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import type { Logger } from "../core.ts";
export interface Options { /** The logger to use */ logger: Logger;
/** The default cwd for scripts */ options: ScriptOptions;}
/** * Script runner to store and run commands or execute functions * It can execute the scripts and functions in parallel or sequentially */export default class Scripts { /** The logger to output messages in the terminal */ logger: Logger;
/** The default options to execute the scripts */ options: ScriptOptions;
/** All registered scripts and functions */ scripts = new Map<string, ScriptOrFunction[]>();
constructor(options: Options) { this.logger = options.logger; this.options = options.options; }
/** Register one or more scripts under a specific name */ set(name: string, ...scripts: ScriptOrFunction[]): void { this.scripts.set(name, scripts); }
/** Run one or more commands */ async run( options: ScriptOptions, ...names: ScriptOrFunction[] ): Promise<boolean> { options = { ...this.options, ...options };
for (const name of names) { const success = await this.#run(options, name);
if (!success) { return false; } }
return true; }
/** Run an individual script or function */ async #run(options: ScriptOptions, name: ScriptOrFunction): Promise<unknown> { if (typeof name === "string" && this.scripts.has(name)) { this.logger.log(`⚡️ <green>${name}</green>`); const command = this.scripts.get(name)!; return, ...command); }
if (Array.isArray(name)) { const results = await Promise.all( => this.#run(options, n)), ); return results.every((success) => success); }
if (typeof name === "function") { return this.#runFunction(name); }
return this.#runScript(options, name); }
/** Run a function */ async #runFunction(fn: () => unknown) { this.logger.log(`⚡️ <dim>${}()</dim>`); const result = await fn(); return result !== false; }
/** Run a shell command */ async #runScript(options: ScriptOptions, script: string) { this.logger.log(`⚡️ <dim>${script}</dim>`);
const cmd = shArgs(script); const process ={ cmd, ...options }); const status = await process.status(); process.close();
return status.success; }}
/** Returns the shell arguments for the current platform */function shArgs(script: string) { return === "windows" ? ["PowerShell.exe", "-Command", script] : ["/bin/bash", "-c", script];}
/** A script or function */export type ScriptOrFunction = string | (() => unknown) | ScriptOrFunction[];
/** The options for a script */export type ScriptOptions = Omit<Deno.RunOptions, "cmd">;