from "../../core.ts";
/** Load and parse a YAML file */export default async function (path: string): Promise<Data> { const text = await Deno.readTextFile(path); const content = parse(text);
if (!content) { return {}; }
if (isPlainObject(content)) { return content as Data; }
return { content };}
/** Parse the front matter from any text content */export function parseFrontMatter(content: string, path?: string): Data { if (content.startsWith("---") && content.charAt(3) !== "-") { const end = content.indexOf("---", 3);
if (end !== -1) { let data; try { data = parse(content.slice(3, end)) as Data | undefined; } catch (cause) { const mark = cause.mark ? { file: path, line: cause.mark.line, column: cause.mark.column + 1, } : undefined;
throw new Exception(`Invalid front matter: ${cause.message}`, { mark }); }
// Allow empty front matter if (!data) { data = {}; }
content = content.slice(end + 3) as string;
if (content[0] === "\r") { content = content.slice(1); }
if (content[0] === "\n") { content = content.slice(1); }
data.content = content; return data; } }
return { content };}